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Cuireadh an snáithe seo sa chartlann. Cuir ceist nua má tá cabhair uait.

Why are and blocked in the first place by Kaspersky, along with,, and

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I have read the support page about these types of error messages (SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER), and seen the two suggestions. I tried to update Kaspersky's certificate and I rebooted my computer, but that didn't work so the only other option is to tell Kaspersky to stop encrypting. But I really don't want to risk my security in doing that and I would like to get the value out of what I paid for when purchasing an antivirus like this. Plus, only a few websites like the ones I listed above are blocked by Kaspersky and Mozilla is included. So I would just like to know what is the reason for your website in specific being blocked and if it would be possible for you to do anything on your end to prevent future headaches on the part of Mozilla users. Because at the moment, I can't install any extensions onto Firefox and I can onto Chrome. That doesn't quite make sense to me.

Attached: Screenshots of list of inaccessible encrypted websites and of mozilla add-ons page ( ) that can not be exempted.

      • After waiting 5 minutes, the screenshot was not uploaded; I will try again but for now I think I have explained the problem well enough.
I have read the support page about these types of error messages (SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER), and seen the two suggestions. I tried to update Kaspersky's certificate and I rebooted my computer, but that didn't work so the only other option is to tell Kaspersky to stop encrypting. But I really don't want to risk my security in doing that and I would like to get the value out of what I paid for when purchasing an antivirus like this. Plus, only a few websites like the ones I listed above are blocked by Kaspersky and Mozilla is included. So I would just like to know what is the reason for your website in specific being blocked and if it would be possible for you to do anything on your end to prevent future headaches on the part of Mozilla users. Because at the moment, I can't install any extensions onto Firefox and I can onto Chrome. That doesn't quite make sense to me. Attached: Screenshots of list of inaccessible encrypted websites and of mozilla add-ons page ( ) that can not be exempted. ***After waiting 5 minutes, the screenshot was not uploaded; I will try again but for now I think I have explained the problem well enough.

All Replies (12)

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See this article about Kaspersky.

If you have a problem with Kaspersky settings then best is to contact Kaspersky for support.

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As I said in my initial complaint, I have already seen this page. I tried the 2nd option (I "click[ed] on Advanced Settings in order to try to trigger a reinstallation of Kaspersky's certificate. In the dialog that opens [I clicked] on Install certificate… and follow[ed] the on-screen instructions. [I do not] use a 2015 version of Kaspersky [...] Finally, [I] reboot[ed] [my] system for the changes to take effect.") Unfortunately, the changes did not take effect. And in addition, I didn't want to do the 1st option ( In the Encrypted connections scanning section [to] check the Do not scan encrypted connections option and [to] confirm this change. ") because this would limit the functionality of my antivirus and potentially put me at risk. I hope you understand my concerns and frustrations, however rest assured that I have already contacted Kaspersky about this and mozilla is not the only website affected (see attached list) Thank you

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On the error page in Firefox, could you click the Advanced button, then click the SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER code to see whether Firefox shows the encoded version of the certificate it cannot verify (large block of gibberish)? If so, please copy/paste that encoded certificate into a reply for analysis. Thanks.

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Sorry, meant to attach a screenshot of that in the initial post. This is the text of gibberish:

Peer’s Certificate issuer is not recognized.

HTTP Strict Transport Security: false HTTP Public Key Pinning: true

Certificate chain:


