open new tab always crash, pop up firefox crash reporter.

AdapterDeviceID: 0x9a60 AdapterDriverVendor: mesa/iris AdapterDriverVersion: AdapterVendorID: 0x8086 Add-ons: jid1-93WyvpgvxzGATw%40jetpack:4.2.0,%7B5efceaa7-f3a… (read more)

AdapterDeviceID: 0x9a60 AdapterDriverVendor: mesa/iris AdapterDriverVersion: AdapterVendorID: 0x8086 Add-ons: jid1-93WyvpgvxzGATw%40jetpack:4.2.0,%7B5efceaa7-f3a2-4e59-a54b-85319448e305%7D:1.9.1,,,,,,,,,,,,, AvailablePageFile: 28491313152 AvailablePhysicalMemory: 20086943744 AvailableSwapMemory: 32767995904 AvailableVirtualMemory: 24737120256 BackgroundTaskMode: 0 BuildID: 20240704121409 ContentSandboxCapabilities: 119 ContentSandboxCapable: 1 ContentSandboxLevel: 4 CrashTime: 1725931742 DOMFissionEnabled: 1 DOMIPCEnabled: 1 DesktopEnvironment: ubuntu:gnome EMCheckCompatibility: true EventLoopNestingLevel: 1 GpuSandboxLevel: 0 GraphicsCriticalError: |[0][GFX1-]: Failed to create EGLContext!: 0x300c (t=0.444204) GraphicsNumActiveRenderers: 1 GraphicsNumRenderers: 1 HeadlessMode: 0 InstallTime: 1721025329 IsWayland: 0 LastStartupWasCrash: 0 LinuxUnderMemoryPressure: 0 Notes: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTSFP(D00-L1000-W0000000-T01) Has dual GPUs. GPU #2: AdapterVendorID2: 0x10de, AdapterDeviceID2: 0x2520WR? WR+ EGL? EGL- GL Context? GL Context+ WebGL? WebGL+ ProductID: {ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384} ProductName: Firefox ReleaseChannel: release SafeMode: 0 SecondsSinceLastCrash: 109 StartupCacheValid: 1 StartupCrash: 0 StartupTime: 1725931737 SubmittedFrom: Client TelemetryClientId: 90d3e952-5df1-401a-93e5-090617b205dc TelemetryEnvironment: 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TelemetryServerURL: TelemetrySessionId: 5164afe5-7364-4dba-9815-702f67b2ec88 Throttleable: 1 TotalPageFile: 66124271616 TotalPhysicalMemory: 33356275712 UptimeTS: 4.36410221 UtilityProcessStatus: Running Vendor: Mozilla Version: 128.0 useragent_locale: en-US This report also contains technical information about the state of the application when it crashed.

about:crashes bp-f2fbefed-0b62-4ce8-9d73-70d8b0240910

i need help, thx.

Asked by Zhenbin Liu 2 days ago

Firefox Doesn't Recognize My Webcam

I have a Logitech Streamcam that I have been having some problems with. I noticed that Firefox stopped working with my Webcam some time ago and I can't seem to figure out… (read more)

I have a Logitech Streamcam that I have been having some problems with. I noticed that Firefox stopped working with my Webcam some time ago and I can't seem to figure out why.

My webcam works fine on Chrome and using the camera app on my desktop. I hooked the webcam up to my Macbook and was able to connect to it just fine, even using Firefox.

I tested my webcam using this website: When I go there I get this error message: "Could not find a web camera, however there are other media devices (like speakers or microphones). Most likely, this means that your webcam is not working properly or your browser cannot access it."

When I try to have it forcibly start the camera it gives me this error message: "NotFoundError: The object can not be found here.; DOMException".

I tried clearing the cache, running Firefox in safe mode, clearing all privacy and security settings, and reinstalling Firefox but none of it help, I also tried clearing the cache and got the same result.

Windows security settings show Firefox last accessed my webcam on 2021-11-08 and there are no access requests from Firefox since then.

Any idea of whats going on or what troubleshooting I can do from here?

Asked by Andrew Phillips 2 days ago

Last reply by Andrew Phillips 2 days ago

Update to 130

I recently updated to v130. I'm having the same problem that so many others have, "Firefox already running, close Firefox". After updating to v130 I had to go to Task Man… (read more)

I recently updated to v130. I'm having the same problem that so many others have, "Firefox already running, close Firefox". After updating to v130 I had to go to Task Manager and delete 19 Firefox running. It's only been a few days ago and I checked Task Manager today and deleted another 13. After updating to v130 many of my add-ons are showing up in the Menu Bar. I have used Add-ons Manager to drag and drop, but it doesn't work. I have specific bookmarks that should be in the "Bookmarks" section" but they are also showing up in the Menu Bar. I had to re-select my screen choice because it had disappeared. I use DuckDuckGo for my search engine and in the past I was able to choose a separate search bar, but that too has disappeared and I cannot seem to fix it in settings. So many problems after updates, but this one seems very bad. I use Windows 10 on my desktop PC

Please Help, Rhonda

Asked by Rhonda 2 days ago

While using Firefox browser. my space key does not work. I am sending this with Safari

While using Firefox browser. my space key does not work. I am sending this with Safari. Everything I compose or ask comes out as one word. Even using Google etc. … (read more)

While using Firefox browser. my space key does not work. I am sending this with Safari.

Everything I compose or ask comes out as one word. Even using Google etc.

Asked by laed 2 days ago

Firefox is a mess.

