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Tab freezes for about 10 seconds when using google search

When i go to and enter search query the tab "hangs" for about 10 seconds before the next page starts to load Same issue on 2 separate machines (1 intel laptop,… (læs mere)

When i go to and enter search query the tab "hangs" for about 10 seconds before the next page starts to load Same issue on 2 separate machines (1 intel laptop, 1 amd pc) both on newly installed windows 11 pro

what i've tried: safe mode, disabling hardware acceleration, disabling antivirus (kaspersky, without any browser plugins or safe browsing) , but the issue persists

here's the video:

Stillet af Kairali for for 8 måneder siden

Besvaret af zeroknight for for 8 måneder siden

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userChrome.css not working after updating to Firefox 117

I am using some custom SVG icons for my bookmark folders. I had my userChrome.css setup to set the icons based on the folder names, as well as color the icons with whate… (læs mere)

I am using some custom SVG icons for my bookmark folders. I had my userChrome.css setup to set the icons based on the folder names, as well as color the icons with whatever the theme color was. This userChrome.css file worked fine in Firefox 116, but no longer works in 117. Now a couple of the icons are invisible, and the rest of them are black instead of the expected purple color from my theme. Can anyone help?


 -moz-context-properties: fill, fill-opacity, stroke !important;
 stroke: var(--toolbarbutton-icon-fill) !important;


.bookmark-item[container="true"] [label="Finance"] { list-style-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg width='18' height='18' viewBox='0 0 48 48' fill='none' xmlns=''%3E%3Cpath d='M4 13H44V37H4V13Z' stroke='context-stroke' stroke-width='4' stroke-linejoin='round'/%3E%3Cpath fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd' d='M4 21C8.41828 21 12 17.4183 12 13H4V21Z' stroke='context-stroke' stroke-width='4' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'/%3E%3Cpath fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd' d='M4 29C8.41828 29 12 32.5817 12 37H4V29Z' stroke='context-stroke' stroke-width='4' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'/%3E%3Cpath fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd' d='M44 29V37H36C36 32.5817 39.5817 29 44 29Z' stroke='context-stroke' stroke-width='4' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'/%3E%3Cpath fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd' d='M44 21C39.5817 21 36 17.4183 36 13H44V21Z' stroke='context-stroke' stroke-width='4' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'/%3E%3Cpath d='M24 31C26.7614 31 29 28.3137 29 25C29 21.6863 26.7614 19 24 19C21.2386 19 19 21.6863 19 25C19 28.3137 21.2386 31 24 31Z' stroke='context-stroke' stroke-width='4' stroke-linejoin='round'/%3E%3C/svg%3E") !important; }

.bookmark-item[container="true"] [label="Health"] { list-style-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox='0 0 15 15' fill='context-fill' fill-opacity='context-fill-opacity' xmlns='' width='16' height='16'%3E%3Cpath d='M7.5 13.5l-.354.354a.5.5 0 00.708 0L7.5 13.5zM1.536 7.536l-.354.353.354-.353zm5-5l-.354.353.354-.353zM7.5 3.5l-.354.354a.5.5 0 00.708 0L7.5 3.5zm.964-.964l-.353-.354.353.354zm-.61 10.61L1.889 7.182l-.707.707 5.964 5.965.708-.708zm5.257-5.964l-5.965 5.964.708.708 5.964-5.965-.707-.707zM6.182 2.889l.964.965.708-.708-.965-.964-.707.707zm1.672.965l.964-.965-.707-.707-.965.964.708.708zM10.964 1c-1.07 0-2.096.425-2.853 1.182l.707.707A3.037 3.037 0 0110.964 2V1zM14 5.036c0 .805-.32 1.577-.89 2.146l.708.707A4.036 4.036 0 0015 5.036h-1zm1 0A4.036 4.036 0 0010.964 1v1A3.036 3.036 0 0114 5.036h1zM4.036 2c.805 0 1.577.32 2.146.89l.707-.708A4.036 4.036 0 004.036 1v1zM1 5.036A3.036 3.036 0 014.036 2V1A4.036 4.036 0 000 5.036h1zm.89 2.146A3.035 3.035 0 011 5.036H0c0 1.07.425 2.096 1.182 2.853l.707-.707z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E") !important; }

