guigs (rmcguigan)
Mountain View, United States

- Involved with Mozilla since Sep 2013
- 2 שאלות
- 11694 תשובות
- 1072 פתרונות
- 89 מסמכים
אודות guigs
Guigs is an Admin and Support Community Manager for SUMO. She started as a Help Desk Admin for escalations of forum threads in late 2013 and was a previous contributor.
Now she will be welcoming new contributors and answering questions in the forums, and becoming more twitter savy in the PST timezone.
Say hi anytime on irc (Guigs) or in a private message here on the forums.
הקבוצות של guigs
- Accessibility
- Buddies
- Buddy Up for Desktop contributors
- Contributors
- Kitsune Beta Testers
- Kitsune Champions
- Registered as contributor
- Support Forum Tracked