Clear cookies and site data in Firefox for Fire TV

Никой все още не е помогнал за превода на тази статия. Ако вече знаете как работи локализирането за SUMO, започнете да превеждате сега. Ако искате да научите как да превеждате статии за SUMO, моля, започнете от тук.

Since April 30, 2021, we no longer support Firefox on Amazon Fire TV or Echo Show. See End of support for Firefox on Amazon Devices.

Cookies contain information about your actions on a specific site, such as your site preferences. Removing them is a good idea when you're sharing your Fire TV, and it can also fix some problems by freeing up space on your device.

  1. In the Settings section on the home screen, select Clear all cookies and site data.
    clear cookies fire tv 4
  2. On the Clear all cookies and site data screen, click Clear now.

Clearing your cookies will also sign you out of websites and delete your offline content.

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