How to permanently set Firefox to launch with MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1 in Chrome OS Llinux implementation
I've installed Firefox esr Quantum into the newly-available Chrome OS Linux environment on my touchscreen Chromebook. Touchscreen scrolling doesn't work by default. However, if I launch from a shell prompt as follows: MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1 firefox , it works perfectly. Only thing is, I can't figure out how to make this setting permanent, so I can just launch from the desktop icon and have the touch-enabling MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1 firefox setting in effect automatically.
I've installed Firefox esr Quantum into the newly-available Chrome OS Linux environment on my touchscreen Chromebook. Touchscreen scrolling doesn't work by default. However, if I launch from a shell prompt as follows: MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1 firefox , it works perfectly. Only thing is, I can't figure out how to make this setting permanent, so I can just launch from the desktop icon and have the touch-enabling MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1 firefox setting in effect automatically.