Crash reports in Firefox for Android

Firefox for Android Firefox for Android ბოლოს განახლდა: 2 weeks ago
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When Firefox for Android crashes, it can send a crash report to Mozilla to help us fix bugs and improve the browser. Starting with Firefox version 136, you can choose to automatically send crash reports or decide on a case-by-case basis after a crash.

This article explains what’s included in a crash report, how Mozilla uses it, and how you can manage the setting to automatically send crash reports.

What’s included in a crash report?

Crash reports contain technical details about the crash to help Mozilla identify and fix problems in Firefox. Here’s what’s included:

  • Crash metadata: Information such as the operating system, app version, device type, and time of the crash.
  • Crash stack traces: Technical details about the code running at the time of the crash.
  • Device memory usage: Information about how much memory was available when the crash occurred.

Some crash reports may include additional debugging information, such as minidumps — small memory snapshots that may contain data such as the list of files that were opened by Firefox at the time of crash or the last URL the user was visiting, to help diagnose crashes. Only a limited number of Mozilla engineers have access to this data.

Important: In addition to full crash reports, Firefox also sends crash pings. These are smaller reports that contain non-identifying metadata about crashes; these are sent automatically unless you opt out of technical and interaction data collection in your settings.

How does Mozilla use crash reports and crash pings?

Mozilla uses crash reports to identify and fix bugs, improve Firefox’s performance, and make the browser more reliable for users. By analyzing crash data, Mozilla can understand what caused the crash, prioritize fixes, and ensure that future versions of Firefox are less likely to experience similar issues. To process crash reports, Mozilla uses Sentry, a third-party crash analytics service.

How to manage crash report settings

Enable or disable automatic crash reports

By default, Firefox for Android does not automatically send crash reports (unless you specifically chose to automatically send crash reports during your initial onboarding). You can enable or disable this setting at any time by following these steps:

  1. Open Firefox and tap the menu button ⋮ next to the address bar.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Scroll to Privacy and Security and tap Data Collection.
  4. Toggle the Automatically Send Crash Reports option on or off.

Data collection Android

If automatic crash reports are disabled

If you choose not to turn on automatic crash reports on Android, Firefox will prompt you after a crash and ask if you’d like to send a report. You can choose to submit the report or decline at that time.

Related content

To learn more about how Mozilla handles your data, check out these resources:

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