Thunderbird crashing as soon as it opens

Since updating Thunderbird on Friday, the application crashes right after opening, even in safe mode. This happens repeatedly, after several reboots and restarting applic… (続きを読む)

Since updating Thunderbird on Friday, the application crashes right after opening, even in safe mode. This happens repeatedly, after several reboots and restarting application in normal and safe mode.

OS: Windows 10 App version: latest unknown.

Please assist. Details below.

Report Contents

Crash ID is: bp-9d476fe2-c377-4f9c-9908-b7fa80200924

I just erased all my profile files, trashed the Application that was in my machine and installed a new one from scratch. It worked for a few hours but crashed again. Opening in Safe Mode gives the same result.

AdapterDeviceID: 0x694c AdapterDriverVersion: 31.0.21001.46001 AdapterSubsysID: 20738086 AdapterVendorID: 0x1002 Add-ons:,,,,,,,, AvailablePageFile: 41078267904 AvailablePhysicalMemory: 26196316160 AvailableVirtualMemory: 138522462175232 BackgroundTaskMode: 0 BuildID: 20240820161839 CPUMicrocodeVersion: 0xb4 ContentSandboxCapable: 1 ContentSandboxLevel: 1 ContentSandboxWin32kState: Win32k Lockdown enabled -- default value is true CrashTime: 1728276727 DOMFissionEnabled: 1 DOMIPCEnabled: 1 EMCheckCompatibility: true EventLoopNestingLevel: 1 GPUProcessLaunchCount: 1 GPUProcessStatus: Running GpuSandboxLevel: 1 HeadlessMode: 0 InstallTime: 1728025349 LastStartupWasCrash: 1 LauncherProcessState: 0 ModuleSignatureInfo: {"Microsoft Windows":["usp10.dll","winrnr.dll","pnrpnsp.dll","NapiNSP.dll","Windows.Security.Integrity.dll","TaskFlowDataEngine.dll","explorerframe.dll","ntshrui.dll","dataexchange.dll","twinapi.dll","linkinfo.dll","wsock32.dll","cdp.dll","wscapi.dll","dbgcore.dll","cscapi.dll","ondemandconnroutehelper.dll","OneCoreCommonProxyStub.dll","wininet.dll","directmanipulation.dll","rasadhlp.dll","Windows.Globalization.dll","DWrite.dll","FWPUCLNT.DLL","urlmon.dll","Windows.UI.Immersive.dll","srvcli.dll","iertutil.dll","InputHost.dll","TextInputFramework.dll","npmproxy.dll","BCP47mrm.dll","Windows.UI.dll","Bcp47Langs.dll","winmm.dll","ktmw32.dll","OneCoreUAPCommonProxyStub.dll","ColorAdapterClient.dll","winhttp.dll","mscms.dll","twinapi.appcore.dll","WindowManagementAPI.dll","dbghelp.dll","dhcpcsvc.dll","dhcpcsvc6.DLL","MMDevAPI.dll","AudioSes.dll","CoreUIComponents.dll","d2d1.dll","avrt.dll","wshbth.dll","d3d11.dll","dcomp.dll","WinTypes.dll","winnsi.dll","CoreMessaging.dll","wtsapi32.dll","nlaapi.dll","version.dll","dsreg.dll","policymanager.dll","propsys.dll","netprofm.dll","uxtheme.dll","dwmapi.dll","kernel.appcore.dll","","dxgi.dll","winsta.dll","msvcp110_win.dll","ntmarta.dll","umpdc.dll","IPHLPAPI.DLL","netutils.dll","dnsapi.dll","powrprof.dll","mswsock.dll","CRYPTBASE.DLL","wldp.dll","cryptsp.dll","msasn1.dll","devobj.dll","userenv.dll","sspicli.dll","profapi.dll","gdi32full.dll","wintrust.dll","KERNELBASE.dll","ucrtbase.dll","bcrypt.dll","win32u.dll","cfgmgr32.dll","bcryptPrimitives.dll","msvcp_win.dll","crypt32.dll","setupapi.dll","psapi.dll","rpcrt4.dll","oleaut32.dll","shell32.dll","combase.dll","clbcatq.dll","ole32.dll","SHCore.dll","kernel32.dll","nsi.dll","msvcrt.dll","sechost.dll","imm32.dll","user32.dll","msctf.dll","gdi32.dll","ws2_32.dll","shlwapi.dll","advapi32.dll","ntdll.dll"],"Microsoft Windows Software Compatibility Publisher":["msvcp140.dll","VCRUNTIME140_1.dll","VCRUNTIME140.dll"],"Mozilla Corporation":["thunderbird.exe","rnp.dll","xul.dll","gkcodecs.dll","freebl3.dll","nss3.dll","nssckbi.dll","mozglue.dll","softokn3.dll","lgpllibs.dll"]} Notes: Has dual GPUs. GPU #2: AdapterVendorID2: 0x8086, AdapterDeviceID2: 0x591b, AdapterSubsysID2: 20738086, AdapterDriverVersion2: DWrite? DWrite+ WR? WR+ ProductID: {3550f703-e582-4d05-9a08-453d09bdfdc6} ProductName: Thunderbird QuotaManagerStorageIsNetworkResource: 0 ReleaseChannel: esr SafeMode: 0 SecondsSinceLastCrash: 80 StartupCacheValid: 0 StartupCrash: 0 StartupTime: 1728276723 SubmittedFrom: Client SystemMemoryUsePercentage: 23 TelemetryClientId: 883ecf00-ea60-465f-bacd-8ab9061444e8 TelemetryEnvironment: {"build":{"applicationId":"{3550f703-e582-4d05-9a08-453d09bdfdc6}","applicationName":"Thunderbird","architecture":"x86-64","buildId":"20240820161839","version":"128.1.1","vendor":null,"displayVersion":"128.1.1esr","platformVersion":"128.1.0","xpcomAbi":"x86_64-msvc","updaterAvailable":true},"partner":{"distributionId":null,"distributionVersion":null,"partnerId":null,"distributor":null,"distributorChannel":null,"partnerNames":[]},"system":{"memoryMB":32687,"virtualMaxMB":134217728,"cpu":{"extensions":["hasMMX","hasSSE","hasSSE2","hasSSE3","hasSSSE3","hasSSE4_1","hasSSE4_2","hasAVX","hasAVX2","hasAES"]},"os":{"name":"Windows_NT","version":"10.0","locale":"en-NZ","servicePackMajor":0,"servicePackMinor":0,"windowsBuildNumber":19045,"windowsUBR":4894},"hdd":{"profile":{"model":null,"revision":null,"type":null},"binary":{"model":null,"revision":null,"type":null},"system":{"model":null,"revision":null,"type":null}},"gfx":{"D2DEnabled":true,"DWriteEnabled":true,"ContentBackend":"Skia","Headless":false,"EmbeddedInFirefoxReality":false,"TargetFrameRate":60,"adapters":[{"description":"Radeon