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Getting Web Attack: Exploit Toolkit Website 115 alerts from Norton Security while using Firefox

I keep getting alerts from Norton while browsing ran Norton's scan and MBAM then ran Norton's Power Eraser. I did not fine the source of the problem. I added an entry t… (மேலும் படிக்க)

I keep getting alerts from Norton while browsing ran Norton's scan and MBAM then ran Norton's Power Eraser. I did not fine the source of the problem. I added an entry to my hosts file hoping it would block the IP but it doesn't seem to work, I may have done something wrong. The entry I made is: 0redird.com at the end of the hosts file. Below is the log from Norton security, the full URL is very long:

Category: Intrusion Prevention Date & Time,Risk,Activity,Status,Recommended Action,IPS Alert Name,Default Action,Action Taken,Attacking Computer,Attacker URL,Destination Address,Source Address,Traffic Description 9/8/2022 4:29:31 PM,High,An intrusion attempt by 0redird.com was blocked.,Blocked,No Action Required,Web Attack: Exploit Toolkit Website 115,No Action Required,No Action Required,"0redird.com (, 80)","http://0redird.com/jr.php?gz=1OEmizLy7QYVD%2F%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&vs=1024:576&ds=1920:1080&sl=0:0&os=f&nos=f&swfV=0.0.0&if=f&sc=f&gpu=Google%20Inc.%20(Intel)%20-%20ANGLE%20(Intel,%20Intel(R)%20HD%20Graphics%20Direct3D11%20vs_5_0%20ps_5_0)&anura_res=","FANMAN-PC (, 2237)",0redird.com (,"TCP, www-http" Network traffic from http://0redird.com/jr.php?gz=1OEmizLy7QYVD%2F%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&vs=1024:576&ds=1920:1080&sl=0:0&os=f&nos=f&swfV=0.0.0&if=f&sc=f&gpu=Google%20Inc.%20(Intel)%20-%20ANGLE%20(Intel,%20Intel(R)%20HD%20Graphics%20Direct3D11%20vs_5_0%20ps_5_0)&anura_res= matches the signature of a known attack. The attack was resulted from \DEVICE\HARDDISKVOLUME1\PROGRAM FILES\MOZILLA FIREFOX\FIREFOX.EXE. To stop being notified for this type of traffic, in the Actions panel, click Stop Notifying Me. Any help will be appreciated, I can't find any info about this exploit inmy web searches.

Asked by fanman2 1 வருடத்திற்கு முன்பு

Last reply by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 1 வருடத்திற்கு முன்பு

  • Archived

outlook dot com error when signing in

I get this error when trying to access my email using FireFox. Lately this (or a similar) error happens weekly if not every couple of days. Always first thing in the morn… (மேலும் படிக்க)

I get this error when trying to access my email using FireFox. Lately this (or a similar) error happens weekly if not every couple of days. Always first thing in the morning, too.

UTC Date: 2023-07-16T15:17:20.490Z

Client Id: 57C5EE00898E486392D56E4C2F706F9E

Session Id: 84e33266-6f14-4c67-bcf7-f5589a5e04c5

Client Version: 20230707009.10

BootResult: network

Back Filled Errors: Unhandled Rejection: Error: NetworkResponseError:undefined|undefined:undefined

err: Error: NetworkResponseError

esrc: StartupData

et: ServerError

estack: K@https://res-h3.public.cdn.office.net/owamail/20230707009.10/scripts/owa.mailindex.js:2:260625


my email works just fine using Safari so I am at a loss.

I have tried running FF (Firefox) in safe mode, ensuring outlook.live.com is an exception to the pop up window blocker, changed default protections on outlook dot com to none from standard.... Turned off ABP, clearing cache and cookies from within FF.

it may be worth mentioning that I can still browse/access other websites while outlook produces this error, and my network settings within FF are set to use default system settings (no proxy).

Asked by billy_hill_65 9 மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு

Last reply by jonzn4SUSE 9 மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு

  • Archived

FF Window extends past monitor edge

When downloading files, FF opens a window to file manager. The window enables user to choose the download directory. But the window extends past the right side of the m… (மேலும் படிக்க)

When downloading files, FF opens a window to file manager. The window enables user to choose the download directory. But the window extends past the right side of the monitor, thus the "save" button is not displayed. Thus, files cannot be saved.

