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Android Phone Display Formatting
Thankfully not too often are web site pages that are grossly out-of-format for my Android phone. Mostly everything is tiny. Yes, I can pinch expand or zoom in but then si… (читать ещё)
Thankfully not too often are web site pages that are grossly out-of-format for my Android phone. Mostly everything is tiny. Yes, I can pinch expand or zoom in but then side back and forth scrolling is required to navigate and absorb the page. Not the optimum result. Very annoying.
I have font adjustments but those result in a similar and distroted page.
One web site option when available was a toggle for windows/cell phone that worked pretty good but it's not always provided. That implies the web site design is the formatting adjustment function.
Is the resultant cell phone display formatting a function of the visited web site, browser, phone device, etc or some combination of those entities settings?
The attachment is for the sumo web site page having this issue. https://client01.chat.mibbit.com/?server=irc.mozilla.org&channel=#sumo ok
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