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Stillet af {{7*7}} {{7*'7'}} for 3 timer siden

Seneste svar af {{7*7}} {{7*'7'}} for 3 timer siden

  • Løst

Web site not answering

I am trying to connect to a website but I keep getting error code 522. I've tried using Chrome and it connects to the website with no problem. I've checked my privacy s… (læs mere)

I am trying to connect to a website but I keep getting error code 522. I've tried using Chrome and it connects to the website with no problem. I've checked my privacy settings and I do not have that website blocked. What else can I check?

Stillet af w5513 for 14 timer siden

Besvaret af jscher2000 - Support Volunteer for 14 timer siden

  • Løst

Google Sheets - Scrolling Issue

As of today, I am unable to scroll with my mouse in google sheets. The scroll bar on the right disappears and I'm taken to the bottom of the spreadsheet and can't scroll … (læs mere)

As of today, I am unable to scroll with my mouse in google sheets. The scroll bar on the right disappears and I'm taken to the bottom of the spreadsheet and can't scroll back up. I have to use CTRL+Home and then the arrow keys to go down the rows. This appears to be only on Firefox. I tried a different browser and it worked fine.

Stillet af Maria Quetell for for 1 måned siden

Besvaret af Sean Thomas for for 1 måned siden

  • Løst

Major complaint by many! Can the Firefox code writers fix this?

With the latest version of Firefox the menu, etc. have a font size that is TOO SMALL. There are many Mozilla posts about this problem.… (læs mere)

With the latest version of Firefox the menu, etc. have a font size that is TOO SMALL. There are many Mozilla posts about this problem.

My wife cannot read them. I can barely read them. If this is not fixed soon, we will switch to another browser.

Can the Firefox code writers fix this?

Stillet af bhs67 for 1 uge siden

Besvaret af cor-el for 2 dage siden

  • Løst

Window to opens automatically all the time

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:125.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/125.0 Steps to reproduce: Use Firefox only once (Youtube,gogele,etz Actual resul… (læs mere)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:125.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/125.0

Steps to reproduce:

Use Firefox only once (Youtube,gogele,etz

Actual results:

Window to opens automatically all the time

Expected results:

Use this website without being automatically redirected to

Stillet af Sebastian Becker for 5 dage siden

Besvaret af Paul for 5 dage siden

  • Løst

Spell Check (GB) highlighting false positives

I have language set to English (GB) but am being constantly annoyed with words like "colour" being underlined as badly spelt. Why aren't you using an English (GB) diction… (læs mere)

I have language set to English (GB) but am being constantly annoyed with words like "colour" being underlined as badly spelt. Why aren't you using an English (GB) dictionary?

Stillet af adampembs for 5 dage siden

Besvaret af zeroknight for 5 dage siden

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  • Arkiveret

Cannot watch streaming movies on Netflix in Firefox browser??

Every time I open Netflix in Firefox browser, to watch streaming movies, it won't show them but keeps taking me to a page asking me to log in again or pay for a Netflix a… (læs mere)

Every time I open Netflix in Firefox browser, to watch streaming movies, it won't show them but keeps taking me to a page asking me to log in again or pay for a Netflix account. (attached) I already have a Netflix account and can watch streaming movies with no problems on other browsers, but not using Firefox, which is my Default browser.

Stillet af zlloyd2 for for 6 måneder siden

Besvaret af Marty McFly for for 6 måneder siden

  • Løst

WP Site on Firefox continues to display recovery mode message in error

Hello, I run a WP elearning site ( and I prefer to use Firefox for everything. Recently I added a plugin and experienced an error and WP went into recovery … (læs mere)


I run a WP elearning site ( and I prefer to use Firefox for everything.

Recently I added a plugin and experienced an error and WP went into recovery mode - displaying a message and an exit recovery mode button.

I have since resolved the error, but was perplexed because I could click the exit button but the messaging was persistent. I did everything I could think of - including the recommendations of tech support - until I was ready to reinstall a backup. Then I thought maybe it's a browser issue, so I logged in as admin in Safari and the message is gone. See screenshots below.

