Activate Firefox Relay - Mask your email address

Firefox Relay Firefox Relay 최종 변경일: 57%의 사용자가 유용하다고 평가했습니다.
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Relay is a Firefox extension that lets you keep your email address private when filling out online forms. It does this by creating an email mask and forwards messages to your real email address to keep it hidden from companies you don’t trust. You can even disable or delete the mask when you no longer need it.

Why use a mask?

  • Prevent spam
  • Protect your real email address from data breaches
  • Protect your real email address from being sold or shared

Activate Relay

Relay is free. All you’ll need is a Mozilla account and the Relay extension.

  1. Visit Relay
  2. Select the Sign in or sign up to access your Mozilla account with your email address, and create a password.
    Sign up Relay
  3. Select Generate new mask+ to create your first email mask.
    Note: With Relay you can create up to 5 email masks.
    Generate a mask+
  4. To forward your first email select the button See how forwarding works.
    See how forwarding works
  5. Click Send email to try out email forwarding.
    Send email
  6. You will get a success message, please check your email to confirm that you’ve received the forwarded email and then click Continue.
    Relay, continue message
  7. To complete your onboarding click Get Relay extension.
    Get relay extension
  8. Congratulations! You’ve completed your onboarding. You will be able to see your mask in your Email mask dashboard.
    Relay Dashboard

Enable/disable Relay on online forms

When you have Relay activated, you’ll see an option to create an email mask, unless you've disabled it:

  1. Click the Firefox Relay icon in the toolbar. If you don't see the icon, click the extensions button Extensions add-on tray icon and then click Relay.
    Add-ons tray
  2. Click the settings icon at the top right corner of the panel.
    Relay settings
  3. Click the switch next to Show Relay icon on email fields on websites to turn it on or off (green means it's on).
    Show relay icon on forms

For more features, see Create an email mask through Firefox Relay and Disable email forwarding - Stop receiving emails sent through your masks.

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