Asked by robgrune 2 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்பு

Last reply by jonzn4SUSE 1 வருடத்திற்கு முன்பு

Firefox shuts down with no warning and kills all tabs

Had it yesterday, happened this morning after the restart and just NOW, when I entered 6 lousy tabs, and they are NOT in the recently closed list either.. wups, gone, no … (மேலும் படிக்க)

Had it yesterday, happened this morning after the restart and just NOW, when I entered 6 lousy tabs, and they are NOT in the recently closed list either.. wups, gone, no tabs, setting has a check mark on open previous windows and tabs. Within 24 hours, lost the tabs three times with a non reported crash and Firefox closing itself with no warning.

I honestly do not think I am responsible to keep a backup of my browser history, I expect a browser to do that. I switched from Opera to Firefox not to long ago.. even Opera is a security risk.. at least it doesn't delete your tabs just for fun.

Very simple.. that happens once more and i am OFF this browser....

Asked by Jay Nudelholz 4 மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு

Last reply by R Ss 2 மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு

Repetitive update request

I keep getting this message that pops up in a private window to restart to keep using firefox. Everytime I click restart Firefox, it closes my tabs and opens them again. … (மேலும் படிக்க)

I keep getting this message that pops up in a private window to restart to keep using firefox. Everytime I click restart Firefox, it closes my tabs and opens them again. However, 5 minutes later the window pops up again. Even after repeated attempts of updating, even doing a full restart on the computer, Firefox continues to send this window to me. The private window in the bar says about:restartrequired.

I've tried uninstalling Firefox with a fresh install as well as doing a Refresh of Firefox. Neither seem to solve this problem.

Asked by rxs621 1 வாரத்திற்கு முன்பு

Last reply by NoahSUMO 2 நாட்கள் முன்பு

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Firefox downloading 0 byte htm files moz-safe-about resources

I was watching anime today on some site and my firefox was downloading many files without my knowledge into my download folder. I'm worried that it can be some viruses? T… (மேலும் படிக்க)

I was watching anime today on some site and my firefox was downloading many files without my knowledge into my download folder. I'm worried that it can be some viruses? This is a screenshoot. Should i be worried? Thank you for help.

Asked by t.martynik 2 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்பு

Last reply by bkilinc 1 வருடத்திற்கு முன்பு

''We are having trouble restoring your last browsing session"

On bootup firefox opens a single window which says the following: Sorry. We’re having trouble getting your pages back." We are having trouble restoring your last browsi… (மேலும் படிக்க)

On bootup firefox opens a single window which says the following:

Sorry. We’re having trouble getting your pages back." We are having trouble restoring your last browsing session. Select Restore Session to try again.

The restore function succeeds in restoring 6 windows from the prior session, but this notice keeps appearing on every bootup.

Here are a few relevant details from about: config

  • browser.sessionstore.max_resumed_crashes (is set to 1)
  • browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash (is set to true)
  • No 3rd party third party cleaning software
  • Two extensions, tab stash and tree tabs
  • There are no entries in about:crash for this event

Have been using Firefox from 2004 with 5-10 open windows which appear on bootup as they existed from the prior session. This is the first occurance of this error. Appreciate your support. Here are a few system details:

1.) 28gb ram 2.) Linux ~ LMDE 5 (Elsie) 3.) Firefox ESR 115.8 (oesr) 64 bit.

Asked by josborne1 2 மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு

Last reply by jonzn4SUSE 2 மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு

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Browser crashing since latest update

My Firefox browser automatically updated a few days ago. Since the update, the browser now crashes repeatedly during basic browsing, making Firefox essentially unusable.… (மேலும் படிக்க)

My Firefox browser automatically updated a few days ago. Since the update, the browser now crashes repeatedly during basic browsing, making Firefox essentially unusable. For instance, retrieving Yahoo mail, reading articles, accessing login pages -- the page will enter some type of refresh/reload cycle and crash the browser.

I opened the browser in troubleshoot mode and the problem did not occur. Following the Mozilla instructions, I disabled extensions and reopened the browser normally, and the crashes continued. I have not taken any additional actions.

This problem began immediately after the latest browser update on 9/13.

Asked by pjgooch 7 மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு

Last reply by zeroknight 7 மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு

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CSS theme keeps resetting on Firefox 117

There was no such problem before, after the 117 update, the CSS theme I use is constantly reset and the browser returns to its default theme. The screen goes black for a … (மேலும் படிக்க)

There was no such problem before, after the 117 update, the CSS theme I use is constantly reset and the browser returns to its default theme. The screen goes black for a moment and then the theme resets or the browser crashes. Is there anyone who has experienced the same problem? Any possible solutions?