.bookmark-item[container="true"] [label="Homelab"] { list-style-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox='0 0 15 15' fill='context-fill' fill-opacity='context-fill-opacity' xmlns='' width='16' height='16'%3E%3Cpath d='M7.5.5l.325-.38a.5.5 0 00-.65 0L7.5.5zm-7 6l-.325-.38L0 6.27v.23h.5zm5 8v.5a.5.5 0 00.5-.5h-.5zm4 0H9a.5.5 0 00.5.5v-.5zm5-8h.5v-.23l-.175-.15-.325.38zM1.5 15h4v-1h-4v1zm13.325-8.88l-7-6-.65.76 7 6 .65-.76zm-7.65-6l-7 6 .65.76 7-6-.65-.76zM6 14.5v-3H5v3h1zm3-3v3h1v-3H9zm.5 3.5h4v-1h-4v1zm5.5-1.5v-7h-1v7h1zm-15-7v7h1v-7H0zM7.5 10A1.5 1.5 0 019 11.5h1A2.5 2.5 0 007.5 9v1zm0-1A2.5 2.5 0 005 11.5h1A1.5 1.5 0 017.5 10V9zm6 6a1.5 1.5 0 001.5-1.5h-1a.5.5 0 01-.5.5v1zm-12-1a.5.5 0 01-.5-.5H0A1.5 1.5 0 001.5 15v-1z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E") !important; }

.bookmark-item[container="true"] [label="Privacy"] { list-style-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox='0 0 15 15' fill='none' xmlns='' width='16' height='16'%3E%3Cpath d='M12.587 3.513a6.03 6.03 0 01.818 3.745v.75c0 .788.205 1.563.595 2.247M4.483 6.508c0-.795.313-1.557.871-2.119a2.963 2.963 0 012.103-.877c.789 0 1.545.315 2.103.877.558.562.871 1.324.871 2.12v.748c0 1.621.522 3.198 1.487 4.495m-4.46-5.244v1.498A10.542 10.542 0 009.315 14M4.483 9.505A13.559 13.559 0 005.821 14m-3.643-1.498a16.63 16.63 0 01-.669-5.244V6.51a6.028 6.028 0 01.79-3.002 5.97 5.97 0 012.177-2.2 5.914 5.914 0 015.955-.004' stroke='context-stroke' stroke-linecap='square' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E") !important; }

.bookmark-item[container="true"] [label="Gaming"] { list-style-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox='0 0 15 15' fill='none' xmlns='' width='18' height='18'%3E%3Cpath d='M9.817 11.133l-.447.224.447-.224zM9.5 10.5l.447-.224A.5.5 0 009.5 10v.5zm-4 0V10a.5.5 0 00-.447.276l.447.224zm8.5-5v4.528h1V5.5h-1zm-3.736 5.41l-.317-.634-.894.448.316.633.895-.447zM9.5 10h-4v1h4v-1zm-4.447.276l-.317.634.894.447.317-.633-.894-.448zM1 10.028V5.5H0v4.528h1zM3.5 3h8V2h-8v1zm-.528 9A1.972 1.972 0 011 10.028H0A2.972 2.972 0 002.972 13v-1zm9.056 0c-.747 0-1.43-.422-1.764-1.09l-.894.447A2.972 2.972 0 0012.027 13v-1zM14 10.028A1.972 1.972 0 0112.028 12v1A2.972 2.972 0 0015 10.028h-1zm-9.264.882A1.972 1.972 0 012.972 12v1a2.972 2.972 0 002.658-1.643l-.894-.447zM15 5.5A3.5 3.5 0 0011.5 2v1A2.5 2.5 0 0114 5.5h1zm-14 0A2.5 2.5 0 013.5 3V2A3.5 3.5 0 000 5.5h1zM3 7h3V6H3v1zm1-2v3h1V5H4zm7 1h1V5h-1v1zM9 8h1V7H9v1z' fill='context-fill'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E") !important; }