RX Vega M GH Graphics","vendorID":"0x1002","deviceID":"0x694c","subsysID":"20738086","RAM":4096,"driver":"aticfx64 aticfx64 aticfx64 amdxc64 aticfx32 aticfx32 aticfx32 amdxc32 atiumd64 atidxx64 atidxx64 atiumdag atidxx32 atidxx32 atiumdva atiumd6a","driverVendor":null,"driverVersion":"31.0.21001.46001","driverDate":"6-28-2023","GPUActive":true},{"description":"Intel(R) HD Graphics 630","vendorID":"0x8086","deviceID":"0x591b","subsysID":"20738086","RAM":0,"driver":"igdumdim64 igd10iumd64 igd10iumd64 igd12umd64 igdumdim32 igd10iumd32 igd10iumd32 igd12umd32","driverVendor":null,"driverVersion":"","driverDate":"3-18-2022","GPUActive":false}],"monitors":[{"screenWidth":3440,"screenHeight":1440,"refreshRate":60,"pseudoDisplay":false}],"features":{"compositor":"webrender","hwCompositing":{"status":"available"},"gpuProcess":{"status":"available"},"webrender":{"status":"available"},"wrCompositor":{"status":"available"},"openglCompositing":{"status":"unused"},"omtp":{"status":"unused"},"d3d11":{"status":"available","version":45312,"warp":false,"textureSharing":true,"blocklisted":false},"d2d":{"status":"available","version":"1.1"}}},"appleModelId":null,"hasWinPackageId":false,"sec":{"antivirus":["Microsoft Defender Antivirus"],"antispyware":null,"firewall":["Windows Firewall"]}},"settings":{"blocklistEnabled":true,"e10sEnabled":true,"e10sMultiProcesses":8,"fissionEnabled":true,"telemetryEnabled":false,"locale":"en-US","intl":{"requestedLocales":["en-US"],"availableLocales":["en-US"],"appLocales":["en-US"],"systemLocales":["en-NZ","zh-Hant-TW"],"regionalPrefsLocales":["en-NZ"],"acceptLanguages":["en-US","en"]},"update":{"channel":"esr","enabled":true,"autoDownload":true,"background":true},"userPrefs":{"":"NZ","network.trr.strict_native_fallback":false,"widget.content.gtk-high-contrast.enabled":true},"sandbox":{"effectiveContentProcessLevel":1,"contentWin32kLockdownState":15},"launcherProcessState":0,"addonCompatibilityCheckEnabled":true,"isDefaultBrowser":null},"profile":{"creationDate":19344,"firstUseDate":19344},"addons":{"activeAddons":{"":{"version":"1.49.2","scope":1,"type":"extension","updateDay":19494,"isSystem":false,"isWebExtension":true,"multiprocessCompatible":true,"blocklisted":false,"description":"Finally, an efficient blocker. Easy on CPU and memory.","name":"uBlock Origin","userDisabled":false,"appDisabled":false,"foreignInstall":false,"hasBinaryComponents":false,"installDay":19494,"signedState":0,"signedTypes":"[]","quarantineIgnoredByApp":false,"quarantineIgnoredByUser":false},"":{"version":"4.8","scope":1,"type":"extension","updateDay":20000,"isSystem":false,"isWebExtension":true,"multiprocessCompatible":true,"blocklisted":false,"description":"This add-on is being discontinued because Thunderbird natively supports this feature.","name":"Provider for CalDAV & CardDAV","userDisabled":false,"appDisabled":false,"foreignInstall":false,"hasBinaryComponents":false,"installDay":19448,"signedState":0,"signedTypes":"[]","quarantineIgnoredByApp":false,"quarantineIgnoredByUser":false},"":{"version":"4.11","scope":1,"type":"extension","updateDay":20000,"isSystem":false,"isWebExtension":true,"multiprocessCompatible":true,"blocklisted":false,"description":"TbSync is a central user interface to manage cloud accounts and to synchronize their contact, task a","name":"TbSync","userDisabled":false,"appDisabled":false,"foreignInstall":false,"hasBinaryComponents":false,"installDay":19448,"signedState":0,"signedTypes":"[]","quarantineIgnoredByApp":false,"quarantineIgnoredByUser":false}},"theme":{"id":"","blocklisted":false,"description":"Follow the operating system setting for buttons, menus, and windows.","name":"System theme — auto","userDisabled":false,"appDisabled":false,"version":"1.3","scope":4,"foreignInstall":false,"hasBinaryComponents":false,"installDay":19344,"updateDay":19344},"activeGMPlugins":{"dummy-gmp":{"version":"0.1","userDisabled":false,"applyBackgroundUpdates":1}}}} TelemetryServerURL: TelemetrySessionId: 10fce786-3002-4eca-be92-9e0033096565 Throttleable: 1 TotalPageFile: 52528123904 TotalPhysicalMemory: 34274512896 TotalVirtualMemory: 140737488224256 UptimeTS: 40.4371 User32BeforeBlocklist: 1 Version: 128.1.1 Winsock_LSP: MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IP] : 2 : 2 : 1 : 6 : 0x20066 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : e70f1aa0-ab8b-11cf-8ca3-00805f48a192