Using this theme: https://github.com/Neikon/Fox11

I'll add 2 pictures of what my browser looks like when normal and crashed.

Asked by PabloBr 7 மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு

Last reply by zeroknight 7 மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு

Hangs when trying to save an image

When I right click on an image and select "save as", after selecting where to save it and then selecting save, firefox just hangs and is completely unresponsive, leaving … (மேலும் படிக்க)

When I right click on an image and select "save as", after selecting where to save it and then selecting save, firefox just hangs and is completely unresponsive, leaving me having to terminate it through task manager. No error message ever come up, Firefox just freezes.

Asked by mikey-d 3 மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு

Last reply by zeroknight 2 மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு

Firefox will not load pages / connect to internet

Starting a few weeks ago, firefox would not load any accounts via https://login.microsoftonline.com/ one one of my Macs. I was running the latest version 121.xx on MAC 1… (மேலும் படிக்க)

Starting a few weeks ago, firefox would not load any accounts via https://login.microsoftonline.com/ one one of my Macs.

I was running the latest version 121.xx on MAC 12.7.2

Nothing would fix the site issue, so I tried re-installing and refreshing Firefox. Followed all the troubleshooting steps.

Now firefox is completely broken. Tried creating a new profile. Running in safe mode, etc.

It sometimes will load pages, but extremely slow. But generally is unusable.

Firefox works on my other macs just fine (Profile uses sync with those machines)

Safari and Chrome work perfectly fine. No malware. No ISP issues. No firewall.

Please advise a fix or I guess I will delete everything firefox related.

Asked by gt0279a 3 மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு

Last reply by zeroknight 3 மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு

  • Archived

Saved passwords are missing and logins.json file has .corrupt at the end of it

Hi , after update i have a big problem that might be related or might not. First of all, all the saved email logins are still there and still autofill in, but the pas… (மேலும் படிக்க)

Hi ,

after update i have a big problem that might be related or might not. First of all, all the saved email logins are still there and still autofill in, but the passwords don't show up in the autofill anymore.

in my profile folder i have  3 files called logins.json-1.corrupt , logins.json-2.corrupt, logins.json-3.corrupt (380 ko )

i have doing this  : 1.Open the Firefox web browser. 2.Type about:support on address bar and Enter. 3.Click on the "open folder" (this opens the profile folder) Windows > Open Folder Linux > Open Directory 4.Close Firefox. 5. In profile folder, Check if you see a file called logins.json.corrupt. 6.If you do, rename the file to logins.json to fix it. 7.Start Firefox. The passwords should be available again.

the file logins.json become again logins.json-1.corrupt

i tried with diffèrent version of firefox jasonvieuw no solution file is corrupt plz any solution ? many thx

Asked by i.ghoufrane 1 வருடத்திற்கு முன்பு

Last reply by cor-el 1 வருடத்திற்கு முன்பு

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PDF is distorted and showing as a "encrypted" file

Is there a memory issue with Firefox in regards to how PDF files are shown? This happens every so often. When I open a PDF the font is distorted and it seems to be e… (மேலும் படிக்க)

Is there a memory issue with Firefox in regards to how PDF files are shown?

This happens every so often.

When I open a PDF the font is distorted and it seems to be encrypted. I have to close Firefox and reopen and then the PDF file is displayed correctly without any issue.


Asked by mheinlein 9 மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு

Last reply by cor-el 7 மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு

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Controls in a game, that use the Alt key, aren't working?

On this page with an Atari emulator, I am unable to use its controls that use the Alt key, such as Alt+P to pause. It works with another browser, or with a fresh profil… (மேலும் படிக்க)

On this page with an Atari emulator, I am unable to use its controls that use the Alt key, such as Alt+P to pause.

It works with another browser, or with a fresh profile.

I've tried disabling add-ons and trying it again, but it fails even after disabling each of them. It also doesn't even work in troubleshooting mode, and that seems kinda odd?

It may be some modified settings in my Firefox profile? Though if it is, I don't know what settings, nor how to fix it. What sorts of settings are retained even in troubleshooting mode?

Asked by Sterrence 1 வருடத்திற்கு முன்பு

Last reply by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 1 வருடத்திற்கு முன்பு

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Printing Problem: Print preview looks fine. Image not scaled when printed

I am trying to print shipping labels from Amazon and a third-party web app running Firefox 103.0 64-bit. Text prints just fine but images (barcodes, etc) that need to b… (மேலும் படிக்க)

I am trying to print shipping labels from Amazon and a third-party web app running Firefox 103.0 64-bit.

