Why can't I sync my passwords?

Tutón nastawk so hižo njewothladuje, jeho wobsah móhł tuž zestarjeny być.

If the Passwords checkbox is disabled in the Sync preferences window, it's because you have set a master password.

Firefox Sync will not synchronize your passwords if a master password is set. If you would like to continue synchronizing your passwords, try removing your master password before synchronizing.

This issue will be resolved in Firefox 34.

Important: Without a master password, someone with access to your computer can view the passwords you have saved in Firefox.

Slědowacy wulkotni ludźo su pomhali, tutón nastawk pisać:

Illustration of hands


Rosćće a dźělće swoju kompetencu z druhimi. Wotmołwće na prašenja a polěpšće našu wědowu datowu banku.

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