.bookmark-item[container="true"] [label="Firefox"] { list-style-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' width='16' height='16' viewBox='0 0 1000 1000' xml:space='preserve' fill='context-fill' fill-opacity='context-fill-opacity' %3E%3Cpath d='M503.8,975c-103.2,0-195.2-27.4-275.9-82.3C147.1,837.8,87,765.2,47.6,674.7C26.5,627,14.3,572.1,11,510.1s1.5-122.6,14.2-181.8s33-116.1,60.7-170.6c27.7-54.5,60.3-98.7,97.9-132.6l-6,153.7c4-5.1,16.4-7.9,37.2-8.5c20.8-0.5,33.5,2.3,38.3,8.5c15.3-29.5,44.6-54.7,87.8-75.5c43.2-20.8,86-31.5,128.2-32.3c-19.7,16.4-41.5,43.5-65.4,81.2c-23.9,37.7-34.5,67.5-32,89.4c9.1,2.9,20.5,5.4,34.2,7.4c13.7,2,25.2,3.4,34.5,4.1c9.3,0.7,21.7,1.5,37.2,2.2c15.5,0.7,24.7,1.3,27.6,1.6c5.5,1.8,7.2,10.1,5.2,24.9c-2,14.8-7.6,28.5-16.7,41.3c-1.8,2.6-4.8,5.9-9,10.1c-4.2,4.2-14.5,10.7-30.9,19.4c-16.4,8.8-34.8,14.9-55.2,18.6l8.2,103.4l-76-36.6c-6.6,15.7-7.9,30.5-4.1,44.6c3.8,14,10.4,26.2,19.7,36.4c9.3,10.2,21.2,17.8,35.8,22.7s29.4,6.1,44.3,3.6c18.6-3.3,36.5-9.6,53.6-18.9c17.1-9.3,32.4-17.5,45.7-24.6c13.3-7.1,26.7-10.3,40.2-9.6c22.2,1.5,38.6,7.5,48.9,18c10.4,10.6,13.9,22.4,10.7,35.5c-0.4,0.7-0.8,1.7-1.4,3c-0.5,1.3-2.1,3.6-4.6,6.8c-2.6,3.3-5.8,6.1-9.8,8.5c-4,2.4-9.8,4.3-17.2,5.7c-7.5,1.5-16,1.6-25.4,0.5c-21.9,34.6-48.2,59.3-79,74.1c-30.8,14.8-69,20.1-114.6,16.1c27,22.2,56.6,37.3,88.9,45.1c32.3,7.8,63,8.9,92.2,3.3c29.2-5.7,57.3-15.1,84.5-28.4c27.2-13.3,50.5-29.3,70-47.9c19.5-18.6,34.2-37.6,44-56.9c15.7-33.2,22.8-68.3,21.3-105.3c-1.5-37-8.3-71.4-20.5-103.1c-12.2-31.7-26.5-54.5-42.9-68.4c31.7,13.9,56.7,28.3,74.9,43.5c18.2,15.1,32.3,35.6,42.1,61.5c5.5-62-5-124.5-31.4-187.6C770.2,153.4,732,101.6,682,61.1c96.6,28.1,171.7,79,225.3,152.9s81.1,168.2,82.6,283c0.7,46.3-6.7,92.8-22.1,139.5s-38,90.1-67.5,130.2c-29.5,40.1-64,75.8-103.4,107.2c-39.4,31.4-84.5,56.1-135.4,74.1C610.7,966,558.1,975,503.8,975L503.8,975z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E") !important; }

Stillet af xnl69 for for 8 måneder siden

Besvaret af cor-el for for 8 måneder siden

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Shopify not working

I am trying to set up a Shopify page. It was working fine until today. The page is now redirecting me to the sign in page every time I attempt an action. Shopify support … (læs mere)

I am trying to set up a Shopify page. It was working fine until today. The page is now redirecting me to the sign in page every time I attempt an action. Shopify support says that they were able to perform these actions on my account from their end. Also, I was able to complete the tasks from Microsoft Edge. Any suggestions.

