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Firefox Quantum version 57.0.3 and 57.04 (64-bit) on Windows doesn't render svgs correctly.

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On Firefox, rendering of SVGs is not correct. Both Safari and Chrome render correctly. OS and Firefox details: Windows 10 Home, Version: 1709, OS Build: 16299.192, 64-bit Firefox Quantum 57.0.4 (64-bit) If you can't see the attached images, here is the Firefox screenshot: https://camo.githubusercontent.com/99267994060e7ec9baf835288a04f869df6d5c77/68747470733a2f2f776166666c65696f2d6469726563742d75706c6f6164732d70726f64756374696f6e2e73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f75706c6f6164732f3561313539353362666265656564303031333536306634612f313235353136633636653832633732386163653231653064343663393833396233313836393065393830653766663534613135666533396433643433363533663662313462313234376138306530336366643138333935343065356634366135343635303061343061396638643832326165623633633234383330383032656664393339306436366461326635336664653664363430653235386630373563393564386661346264386434366331656433633230653038323838346633393136306431303861656431302e504e47 And here is a Chrome one: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4777393/35063278-400b3630-fb8c-11e7-987f-b74535ae959e.png You can try to repeat for yourself - here is the page (it's just a staging site): https://escapemyroom.github.io/emrweb/
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Can you create a bug report here: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi ?

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I just wanted to add screenshots from IE11 and LibreOffice Draw, which show different artifacts. (Note that I changed the fill to #000.)

For some reason I get a blank square in Inkscape?