MSAFD Tcpip [UDP/IP] : 2 : 2 : 2 : 17 : 0x20609 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : e70f1aa0-ab8b-11cf-8ca3-00805f48a192 
MSAFD Tcpip [RAW/IP] : 2 : 2 : 3 : 0 : 0x20609 : 0xc : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : e70f1aa0-ab8b-11cf-8ca3-00805f48a192 
MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IPv6] : 2 : 23 : 1 : 6 : 0x20066 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : f9eab0c0-26d4-11d0-bbbf-00aa006c34e4 
MSAFD Tcpip [UDP/IPv6] : 2 : 23 : 2 : 17 : 0x20609 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : f9eab0c0-26d4-11d0-bbbf-00aa006c34e4 
MSAFD Tcpip [RAW/IPv6] : 2 : 23 : 3 : 0 : 0x20609 : 0xc : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : f9eab0c0-26d4-11d0-bbbf-00aa006c34e4 
AF_UNIX : 2 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0x20026 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : a00943d9-9c2e-4633-9b59-0057a3160994 
RSVP TCPv6 Service Provider : 2 : 23 : 1 : 6 : 0x22066 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : 9d60a9e0-337a-11d0-bd88-0000c082e69a 
RSVP TCP Service Provider : 2 : 2 : 1 : 6 : 0x22066 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : 9d60a9e0-337a-11d0-bd88-0000c082e69a 
RSVP UDPv6 Service Provider : 2 : 23 : 2 : 17 : 0x22609 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : 9d60a9e0-337a-11d0-bd88-0000c082e69a 
RSVP UDP Service Provider : 2 : 2 : 2 : 17 : 0x22609 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : 9d60a9e0-337a-11d0-bd88-0000c082e69a 
Hyper-V RAW : 2 : 34 : 1 : 1 : 0x20026 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : 1234191b-4bf7-4ca7-86e0-dfd7c32b5445 
MSAFD L2CAP [Bluetooth] : 2 : 32 : 1 : 256 : 0x20006 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : 9fc48064-7298-43e4-b7bd-181f2089792a 
MSAFD RfComm [Bluetooth] : 2 : 32 : 1 : 3 : 0x20026 : 0x8 : %SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll :  : 9fc48064-7298-43e4-b7bd-181f2089792a