Stillet af mikeegan2000 for for 8 måneder siden

Besvaret af zeroknight for for 8 måneder siden

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Implications of enabling security.csp.enableNavigateTo

I occasionally use a site ( which does not work properly with Firefox (I've been using Microsoft Edge (Windows 10) to access it). The problem comes when … (læs mere)

I occasionally use a site ( which does not work properly with Firefox (I've been using Microsoft Edge (Windows 10) to access it). The problem comes when I try to login. I enter my username and password, and that brings up a blank page that does not redirect to anything, so I'm stuck.

Just out of curiousity, I was looking through Advanced Settings, and found security.csp.enableNavigateTo. It has been set to false, but when I set it to true, I am able to successfully login (I still go to the blank page, but after a brief pause, I'm redirected to a logged-in page).

I'd like to know something about the security implications of enabling this property. Is it a bad idea? (Not knowing, I've set it back to false and will continue to use Edge for now).

Stillet af glchapman.misc for for 8 måneder siden

Besvaret af zeroknight for for 8 måneder siden

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Recommended by Pocket option missing in settings

I have Firefox installed on two PCs. I see the option to add "Recommended by Pocket" under Settings/Home, but on the other one I don't. Screen shots of both are attached.… (læs mere)

I have Firefox installed on two PCs. I see the option to add "Recommended by Pocket" under Settings/Home, but on the other one I don't. Screen shots of both are attached. I have completely uninstalled, cleaned up all Firefox files and re-installed Firefox multiple times on the PC where I don't see the Pocket option but nothing changes. Also gone into about:config and tried making changes from there. I want the Pocket recommendations to show on the Firefox Home page for both PCs.


Stillet af marinemonk for for 8 måneder siden

Besvaret af zeroknight for for 8 måneder siden

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Videos won't play anymore

Hi, I'm having this problem of videos not playing in some websites for a long time now, not even sure how long anymore. It started on Twitter, where I get the error messa… (læs mere)

Hi, I'm having this problem of videos not playing in some websites for a long time now, not even sure how long anymore. It started on Twitter, where I get the error message "The media could not be played". Some time after I got it on Instagram where I get the message "Sorry, we're having trouble with playing this video. Learn More". More recently I subscribed to the Nebula service and got a message there as well "The media could not be loaded". Differently from other people I don't have this problem on Youtube, over there everything has always been fine. I have tried every workaround on this, I have seen many tutorial videos and articles and tried everything and nothing worked. Running on Windows 10

Some things I have tried: -cleared cookies and cache; -disabled all add-ons, removed them even; -checked if firefox was updated; -checked if graphics card drives were updated; -opened websites on incognito mode, nothing changed there; -started Firefox in troubleshoot mode, nothing changed there; -disabled graphics hardware acceleration in Firefox; -enabled autoplay; -reset firefox; -changed my pc actually, installed firefox, got the error and reset firefox again;

Could anyone help me with this? Is this normal?

Stillet af Lali for for 8 måneder siden

Besvaret af zeroknight for for 8 måneder siden

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Right-click menu appearing behind drop down menu - MacOS

Have had this problem for a couple of years now, across dozens of Firefox updates. Decided to finally make a post since have not been able to find anything online. Norm… (læs mere)

Have had this problem for a couple of years now, across dozens of Firefox updates. Decided to finally make a post since have not been able to find anything online.

Normally not too much of an issue as I can edit on a different computer through Firefox Sync (or through the Bookmarks manager), just posting to see if anyone else has seen this before.

If I open a Bookmarks Toolbar folder, then right-click a bookmark to edit it, the contextual menu appears behind the open folder dropdown menu.

Issue persists even if I reset Firefox, or even completely uninstall / remove ALL its bits and pieces, reboot, and do a clean install.

Since I am on a Mac, I use the AppCleaner app from FreeMacSoft to completely remove an app.

This happens only on one of my two Macs. Have never seen this behavior on any other Mac (I work on dozens for work). Both my Macs also have Win 10 installs through BootCamp and those two also behave normally. I use Firefox Sync across 4 Firefox installs (2 Mac OS and 2 Win 10), an iPhone, and an iPad.

Screenshot enclosed below. Feel free to ask for any other info you may need. I recognize this may not be a Firefox issue. There seems to be a funky interaction between my install of Mac OS and Firefox. This occurs only with Firefox. All other apps exhibit normal menu behaviors.

Tech details: Firefox 117.0 Mac OS Catalina 10.15.7 running on mid 2012 15" MacBook Pro with 1 TB SSD and 16 GB RAM

Many Thanks!

Stillet af Carlos Perez for for 8 måneder siden

Besvaret af cor-el for for 8 måneder siden

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Spell checking working only in English language.

Hello all, When I'm using my Firefox browser spell checking is working only with English language. Polish is my native language and I want use this function to Polish as… (læs mere)

Hello all,

When I'm using my Firefox browser spell checking is working only with English language. Polish is my native language and I want use this function to Polish as well and set Polish as my default language. I tried to adding/removing other languages than Polish from options, setting higher priority to Polish language, how ever I have no result with that. Please help, will highly appreciate. Thanks in advance.

Best Regards, Adrian

Stillet af adrian.hajkowski for for 8 måneder siden

Besvaret af cor-el for for 8 måneder siden

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How can I disable this bar from showing?

I use an translator extension for firefox for russian so I do not need this integrated tool and it's annoying to see it everytime I open a russian page. Please help me, I… (læs mere)

I use an translator extension for firefox for russian so I do not need this integrated tool and it's annoying to see it everytime I open a russian page. Please help me, I don't know what the source is of this translator but I can tell it's not from an extensions as I deleted every extension and tried, not worked.

Stillet af Machlath for for 8 måneder siden

Besvaret af zeroknight for for 8 måneder siden

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XUL Runner Error

Possibly there was an auto update of MOZILLA FIREFOX on our DELL LAPTOP (Windows 11). Now, we cannot get a Mozilla window to open - due to error message: XUL Runner Erro… (læs mere)

Possibly there was an auto update of MOZILLA FIREFOX on our DELL LAPTOP (Windows 11). Now, we cannot get a Mozilla window to open - due to error message:

XUL Runner Error: Platform version '118.0.1' is not compatible with minVersion >= 118.0 maxVersion <=118.0

Can someone please help us get back to a previous version of Mozilla Fire. Perhaps it is a Windows error. I have no way of knowing. Please help me. My email is: [removed email from public] Thank you.

Stillet af raem.kauai for for 7 måneder siden

Besvaret af raem.kauai for for 7 måneder siden

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[Update] Allow web page to override a keyboard shortcut

The excellent answer here no longer works in Firefox 117.0 on MacOS. Unfortunately, that post is archived, so I cannot post an updated solution there. I would greatly app… (læs mere)

The excellent answer here no longer works in Firefox 117.0 on MacOS. Unfortunately, that post is archived, so I cannot post an updated solution there. I would greatly appreciate if a moderator could add this post in the linked article, or at least link from there over to here.

For Firefox 117, the code needs to be modified slightly (two lines at the top need to be removed): ```

  function ConfigJS() { Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'chrome-document-global-created', false); }
  ConfigJS.prototype = {
   observe: function (aSubject) { aSubject.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', this, {once: true}); },
   handleEvent: function (aEvent) {
     let document = aEvent.originalTarget; let window = document.defaultView; let location = window.location;
     if (/^(chrome:(?!\/\/(global\/content\/commonDialog|browser\/content\/webext-panels)\.x?html)|about:(?!blank))/i.test(location.href)) {
       if (window._gBrowser) {
         let keys = ["key_find", "key_findAgain", "key_findPrevious", "key_gotoHistory", "addBookmarkAsKb", "bookmarkAllTabsKb", "showAllHistoryKb", "manBookmarkKb", "viewBookmarksToolbarKb", "key_savePage", "key_search", "key_search2", "focusURLBar", "focusURLBar2", "key_openDownloads", "openFileKb", "key_reload_skip_cache", "key_viewSource", "key_viewInfo", "key_privatebrowsing", "key_quitApplication", "context-bookmarklink"];
         for (var i=0; i < keys.length; i++) {
            let keyCommand = window.document.getElementById(keys[i]);
            if (keyCommand != undefined) { 
  if (!Services.appinfo.inSafeMode) { new ConfigJS(); }


Stillet af jonschz for for 8 måneder siden

Besvaret af cor-el for for 8 måneder siden

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Moving firefox profile: No response / no effect

I’m having trouble moving firefox to a new computer. I copy the files, expecting to see my existing set up with bookmarks, extensions, and passwords, and I get no respons… (læs mere)

I’m having trouble moving firefox to a new computer. I copy the files, expecting to see my existing set up with bookmarks, extensions, and passwords, and I get no response, no errors, just completely fresh firefox.

Both systems are on arch linux and both running Firefox 117.0. I completely close both firefox. I copy ~/.mozilla/firefox to an ext4 thumb drive from my old computer. on the new computer, I delete the existing ~/.mozilla/firefox. I copy the files from the thumb drive to /firefox/. I restart firefox. unmodified firefox

I’ve also tried chowing the files. and also chmoding 700 and 755 (advice from old stackoverflow threads) ive tried chowing and chmoding. Each time i restart the whole process for posterity. Still no response

I’m dumbfounded as to why it’s not working, and I don’t even know where to look now

Stillet af steve.flumph.2 for for 8 måneder siden

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Firefox (Flatpak) displaying text in PDF files incorrectly

When i go to open a PDF file with Firefox, the text renders incorrectly (see image) for most PDF files, but not all (i'm not sure why. And this only happens with the Flat… (læs mere)

When i go to open a PDF file with Firefox, the text renders incorrectly (see image) for most PDF files, but not all (i'm not sure why. And this only happens with the Flatpak version of Firefox [1]. It doesn't happen with Firefox ESR (DEB version from my distribution) [2] and it doesn't happen if i view the same PDF file with pdf.js in a non-Firefox Flatpak app (GNOME Web) [3].

I've tried reinstalling and tried starting in troubleshoot mode, but neither seemed to fix the issue.


  • Name: Firefox
  • Version: 117.0
  • Distribution ID: mozilla-flatpak


  • Name: Firefox
  • Version: 102.15.0esr
  • Distribution ID: BLANK (preinstalled with Debian Linux 12)


  • Name: GNOME Web (Flatpak)
  • Version: 44.6

Stillet af Logan B for for 8 måneder siden

Besvaret af zeroknight for for 8 måneder siden

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Clear Cookies and Site Data Doesn't Work

I was having trouble switching and logging out of Twitter so I thought I could just clear site cookies to make it work, but I weirdly discovered "about:preferences -> … (læs mere)

I was having trouble switching and logging out of Twitter so I thought I could just clear site cookies to make it work, but I weirdly discovered "about:preferences -> Manage Data -> Remove Selected / Remove All Shown" has no effect. i.e. after clearing, when I open up manage data again, they are still there. I did not try "Clear Data" above it because I was afraid of clearing out all my logins.

I reinstalled my computer several weeks ago and current profile was directly copied from my last machine, so this might be a possible cause? Could someone be so kind to help me get remove cookies and hopefully twitter back to work? Thank you in advance.

