Filelink za wulke datajowe přiwěški

Wersijowe informacije
  • Wersijowy ID: 221369
  • Wutworjeny:
  • Awtor: milupo
  • Komentar: partial update
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Wjele e-mejlowych serwerow njeakceptuje powěsće z wulkimi datajowymi přiwěškami. Wobmjezowanje datajoweje wulkosće wariěruje po konfiguraciji e-mejloweho serwera. Samo hdyž móžeće powěsć z wulkim přiwěškom słać, móhł přijimacy e-mejlowy serwer powěsć z wulkim přiwěškim wotpokazać. Thunderbird na to žadyn wliw nima.

Funkcija Filelink Thunderbird tutón problem přez to eliminuje, zo podpěru za składowanske słužby online k dispoziciji staja. Zmóžnja wam, přiwěški k składowanskej słužbje online nahrać a wuměnja přiwěški w powěsći přez wotkaz. Přijimar powěsće kliknje na wotkaz, zo by přiwěšk sćahnył. Jako přidatny wužitk so wulke dataje wo wjele spěšnišo sćelu a přijimaja, a wój z přijimarjom tačelowy rum zalutujetaj.

Móžeće tež Filelink Thunderbird přidatnje k normalnym přiwěškam wužiwać. Móžeće na přikład małe dataje direktnje k powěsći připowěsnyć a Filelink za wulke přiwěški w samsnej powěsći wužiwać.

Slědowace instrukcije pokazuja, kak móžeće Filelink ze składowanskim poskićowarjom online WeTransfer wužiwać, kotryž je w Thunderbird wobsahowany, dokelž mamy dojednanje z nim wo integrowanju jich słužbow. Zhromadźenstwo Thunderbird je tež rjad přidatkow Filelink za druhich poskićowarjow k dispoziciji stajił.

Filelink přidać

If you want to start using the Filelink feature, Thunderbird’s integrated Filelink provider WeTransfer will be the most convenient option. It just takes a single click to enable WeTransfer once in your Thunderbird OptionsPreferences. For some online storage service providers, you may have to first create a new account or configure an existing account with them.

  1. Klikńće w menijowej lajsće na meni Thunderbird a wubjerće NastajenjaKlikńće na menijowe tłóčatko Fx89menuButton a wubjerće Nastajenja.
  2. From the navigation pane on the left, select Composition, then find the subsection Attachments. Alternatively, use the Find in OptionsPreferences searchbox at the top and search for: WeTransfer.
  3. Click the Add WeTransfer button to enable WeTransfer for Filelinks. Done!
  4. Alternatively, follow the Find more providers link for a choice of addons to add other Filelink service providers (more details below).
  • If you want to be prompted to use Filelink when a message attachment exceeds a certain size, tick the following option:

[✓] Offer to share for files larger than [ 5] MB

  • You may also change the threshold file size as required.
  1. Klikńće na Konto konfigurować, zo byšće pokročował.

Filelink wužiwać

Hdyž k powěsći dataju připowěšeće a datajowa wulkosć horjeka podatu wulkosć překročuje, budźe wam Thunderbird awtomatisce poskićeć, Filelink wužiwać:


  • Click the Link button to upload the file to the online storage service provider.
  • If you prefer to attach the file as a regular attachment, choose Ignore.

After choosing Link, your file will be uploaded in the background and the displayed message will update to:


Regardless of the file size and the Filelink notification, you can always force a file to be attached using Filelink:
  • Choose the down arrow of the Attach | v button on the composition toolbar to access the Filelink submenu.
  • Right-click on a regular attachment and from the context menu, choose Convert to... > WeTransfer (or any one of your enabled providers).

When the linking is complete – that is, your attachment has been uploaded to the service provider – Thunderbird will automatically add a section in the message with a link to the online copy of your file as shown below:


Note: The link section will appear in plain text, if Compose messages in HTML format is turned off in Account Settings.

When your recipients receive the message, they will see the same information and clicking the link in the message will take them to a page where they can download the attachment.

Husto stajene prašenja wo Filelink

Přiwěški, kotrež přez Filelink sćeleće, so na serwerach Mozilla njeskładuja. Kóždy poskićowar słužby składowanja datajow ma swójske prawidła priwatnosće a wužiwanske wuměnjenja. Poskićowar słužby składowanja datajow je funkciju Filelink přepruwował, zo by zawěsćił, zo wona jeho prawidłam wotpowěduje.

P: Wě Mozilla, kotreho poskićowarja wužiwar je wubrał?


  • We have an agreement with WeTransfer to integrate their services directly into Thunderbird, which is the most convenient option.
  • You can install support for more third-party providers with Filelink add-ons. A number of popular providers are supported.
  • You can also use Filelink with your preferred WebDAV server with the Filelink provider for WebDAV add-on.

P: Móže sej poskićowar składowanskeje słužby moje přiwěški wobhladać?

W: Poskićowarjo składowanskeje słužby móža sej dataju wobhladać, kaž kóždy, kotryž wotkaz k přiwěškej dóstawa, chibazo zaklučujeće dataju, prjedy hač ju nahrawaće. Wužiwarjo sami dyrbja rozsudźić, kotremu słužbowemu poskićowarjej tu zamołwitosć dowěrjeće. Słužbowi poskićowarjo zwjetša waše priwatnostne prawa w swojich wužiwanskich wuměnjenjach wujasnjeja. Dźiwajće na to, zo standardna přiwěškowa funkcionalnosć ani zaklučowana njeje. Hdyž přiwěšk na „normalne“ wašnje sćeleće, bjeztoho zo byšće funkcije OpenPGP a SMIME Thunderbird wužiwał, ma kóždy přistup na dataju, kotryž ma přistup na powěsć mjez wašim systemom a systemom přijimarjow (na přikład poskićowarja e-mejloweje słužby). Filelink skići wěstu wěstotu, dokelž so datajowe nahraća k poskićowarjej składowanskeje słužby přez HTTPS, wěsty protokol, sćelu. We recommend using Thunderbirds OpenPGP or SMIME features for maximum security of your communications.

Q: How long will my file be available on the storage service provider's site?

A: For the free service of WeTransfer, the file which you uploaded via Filelink will be available for download for 7 days. If that’s too short, you can sign up to their paid service. Depending on the terms and conditions of your third-party storage service provider and your service agreement with them, the file may remain available on the provider’s site for a limited period or until you explicitly delete it. You will need to log in to the provider’s website to view and delete the files in your personal storage space.

Q: Can you support service provider X or protocol Y?

A: Please check if the Thunderbird community has provided a Filelink add-on for the service provider you are looking for. Developer documentation for the Filelink API is available.

Q: I don't like the idea of storing my files with third-parties like this. Do regular attachments still work?

A: Regular email attachments still work the same as they always have. We are just offering you an option to upload large attachments somewhere else if you wish. Thunderbird's notion of a large file defaults to 5 MB, but can be customized in Thunderbird’s Preferences:

  1. Klikńće w menijowej lajsće na meni Thunderbird a wubjerće NastajenjaKlikńće na menijowe tłóčatko Fx89menuButton a wubjerće Nastajenja.
  2. From the navigation pane on the left, select Composition, then find the subsection Attachments. Alternatively, use the Find in OptionsPreferences searchbox at the top and search for: WeTransfer.
  3. [✓] Offer to share for files larger than [ 5] MB

Removing the checkmark will prevent the automatical Filelink notification when you attach big files, but the Filelink feature will still be available from the Attach | v button dropdown as well as other attachment menus and context menus.