Text prints just fine but images (barcodes, etc) that need to be scaled down do not do so causing them to be truncated on the page.

I have cleared print settings and tried two different printers to no avail. The documents/images print correctly from Chrome. I have tried using the system dialog to print but this also does not correct the issue.

Any help is greatly appreciated as I currently cannot use Firefox for the essential daily task of printing packing slip / mailing labels.

Asked by gschertz 1 வருடத்திற்கு முன்பு

Last reply by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 1 வருடத்திற்கு முன்பு

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Firefox v101.0 displays only blank white screens

I was upgraded to 101.0 last night, now firefox only displays blank white screens. No other updates to the computer happened (windows10). How can this be fixed? thx ,-m … (மேலும் படிக்க)

I was upgraded to 101.0 last night, now firefox only displays blank white screens. No other updates to the computer happened (windows10).

How can this be fixed? thx ,-m

Asked by w_ca 1 வருடத்திற்கு முன்பு

Last reply by user1395619 1 வருடத்திற்கு முன்பு

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Window invisible since (Mac) restart

After a mistaken forced restart (inadvertent pressure on the shutdown/start key), one of the 3 windows I had open is invisible. It shows in the 'Windows" menu as one of 3… (மேலும் படிக்க)

After a mistaken forced restart (inadvertent pressure on the shutdown/start key), one of the 3 windows I had open is invisible. It shows in the 'Windows" menu as one of 3 but when I select it - nothing. It does not show as a recently closed window in History. I have restarted Firefox multiple times, including deleting the xulstore.json file then restarting (a fix from another similar thread).

How can I restore this inaccessible window?


Asked by kian4 1 வருடத்திற்கு முன்பு

Last reply by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 1 வருடத்திற்கு முன்பு

Dead tabs on Firefox v121 for Windows

I have a frequent problem with dead tabs in FF v121 on Win 10. I tend to have many tabs open (like 15 say) and it sometimes happens that a tab becomes completely unrespon… (மேலும் படிக்க)

I have a frequent problem with dead tabs in FF v121 on Win 10. I tend to have many tabs open (like 15 say) and it sometimes happens that a tab becomes completely unresponsive. It could be a new tab that I open or an existing one that I click on. When this happens I can't do anything. Page reload, clicking on links, entering an address by hand ... nothing happens. The tab is simply dead. The tab is essentially dead. After some time (usually 1-2 minutes) the problem resolves itself. However, it is very annoying as it happens almost every day and sometimes even several times a day. So I am looking for a way to solve, otherwise I will have to move to Brave or some other alternative. Any ideas what could be the problem? I also do not want to restart my browser several times a day as that logs me out of all websites I use including Whatsapp (I delete cookies when closing FF).

Asked by Pete 3 மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு

Last reply by zeroknight 2 மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு

  • Archived

Youtube videos not loading in Firefox.

Firefox version 106.0.1 Windows 11pro. Youtube videos will not play, unless they are Live. Weird. Checked internet. Loads on phone, loads fine in Edge. Restarted FF, clea… (மேலும் படிக்க)

Firefox version 106.0.1 Windows 11pro. Youtube videos will not play, unless they are Live. Weird. Checked internet. Loads on phone, loads fine in Edge. Restarted FF, cleared cache and cookies, tried private browsing, started in troubleshoot mode with no addons-- even the ad video at the top won't play. What else am I missing? Why will the live videos play but not the others? That seems like a clue, but I've hit the end of my ideas. I was able to watch youtube two days ago, the only change (afaik) is a Firefox update this morning.

Asked by thegranddewru 1 வருடத்திற்கு முன்பு

Last reply by bschmitz 1 வருடத்திற்கு முன்பு

  • Archived

Problem with NY Times loading

The New York Times is only partially loading with white space on the bottom. The same with article links. The ad blocker is off. I deleted the cookies. This just started … (மேலும் படிக்க)

The New York Times is only partially loading with white space on the bottom. The same with article links. The ad blocker is off. I deleted the cookies. This just started happening a few days ago. Can go back from article to home page either. Other sites are working. NY Times works on Chrome.

Asked by msljy 1 வருடத்திற்கு முன்பு

Last reply by cor-el 1 வருடத்திற்கு முன்பு