Customizing Firefox Using policies.json

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This article is intended for IT administrators who wish to set up Firefox on the computers within their organization.

Policy support can be implemented using a JSON file called policies.json. Unlike controlling Firefox with using Group Policy, the policies.json is cross-platform compatible, making it preferred method for enterprise environments that have workstations running various operating systems.

To implement this policy support, a policies.json file needs to be created. This file goes into a directory called distribution within the Firefox installation directory. This directory is not usually included by default, so you may need to manually create this directory.

The policies.json file looks like this:

 "policies": {
   "BlockAboutConfig": true

In this example, we are setting the BlockAboutConfig policy to true, which means that the user will not have access to the about:config page.

The latest information about our policies is available at or on the about:policies#documentation page in Firefox.

NOTE: The above method will not work if Firefox is already being managed using Group Policy.

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