Get me a telephone call to start a process of overcoming incomprehensible, useless software(?) error messages, and meaningless "instructions" and "support" that requires … (read more)

Get me a telephone call to start a process of overcoming incomprehensible, useless software(?) error messages, and meaningless "instructions" and "support" that requires expert parsing of IT protocols far beyond the ability of probably 95% or more of lay technology users. My name is Marc and my telephone is [edited phone# from community support forum]; call any time between 6:30 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. U.S. CDT any day at all ending in the letter "Y".

Asked by MslJal 2 days ago

The sidebar doesn't remember the width and the last selection e.g. History

With my previous FF installation, it would remember both the width and the last selection in the sidebar after closing and re-opening FF. I just formatted and reinstalle… (read more)

With my previous FF installation, it would remember both the width and the last selection in the sidebar after closing and re-opening FF.

I just formatted and reinstalled windows and now FF simply would not remember the last sidebar condition.

I'm using Windows 10 22H2 and FF 130 64-bit.

Asked by eddman 2 days ago

Last reply by eddman 2 days ago


I used Firefox for many years but now I can't access the WebCam in Facebook messenger chats... Can you help me??? Thank you very much !!! [removed]

Asked by Walmor Gressler 5 days ago

Non functioning Export/Import, upload images follow up

This is my original post. No response at all. Disappointing. Non functioning Export/Import, upload images At this point, if I could just get an opinion, a directio… (read more)

This is my original post. No response at all. Disappointing.

Non functioning Export/Import, upload images

At this point, if I could just get an opinion, a direction you might follow, if this was happening to you

It keeps recurring. This time it took 3 weeks from the time that last post. As I said in the past post, the problem is a corrupted 'sessionstore.jsonlz4 file.

My evidence is that when i ran about:support - Troubleshooting, the problem was still happening.

I just mounted a backup profile, created during the last incident. Works fine. I took the sessionstore.jsonlz4 from that backup and replaced the one in the problem profile.

After doing the replacement, the problematic profile symptoms have disappeared. At least for now, that is.

But now, I have to restore the missing portion of the session (tabs/history) created between the last occurrence and now, because of the replacement of the corrupted sessionstore.jsonlz4 with the backup.

Nobody has offered a way to do this that is not a time consuming ordeal.

What would you do?

Asked by noel_envode 1 week ago

Last reply by noel_envode 2 days ago

New twitter "X" icon appears in Firefox tab regardless of URL domain

Sometime in not more than the last two weeks (maybe just since 9/1/24?) I started seeing this: 1. open new tab, see small FF icon and "New Tab" text. 2. enter URL and p… (read more)

Sometime in not more than the last two weeks (maybe just since 9/1/24?) I started seeing this: 1. open new tab, see small FF icon and "New Tab" text. 2. enter URL and press 'Enter', or, click a favorite/hotlink on that page. 3. between that time and the time that the page actually loads, the tab icon changes from FF to the new-twitter "X" icon! 4. the "X icon" remains even after the "New Tab" text changes, and does not change to the icon of the actual web site until after its page has (fully?) loaded. See screen shots. FF version 129.0.2 (64-bit) PS - I do not use Twitter/X. I do not believe that I have ever been there, and certainly not on purpose. I use Duck Duck Go as my search engine I have not done any cache flushing, etc.

Asked by cj 2 days ago

Latest ESR release for 2012 R2 server

Hi Team, Can we get details regarding the latest ESR release (128) installation issue in Windows 2012 R2 server. We are facing failure issue of ESR 128 x64 in windows 2… (read more)

Hi Team,

Can we get details regarding the latest ESR release (128) installation issue in Windows 2012 R2 server.

We are facing failure issue of ESR 128 x64 in windows 2012 R2 server.

Regards, MM

Asked by mmulakkal 2 days ago

"Show sidebars" width auto-reset

I posted it on bugzilla too, so any kind of help is appreciated, I am tired of resizing it multiples times a day. Steps to reproduce--> Add 'Show sidebars' to the too… (read more)

I posted it on bugzilla too, so any kind of help is appreciated, I am tired of resizing it multiples times a day.

Steps to reproduce--> Add 'Show sidebars' to the toolbar using toolbar customization. After opening the sidebar & then bookmark panel in it, I decreased sidebar's width to the minimum by dragging the border.

Actual results--> After sometimes[opening and closing firefox a few times], sidebar's width resized itself to the default [here I didn't change anything, 'bookmark panel' remain selected]

Expected results--> Width of 'Bookmark panel'[or any other panel] in the sidebar should have remained of the width it was resized manually.

Asked by idsks111 2 days ago

Last reply by idsks111 2 days ago

BitDefender Password manager

I recently installed BitDefender Password Manager. I see the message "Can't Read and change data on this site". how can i enable the BitDefender Password manager to acc… (read more)

I recently installed BitDefender Password Manager. I see the message "Can't Read and change data on this site".

how can i enable the BitDefender Password manager to access all sites?

Asked by twmomyer 2 days ago

Firefox & 2 outlook mail accounts

I have 1 firefox account, and two different outlook mail accounts. How can I keep both email accounts open simultaneously? First I open a firefox private window, and t… (read more)

I have 1 firefox account, and two different outlook mail accounts. How can I keep both email accounts open simultaneously?

First I open a firefox private window, and then i open a MS Outlook email instance, disabling all optional cookies.

Then I open a second private Firefox instance, and when I open the second MS Outlook instance (cookies disabled like above), the MS account auto-opens the account I already opened. If I sign out of the second instance, the first instance also closes. I sign in to the second instance with the other MS Outlook account, the first MS account (in the previously opened private window) opens to the second MS outlook account.

I want to have both MS outlook accounts open simultaneously. I was able to do this in Windows 10. What changed, and how do I get the Windows 10 (preferred) behavior back?


Asked by takeme2theriver 2 days ago