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Firefox 105+ Linux 5.19.17 Mesa 22.2.0 Amd radeon driver = hangs on startup

Since Mesa has been upgraded to 22.2.x, Firefox hangs on startup. I have to kill the process (firefox) manually under the terminal and then it starts. I have disabled har… (saiba mais)

Since Mesa has been upgraded to 22.2.x, Firefox hangs on startup. I have to kill the process (firefox) manually under the terminal and then it starts. I have disabled hardware acceleration and marked webgl.disabled as true, guessing it could be a problem with the radeon driver. As described above, Linux 64bit 5.19.17, Mesa 22.2.0 and my GPU board is a Radeon 280X (the driver in use is radeon, not amdgpu). Below are the outputs from firefox and my system specifications:

bash-5.2$ firefox

Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[0][GFX1-]: glxtest: VA-API test failed: no supported VAAPI profile found. (t=0.537699) [GFX1-]: glxtest: VA-API test failed: no supported VAAPI profile found. ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment. ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment. ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment. ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment. Missing chrome or resource URL: resource://gre/modules/UpdateListener.sys.mjs Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[C0][GFX1-]: Couldn't sanitize RENDERER device: TAHITI (t=136.039) [GFX1-]: Couldn't sanitize RENDERER device: TAHITI Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[C0][GFX1-]: Couldn't sanitize RENDERER device: TAHITI (t=136.039) |[C1][GFX1-]: Couldn't sanitize RENDERER device: TAHITI (t=138.517) [GFX1-]: Couldn't sanitize RENDERER device: TAHITI Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[C0][GFX1-]: Couldn't sanitize RENDERER device: TAHITI (t=136.039) |[C1][GFX1-]: Couldn't sanitize RENDERER device: TAHITI (t=138.517) |[C2][GFX1-]: Couldn't sanitize RENDERER device: TAHITI (t=144.868) [GFX1-]: Couldn't sanitize RENDERER device: TAHITI Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[C0][GFX1-]: Couldn't sanitize RENDERER device: TAHITI (t=136.039) |[C1][GFX1-]: Couldn't sanitize RENDERER device: TAHITI (t=138.517) |[C2][GFX1-]: Couldn't sanitize RENDERER device: TAHITI (t=144.868) |[C3][GFX1-]: Couldn't sanitize RENDERER device: TAHITI (t=174.15) [GFX1-]: Couldn't sanitize RENDERER device: TAHITI Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[C0][GFX1-]: Couldn't sanitize RENDERER device: TAHITI (t=136.039) |[C1][GFX1-]: Couldn't sanitize RENDERER device: TAHITI (t=138.517) |[C2][GFX1-]: Couldn't sanitize RENDERER device: TAHITI (t=144.868) |[C3][GFX1-]: Couldn't sanitize RENDERER device: TAHITI (t=174.15) |[C4][GFX1-]: Couldn't sanitize RENDERER device: TAHITI (t=226.068) [GFX1-]: Couldn't sanitize RENDERER device: TAHITI

bash-5.2$ inxi -G

Graphics: Device-1: AMD Tahiti XT [Radeon HD 7970/8970 OEM / R9 280X] driver: radeon v: kernel Display: server: X.Org v: 21.1.4 with: Xwayland v: 22.1.3 driver: X: loaded: radeon unloaded: modesetting,vesa gpu: radeon resolution: 1920x1080~60Hz OpenGL: renderer: TAHITI ( LLVM 14.0.6 DRM 2.50 5.19.12) v: 4.5 Mesa 22.2.0

Any ideas? When I kill firefox process it starts normally afterwards. I have started firefox in safe-mode and it started. Only one extension installed (and adblocker).

Thank you

Pergunta de henriqueeemilia há 1 ano

Última resposta de henriqueeemilia há 1 ano

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Acesso a https://www.americanas.com.br

Não consigo acessar https://www.americanas.com.br sendo que já consegui certas vezes. Reinstalei firefox e não adiantou. Msg: Access Denied You don't have permission to a… (saiba mais)

Não consigo acessar https://www.americanas.com.br sendo que já consegui certas vezes. Reinstalei firefox e não adiantou. Msg: Access Denied You don't have permission to access "http://www.americanas.com.br/" on this server. Reference #18.85d3cf17.1667435194.fc84466

Pergunta de delsonchavescampos há 1 ano

Última resposta de Paulo Charrua há 1 ano

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Prime Video não funciona

Uso linux, e o prime video não funciona no Firefox, funciona perfeitamente no Chrome e no Edge. Peço que corrijam esse erro pois assim poderei migrar 100% para o Firefox.… (saiba mais)

Uso linux, e o prime video não funciona no Firefox, funciona perfeitamente no Chrome e no Edge. Peço que corrijam esse erro pois assim poderei migrar 100% para o Firefox.

Pergunta de thalissonteixeira64 há 1 ano

Última resposta de thalissonteixeira64 há 1 ano

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firefox continua travando

Dias atrás enviei msg notificando que o Firefox está horrível. Travando constantemente. Não tive resposta. Já desinstalei, reinstalei. Mas permanece com o mesmo problem… (saiba mais)

Dias atrás enviei msg notificando que o Firefox está horrível. Travando constantemente.

Não tive resposta.

Já desinstalei, reinstalei. Mas permanece com o mesmo problema. Devo desistir? Passar a outro navegador? Não há solucção?

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Restaurar abas

Olá. Recentemente tive um problema com meu sistema (Windows), tornando-o inbootavel, e tinha muitas abas abertas na navegação do firefox que gostaria de recuperar, como … (saiba mais)


Recentemente tive um problema com meu sistema (Windows), tornando-o inbootavel, e tinha muitas abas abertas na navegação do firefox que gostaria de recuperar, como posso fazer isso? Minha conta do mozilla estava logada neste navegador mas não sei se tem alguma forma de ver as abas no navegador de outro dispositivo logado.

Pergunta de Meit há 1 ano

Resposta de Meit há 1 ano