Здравстуйте,у меня такая проблема,что после посещеня сайта (ну там киного дапустим) у меня каждый раз открывается вкладка с "крути колесо" и т.п как это убрать?
Проблема в том,что как я уже говорила посещения сайта и т.п Всплывает окно и это раздражает,посоветуйте как это исправить.
Сви одговори (1)
TRANSLATION ONLY __________________________________________________________ Hello, I have such a problem that after visiting the site (well, there's a cinematic dapustim), I always have a tab with "twist the wheel" and the like, how is this removed?
The problem is that as I said visiting the site, etc. The window pops up and it's annoying, advise how to fix it. ____________________________________________________________________ With out much information to work with in your description of the issue will get you to do these 2 things please. Please use more than 1 scanner as each uses diff tech :
Save your Report and google each before deleting anything as do not want to delete something you need, If need help :
Post in only 1 forum, then wait.
Please Refresh but do this 1st:
- https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/export-firefox-bookmarks-to-backup-or-transfer
- https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/back-and-restore-information-firefox-profiles
TEST....... If no issues then Extensions which need to be added back in 1 at a time and tested ..... Or it is your Profile : Make a new one and test ...:
If is your Profile :
- https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/recovering-important-data-from-an-old-profile
- http://kb.mozillazine.org/Transferring_data_to_a_new_profile_-_Firefox
Note: Any customization will revert back to default, you will also need to reinstall Extensions. You can also go here : https://mozilla-russia.org
Please let us know if this solved your issue or if need further assistance.