Stillet af Harmony for for 8 måneder siden

Besvaret af Harmony for for 8 måneder siden

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Cannot upload files or add attachments in Firefox

This is the same problem listed below. Recently upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS and Firefox 117.0 a few weeks ago and can't get the files to attach. In fact it won't open … (læs mere)

This is the same problem listed below. Recently upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS and Firefox 117.0 a few weeks ago and can't get the files to attach. In fact it won't open the file system. Tried removing all extensions as suggested and rebooting, but nothing changed.

Stillet af apolglaze for for 8 måneder siden

Besvaret af zeroknight for for 8 måneder siden

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Whatsapp Web: Unable to paste in the text input

When I copy text from other websites, I'm not able to paste in the text field of Whatsapp Web. I'm using Firefox Developer Edition Browser in my laptop. But when I copy t… (læs mere)

When I copy text from other websites, I'm not able to paste in the text field of Whatsapp Web. I'm using Firefox Developer Edition Browser in my laptop. But when I copy text from Whatsapp Web itself, I am able to paste in the text field.

This issue started happening just a few days ago.

Here are my specifications:

Browser: Firefox Developer Edition 117.0b8 (64-bit)

OS: Pop!_OS 21.10

Stillet af sahilnare78 for for 9 måneder siden

Besvaret af Dan for for 9 måneder siden

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Neither the search tool nor the search tool works

Client type : desktop Firefox Developer Edition Client version : 117.0b9 (64bits) Client language : Korean OS type : Windows 10 Home 22H2 OS version&… (læs mere)

Client type : desktop Firefox Developer Edition Client version : 117.0b9 (64bits) Client language : Korean OS type : Windows 10 Home 22H2 OS version : 19045.3208

Steps to reproduce : 1. Run Firefox Developer Editon. 2. Try searching using the navigation bar on the home screen. 3. Enjoy that nothing happens.

Expected Result : Happy life at Firefox

Actual Result: Tedious LOADING

I've been using Firefox Developer Edition for the past two years without problems. From some point on(about 1 week ago), All browser's search functions suddenly don't work. Navigation bar? Not work. Searchig from Bookmark? Not work. Do not use google? Not work even with duckduckgo. with out DNS? Not work even with There is only one website that i can access with Firefox Developer Edition. It is Mozilla's official website At this moments, I curious that "why isnt work>?" So i used Developer tools, And then I found something amazing. There was no request or response on the Network tab! (Of course, I pressed Ctrl + R) And then, on second thought, I found that the JS function that should have been small in the lower left of the browser screen was not displayed. Finally, I thought, hmm... My Firefox is broken! So i found the FireFox, and then i uninstall it, and reinstall it! All the External Plugin works, OK then What if FireFox????? Unfortunately, Firefox Developer Edition's problem remained the same. I'm sorry that i couldn't even give you a possible cause of the problem. But i SUFFER for a week! Please resolve the issue.....

Stillet af potatokth for for 8 måneder siden

Besvaret af cor-el for for 8 måneder siden

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Firefox vs 117.0 will not continue to connect to spotify

Vs 117.0, installed this morning, will not "continue to spotify", during the login process to the spotify desktop app. All had been working perfectly over the past few mo… (læs mere)

Vs 117.0, installed this morning, will not "continue to spotify", during the login process to the spotify desktop app. All had been working perfectly over the past few months until today. Was able to connect to spotify thru Chrome, but something get changed/broke in the new firefox v117.0 (64 bit), Win 10.

Stillet af rjh35ster for for 8 måneder siden

Besvaret af rjh35ster for for 8 måneder siden

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web page freeze when using search function

When hit enter key to search with google or some other website that tab just freeze for few second, can't click on anything on that website after that it back to normal l… (læs mere)

When hit enter key to search with google or some other website that tab just freeze for few second, can't click on anything on that website after that it back to normal like how it work without the freeze

I already try everything i could like disable Firefox Accessibility Service, troubleshooting.

Stillet af flus for for 8 måneder siden

Besvaret af zeroknight for for 8 måneder siden