useragent_locale: en-US This report also contains technical information about the state of the application when it crashed.

17 分前 に 94dfx が質問

the received email become messy code after udpated to new version Thunderbird 128.3.0esr(64 Bit)

After my Thunderbird were upated to 128.3.0ESR (64 Bit), some received email have became some messy code. but some email are ok. but in my another computer whose Thunerb… (続きを読む)

After my Thunderbird were upated to 128.3.0ESR (64 Bit), some received email have became some messy code. but some email are ok. but in my another computer whose Thunerbird is the old version, that email is ok.

2 日前 に michaelwei888 が質問

2 時間前 に michaelwei888最後の返信

Transferring Thunderbird to new computer failed to transfer emails

I followed the instructions for transferring Thunderbird data from an old PC to a new one. ("Moving Thunderbird Data to a new Computer"). The only email messages that mad… (続きを読む)

I followed the instructions for transferring Thunderbird data from an old PC to a new one. ("Moving Thunderbird Data to a new Computer"). The only email messages that made the transfer were the ones I saved from Outlook Express that were imported into Thunderbird on the old PC in 2014. None of the emails existing in my two important account folders (set up in 2014) made the move. Those, of course, are the most important ones. Now what? PS: I am not an IT professional, just a small business owner that needs to transfer emails from the last couple of years to a new PC because the old one is obsolete. PPS: It was not possible to install Thunderbird on the new PC without creating an account - - the installation program refused to move forward to complete the installation without doing this step. If I understand the instructions in "Moving Thunderbird Data to a New Computer, I was not supposed to create any accounts during the installation process. However, that proved impossible - - the installer would not complete the process without doing this and there was no option to skip creating accounts. After I made my first attempt to install the "Thunderbird" folder (containing the Profile folder, etc.) on the new PC, and finding my most important email messages didn't make the trip with the rest of the Thunderbird folder, I tried deleting the account I had set up as a required step in the installation process in order to install TB on the new PC, then uninstalling Thunderbird, in order to clear the account that I had set up (one of the ones I am trying to transfer over). In other words, I tried to start over with installing Thunderbird on the new PC. However, when I downloaded and installed Thunderbird the second time on the new PC, it reinstalled the account I had deleted!

9 時間前 に ljensen833 が質問

3 時間前 に ljensen833最後の返信

Use of last profile with downgraded Thunderbird (131.0->128.3)

How can I implement my previous profile in 128.3.0 after inadvertent (release channel) automatic update to 131.0 followed by downgrade (uninstall/download/reinstall from … (続きを読む)

How can I implement my previous profile in 128.3.0 after inadvertent (release channel) automatic update to 131.0 followed by downgrade (uninstall/download/reinstall from to latest supported esr release, as recommended.

My last profile worked fine after auto update to 131.0 with emails, local folders, calendar, rules, contacts, etc. all available. Now, when attempting to launch or use that previous profile in reinstalled 128.3 popup advises: "You have launched an older version of Thunderbird." "A newer version of Thunderbird may have made changes to your profile which are no longer compatible with this older version. Use this profile only with that newer version or create a new profile."