MIIGTjCCBTagAwIBAgIEWsFUdDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADB2MQswCQYDVQQGEwJV UzEbMBkGA1UECgwSQ29udGVudFdhdGNoLCBJbmMuMSswKQYDVQQDDCJDb250ZW50 V2F0Y2ggQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUgQXV0aG9yaXR5MR0wGwYDVQQLDBR3d3cuY29udGVu dHdhdGNoLmNvbTAeFw0xNzA5MjgwMDAwMDBaFw0xOTEwMDQxMjAwMDBaMIHxMR0w GwYDVQQPDBRQcml2YXRlIE9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjETMBEGCysGAQQBgjc8AgEDEwJV UzEbMBkGCysGAQQBgjc8AgECEwpDYWxpZm9ybmlhMREwDwYDVQQFEwhDMjU0MzQz NjELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBAgTCkNhbGlmb3JuaWExFjAUBgNVBAcTDU1v dW50YWluIFZpZXcxGzAZBgNVBAoTEk1vemlsbGEgRm91bmRhdGlvbjEXMBUGA1UE CxMOQ2xvdWQgU2VydmljZXMxGzAZBgNVBAMTEmFkZG9ucy5tb3ppbGxhLm9yZzCB nzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkCgYEArgg/DwwGi1GzG10i3Unozm28goK5 txGtdDMTOKlRkIGWww0Cqmpi8THiyKrnUuMqqBswKkZ0RcvX4yQe+hZPHAeXc2aF uXkXe+V0TMkf/d57pNzfR5kbM0pLR2nJCTwmu/vTZZdzLEIfnUkJrxSSTpOTT+Hi 7L4d9Q2FXG2uD0ECAwEAAaOCAuowggLmMB0GA1UdDgQWBBQCRzmppDCPhhPeMHrf Lq6h0iMblzCBiwYDVR0RBIGDMIGAghJhZGRvbnMubW96aWxsYS5vcmeCEWFkZG9u Lm1vemlsbGEub3JnghtzZXJ2aWNlcy5hZGRvbnMubW96aWxsYS5vcmeCHGRpc2Nv dmVyeS5hZGRvbnMubW96aWxsYS5vcmeCHHJldmlld2Vycy5hZGRvbnMubW96aWxs YS5vcmcwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgWgMB0GA1UdJQQWMBQGCCsGAQUFBwMBBggrBgEF BQcDAjAMBgNVHRMBAf8EAjAAMIIB+AYKKwYBBAHWeQIEAgSCAegEggHkAeIAdQCk uQmQtBhYFIe7E6LMZ3AKPDWYBPkb37jjd80OyA3cEAAAAV7I8K8UAAAEAwBGMEQC IHoq1Aooxil+oZjAhItRpYl+PYzqZr+jI47G+hhsw4RGAiAIZ4ZRoNDt0EaJ9rLK fnONe3ftEHiExpD+2yn59a8Q9wB3AFYUBpov18Ls0/XhvUSyPsdGdrm8mRFcwO+U mFXWidDdAAABXsjwr94AAAQDAEgwRgIhAJdKj8aGqIZ1ChKCMK/Mq11AzZvyN3eK xHqcFK+ykECQAiEAwXUGjz1H6lFXHwYA2WE7g5kF+wjkESX8z+QgoPKhW0AAdwDu S723dc5guuFCaR+r4Z5mow9+X7By2IMAxHuJeqj9ywAAAV7I8LIHAAAEAwBIMEYC IQCLnIZLgvUl5vMpwhu0WQQ1erbEUkIW5E48dYEJXc2w1gIhAPsDFoXbh1R2y7s2 T8KraSGuxXbDm/hAOKL7RF1DomPiAHcAu9nfvB+KcbWTlCOXqpJ7RzhXlQqrUuga kJZkNo4e0YUAAAFeyPCvwQAABAMASDBGAiEAt7NSi+afpyIskxgPoBTkh19q6exa CSFlFl6bYOXFWzYCIQCKOXrpdSv2kCf4jTSQ78m97IiYzYJuh7pPDG2bRtWE7TAN BgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAUzK5MK8UR98q7QQBd8YeT5Ni4fKbHgv47d2Z9Q0S WXGUshyhQdgPe4OI35ROK6+mpEN9dPKaEZiQ9BTMe6x1eJcGVvTGhEr/7Cyh0UlE u76NcYBMvSscdVeDEhXwCQ/60LJGFlLnH81BosCkiwBIZRrEeEN56f0kYe56WdQY mzfxAvKhHWKEWKq4yh57yfmtZo5JzVe3qH1suwOBcoGY15Sgb9O32lMkCsEfJyIv OdBO+w8ZN9NN7HmPRdbHCoWKqdW7yDzPd2gt2815BTZwWMyzMdJ1tb27ehPVY9Q2 WAJ1O1IYhAvTX0I9YIfnylNAImKt0/Z4yWrYfHRxuxOMBw==


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Here are some screenshots (1st is the page from which I navigated to the blocked website, 2nd is the page with no "add exception"):

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(It would appear as though I clicked copy to keyboard one too many times. Oops. Apologies.)

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I don't recognize this certificate issuer:

ContentWatch Certificate Authority ContentWatch, Inc.

They seem to make a product called ContentProtect. Does that ring a bell??

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I'm sorry, but I don't understand where you saw "ContentWatch Certificate Authority ContentWatch, Inc." in the certificate I sent; could you please tell me where you saw that company name? In any case, unless they are affiliated with Kaspersky or Mozilla I don't know where it could have come from (I hope I don't have a virus...)

Also, on the Kaspersky support forum, it was suggested that I disable "Inject script into web traffic to interact with web pages" (see screenshot of Network settings page in Kaspersky program); I tried that and it told me "I was at risk" (without a valid explanation of why) but the add-ons search page still didn't work afterwards. I might try completely stopping Kaspersky from scanning encrypted connections, but I thought of Kaspersky Protection, an extension that was automatically installed onto my Chrome a few months ago and was installed onto Firefox as soon as I downloaded that. I have had problems with that extension blocking websites like Khan Academy and Tab for a Cause before (at least I think, because when I disabled it and started using another adblocker the problem went away after a few days), so maybe this is the cause as well? I don't know, I have never gotten a clear answer from any of the support pages I have contacted, but the Kaspersky support forum has definitely been the most confusing so I suspect the problem is with the antivirus.

Fingers crossed, and thank you @jscher2000 for your help so far.

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Well I tried the "last resort" stopping Kaspersky from scanning encrypted connections, the original solution I didn't want to do for security reasons, and the page was still unreachable because I couldn't exempt it. So then I tried disabling the Kaspersky Protection add-on; it STILL DOES NOT WORK. I will wait and see for a few days whether the problem fixes itself like it did before on Chrome after I deactivated Kaspersky Protection; in the meantime I will not use Firefox because I'm afraid I don't have enough protection.

Once again, thanks for your help, I'm honestly at a loss right now for what to do to solve the problem, nevermind understanding what the heck is going on.

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Please re-enable Kaspersky.

When I submitted the first block of gibberish to a decoder ( it identified ContentWatch as the issuer of the website's certificate. That is not the real issuer of the genuine certificate!

In my earlier search, I missed something that might be relevant. They also publish Net Nanny. Do you use that or other filtering products on your computer, or on your router, or provided by your internet service provider?

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AHA! Yes, we installed Net Nanny a few months ago on this computer. That MUST be it! Ok, so now the question is how to stop it; I know that sometimes the program blocks websites with "violence" or "weapons", and a page pops up informing the user of such. Here, there is no pop-up, so I think it's just the program automatically checking, not blocking. Do you think it's Firefox or Kaspersky that is conflicting with Net Nanny? Or is Net Nanny doing something weird?

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(I re-enabled Kaspersky injecting script and scanning encrypted connections, but for now I will wait on Kaspersky Protection and not use Firefox without an adblocker)

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You may need to set up Firefox to trust fake site certificates Net Nanny signs. I'm going to link to a different thread for another program, but the principle is the same: