Firefox shows wrong layout with Shiny for Python 1.0.0
The new Shiny for Python 1.0.0 seems to be incompatible with Firefox. I made this dummy app:
- Start of code ***
from shiny import App, render, ui, reactive from pathlib import Path
app_ui = ui.page_fillable(
ui.panel_title( ui.row( ui.column(6, ui.h1("title1")), ui.column(6, ui.h1("title2")) ) ), ui.layout_sidebar( ui.sidebar( ui.input_text("input_text1", "input_text1", value=""), ui.input_text("input_text2", "input_text2", value=""), ui.input_text("input_text3", "input_text3", value=""), ui.input_text("input_text4", "input_text4", value=""), ui.input_text("input_text5", "input_text5", value=""),
ui.input_selectize("input_selectize1", "input_selectize1", choices=["1", "2"]), ui.input_numeric("input_numeric1", "input_numeric1", value=4), ui.input_numeric("input_numeric2", "input_numeric2", value=8), ui.input_numeric("input_numeric3", "input_numeric3", value=20), ui.input_selectize("input_selectize2", "input_selectize2", choices=["3", "4", "5"]), ui.input_numeric("input_numeric4", "input_numeric4", value=1), ui.input_numeric("input_numeric5", "input_numeric5", value=1), ui.input_switch("input_switch1", "input_switch1", value=False), ui.input_switch("input_switch2", "input_switch2", value=False), ui.input_switch("input_switch3", "input_switch3", value=False), ui.input_action_button("input_action_button1", "input_action_button1"), ui.input_action_button("input_action_button2", "input_action_button2", disabled=True), width="350px" ), ui.layout_columns( ui.card( ui.card_header("card_header1"), ui.output_data_frame("card1"), full_screen=True ), ui.card( ui.card_header("card_header2"), ui.output_data_frame("card2"), full_screen=True ), col_widths=[12, 12] ) )
def server(input, output, session):
@reactive.event(input.input_action_button1) def reactive_function1(): pass
@output @render.data_frame def card1(): return reactive_function1()
@output @render.data_frame def card2(): pass
@reactive.effect @reactive.event(input.write_guides) def reactive_function2(): return reactive_function1()
src_dir = Path(__file__).parent / "src" app = App(app_ui, server, static_assets=src_dir)
- End of code ***
Then I started it and opened it with Safari (left) and Firefox (right).
With Shiny for Python 0.10.2 both browsers seem fine (click the link for a screenshot):
But as soon as I switch to Shiny for Python 1.0.0, Firefox fails, but Safari is still able to display:
Not sure, if this is of any use, but I can "expand" the sidebar in Firefox leading to this:
Any ideas, what's wrong? Can I fix this in my code or does this need to be fixed by the devs?