Only options then available are "Exit" or "Create New Profile." TB 128.3 will recognize only a newly created generic profile, but not allow previous profile to be launched or set as default from Profile Manager.

Essentially, the options are: 1) Use your previous profile, but only with the Beta 131 release 2) Use the latest supported (128.3) release but only with a newly created profile, not yours.

I've seen this problem posted in several forms by people unknowingly on the "release" update channel who got the 131 release and can't implement their profile after downgrading to the esr release. The recommendations I've found to address this problem seem to lead one to a circular return to the problem.

John C

4 時間前 に John C が質問

Thunderbird auto opens Firebird

I just ran a couple updates and now every time I open Thunderbird, Firebird opens also. On the ad screen to donate. This never happened until now. It is annoying since… (続きを読む)

I just ran a couple updates and now every time I open Thunderbird, Firebird opens also. On the ad screen to donate. This never happened until now. It is annoying since it opens over Thunderbird. How do I get it to stop? I do use it as my default browser, but when I want it. Thanks.

4 時間前 に mejacobie1 が質問

Thunderbird mail

How do I change my Thunderbird mail passwords for my email accounts?? I tried YouTube which told me to go to tools then go to options. I don't have options on my Thunderb… (続きを読む)

How do I change my Thunderbird mail passwords for my email accounts?? I tried YouTube which told me to go to tools then go to options. I don't have options on my Thunderbird program

4 時間前 に Charles Smith (Charlie) が質問

youtube embedded video doesn't display thumbnail or "play video" box

I have changed settings to "html only" for outgoing messages, and i've taken down my security settings, and i've selected the "add link previews when pasting URL's" setti… (続きを読む)

I have changed settings to "html only" for outgoing messages, and i've taken down my security settings, and i've selected the "add link previews when pasting URL's" setting. however, i still can't see the normal thumbnail or the youtube "play video" box when i embed a youtube video link. any assistance would be greatly appreciated! thank you!

4 時間前 に jsridhara が質問

Deleting an account...

I recently had to reinstall windows, consequently reinstall Thunderbird. During installation I set up the account as I did years ago but it does not show my 23 folders. I… (続きを読む)

I recently had to reinstall windows, consequently reinstall Thunderbird. During installation I set up the account as I did years ago but it does not show my 23 folders. It shows only inbox & trash. So, I imported my account from a backup and it has all my folders. The problem is that both accounts have the same name, email address, & password. I would like to delete the account that has NO folders and use only the one with my 23 folders. Both accounts currently show all incoming emails. Will deleting the one account by any chance delete the other one since they are identical in name, email address, & password? Thanks.

5 時間前 に BigAlBat が質問

Lost folder

I previously posted a question and it was answered by Matt however, the answer did not bring me a solution. Here it is again: I had a folder named Documents where I used … (続きを読む)

I previously posted a question and it was answered by Matt however, the answer did not bring me a solution. Here it is again: I had a folder named Documents where I used to store important emails, receipts etc. I believe that after compacting the emails my folder disapeared along with 90 % of the content and now I have a new folder named Dolcuments 1 which I did not create myself. Can some one tell me perhaps how can I recover my previous folder ? and NO the repair option for the folder doesn't work.

6 時間前 に Isidro が質問

Latest version is showing all messages in Inbox folders

Thunderbird Desktop recently upgraded to Version 128.3.0esr (Released October 1, 2024) and now my inbox folders are showing both read and unread messages and I can no lon… (続きを読む)

Thunderbird Desktop recently upgraded to Version 128.3.0esr (Released October 1, 2024) and now my inbox folders are showing both read and unread messages and I can no longer find the button to switch to only show the unread messages.

9 時間前 に Richard D Neal が質問

8 時間前 に Richard D Neal最後の返信

Thunderbird - Copies of Emails No Longer Stored on Mail Server?

Hello, Thunderbirders - Much prefer Thunderbird bird to Outlook, but now dealing with an significant issue and hoping for help! Our domain & mail server (HostGator)… (続きを読む)

Hello, Thunderbirders -

Much prefer Thunderbird bird to Outlook, but now dealing with an significant issue and hoping for help!

