Safari Integration in Firefox iOS

Firefox Focus Firefox Focus Vytvořeno: 48% uživatelů považuje toto za užitečné

Firefox Focus for iOS makes it simple to use Safari as your preferred web browser while using Firefox Focus features.

Enable Firefox Focus in Safari

  1. Open FireFox Focus
  2. Tap the menu on the top right corner of the screen:
  3. Next, tap on Settings
  4. Under Safari Integration, enable Firefox Focus in Safari by tapping on the switch on the right
  5. You can now use Safari with Firefox Focus

If your display indicates that Firefox Focus has not been enabled, you'll need to follow a few more steps to get it working properly.

  1. Tap on the Settings app on your device
  2. Scroll down on the through the menu on the left-hand side and tap on Safari
  3. Under General, tap on Extensions
  4. Tap the switch on the top right corner to enable Firefox Focus

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