Our domain & mail server (HostGator) was recently subjected to an offshore cyber attack that hamstrung more of their clients than just ourselves. During the resolution, the HostGator tech was obliged (so he says) to wipe all our previous messages and essentially start the account all over again, so when I logged in to Thunderbird with the new password, eight (8) years' worth of e-mails were gone; they no longer exist on HostGator, and they themselves don't have any of them backed up :(

However, I have Thunderbird also running on a second computer on which I have not yet logged in with the new password; all the e-mails (at least the message titles) are still showing, and I am not attempting to open any of them while online. So my question is, does Thunderbird have any folder, perhaps not readily apparent, where copies of these messages still exist and may be recovered, absent pinging the host server? None of them were archived; they're all in my Inbox.

If no such duplicates exist anywhere off the server, can I create a secondary Thunderbird account to run on both my primary and secondary computers to send/receive along side the previous account, which can in some way be prevented to communicating with the host? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


11 時間前 に Arthur Tofani III が質問

9 時間前 に Arthur Tofani III最後の返信

My port numbers keep on reversing

I called Spectrum technical support and asked them for the incoming and outgoing port numbers. Their incoming port is 993 and their outgoing port is 587. When I go back… (続きを読む)

I called Spectrum technical support and asked them for the incoming and outgoing port numbers. Their incoming port is 993 and their outgoing port is 587. When I go back to change and think everything is fine and try to send a message it fails. It fails because something has reversed the port numbers to exactly the opposite of what they should be. I can receive email but cannot send email. Is there something going on that I don't know about? Thanks for your help.

9 時間前 に RickMeyer が質問

When I click on any message, another message appears

When I click on any message, another (unrelated) message appears in the lower pane. The message that appears is always the same message; it is from T… (続きを読む)

When I click on any message, another (unrelated) message appears in the lower pane. The message that appears is always the same message; it is from The correct subject and sender appear OK in the upper pane; it's just the full message in the lower pane that is weird. This happens with most messages, but a few do appear correctly.

10 時間前 に diegodad が質問

Upgrading from v78

Dear Thunderbird team I am an avid user of TB (home desktop Windows PCs), but I have been resting on my laurels on v78 for a few years now. I know, shame on me. I would l… (続きを読む)

Dear Thunderbird team I am an avid user of TB (home desktop Windows PCs), but I have been resting on my laurels on v78 for a few years now. I know, shame on me. I would like to upgrade to a stable "modern" release (emphasis on "stable" please). Can you please advise if I should aspire to end up on 115 or 128, and how I might get there ? From reading some older blogs, there is advice that says.... first go to v91, then v102, then v115, and so. That seems a bit tortuous, but I am happy to do so if that is still the recommended approach.

Also, can you advise on how I manage my Profile through all this, do I need to do various exports/imports as I move through these different versions, etc.

Many Thanks

3 日前 に hughdorset が質問

13 時間前 に hughdorset最後の返信

column width

Why is changing column width so complicated and buggy under 128.3. Nebula on Mac? simply want to enlarge From column - before Nebula - just do it. Now, pain in the b… (続きを読む)

Why is changing column width so complicated and buggy under 128.3. Nebula on Mac?

simply want to enlarge From column - before Nebula - just do it. Now, pain in the back - only lets you do a bit and moves everything else and still doesn't let me do what I used to do. What a mess they made out of a great program !

16 時間前 に Someone が質問

Sent folder of iCloud mail address has empty messages

I have two iCloud mails in Thunderbird. The older one runs great. For the other new one - same settings - mails sent often appear totally blank in the sent folder. Going … (続きを読む)

I have two iCloud mails in Thunderbird. The older one runs great. For the other new one - same settings - mails sent often appear totally blank in the sent folder. Going to the iCloud webmail, sent messages appear totally normal and mails are sent to destination without any problem. I tried everything, no avail. Also weird is I have two "sent" folders (for no clear reason). Both have this issue, not always. See screenshot of iCloud webmail.

3 日前 に Gilbert in Beijing が質問

21 時間前 に Gilbert in Beijing最後の返信

Searching both title and description of calendar events

Searching calendar events in Thunderbird used to search both title and description fields. For example, if I searched for "dental" it would find events titled "Dental app… (続きを読む)

Searching calendar events in Thunderbird used to search both title and description fields. For example, if I searched for "dental" it would find events titled "Dental appointment" and also events with "dental" somewhere in the description field. Now it only seems to search the title. I've always put most of the information in the description field, and I use the calendar primarily as a diary record of my life and things I need to keep track of, so this is a major downgrade in terms of usability for me. Is there any way to still search the description field?

22 時間前 に ElizabethPS が質問