Since then I have tried everything I can to remedy with your support information including restarting the computer, clearing the cookies and cache, restarting in troubleshoot mode, and reinstalling firefox. Nothing has resulted in any resolution.

So, I'm presenting this to you. I can continue to work on the site using other browsers but I prefer to use Firefox. Can you help?

Stillet af David Lambert for 6 dage siden

Besvaret af jscher2000 - Support Volunteer for 6 dage siden

  • Løst

Dark mode for iCloud Notes in Firefox

Hi, I have Windows OS and use Firefox as my main browser. Firefox settings are set for dark mode and it works in etc, but when I open iCloud Notes, it's full … (læs mere)


I have Windows OS and use Firefox as my main browser. Firefox settings are set for dark mode and it works in etc, but when I open iCloud Notes, it's full white and not in dark mode. Can someone advise how to change iCloud Notes also to dark mode? I have cleared cache etc, not helping.

Stillet af Lauri for 1 uge siden

Besvaret af zeroknight for 1 uge siden

  • Løst

Hyperallergic Magazine won't load in Firefox

When I click on the link for Hyperallergic Magazine, the page doesn't load. I don't have it blocked in Notifications. I have allowed pop-up windows for it. I can't figure… (læs mere)

When I click on the link for Hyperallergic Magazine, the page doesn't load. I don't have it blocked in Notifications. I have allowed pop-up windows for it. I can't figure out what else might be preventing it from loading. It is free. I don't have this problem with any other website that I know of. I'm running the latest version of Firefox & have Windows 11 on a one-year-old PC. I didn't have this problem in my old computer, which ran Windows 7. Please help. Thanks.

Stillet af deborahfeller for 1 uge siden

Besvaret af deborahfeller for 1 uge siden

  • Løst

Keep getting message "Failed to check for updates."

Recent issue, April 2024. Had version 124 Firefox on Win10 computer and went to Help - > About to have Firefox check for updates. This has worked just fine up until … (læs mere)

Recent issue, April 2024. Had version 124 Firefox on Win10 computer and went to Help - > About to have Firefox check for updates. This has worked just fine up until now. The message "Failed to check for updates." is shown in the About screen. I have uninstalled and re-installed Firefox with the same results. Have also un-installed Firefox, un-installed Mozilla Maintenance, then removed Firefox data from App Data folder in user directory, then re-installed with the same results. Also, now when I access a local media server, I keep getting the message "Firefox is installing components needed" and that never goes away. Any ideas?

Stillet af R_Welsh for 2 uger siden

Besvaret af R_Welsh for 2 uger siden

  • Løst

Google contacts labels - strange display

Longtime FF user (15+ years); just back from a few months of testing another browser and noticed strange labels for Google Contacts in FF125.0.2 (64-bit) (see attached). … (læs mere)

Longtime FF user (15+ years); just back from a few months of testing another browser and noticed strange labels for Google Contacts in FF125.0.2 (64-bit) (see attached). Any idea what's happening with that?

...and while I'm here, is there a way to choose the digital format for saved screenshots other than .png?

Stillet af TomDavid for 1 uge siden

Besvaret af jscher2000 - Support Volunteer for 1 uge siden

  • Løst

my account is suspended and contact mail address not working (discourse)

hi, my discourse account is suspended but i wonder why? i try to reach discourse staff but i cant. because email address not working in this page: https://discourse.mozil… (læs mere)

hi, my discourse account is suspended but i wonder why? i try to reach discourse staff but i cant. because email address not working in this page:

my profile is:

please unsuspend my account. thanks.

Stillet af Tuğrul for 2 uger siden

Besvaret af Kiki for 1 uge siden

  • Løst

Can't change the default hover color of buttons in the navigation bar

Hi, I can't change the default hover color of buttons in the navigation bar. It either remains totally unaffected or there appears a larger background image of my color … (læs mere)

Hi, I can't change the default hover color of buttons in the navigation bar. It either remains totally unaffected or there appears a larger background image of my color overlaid with the smaller default hover image. Hover on the bookmarks toolbar works fine, except for the "Show more bookmarks" chevron, which behaves exactly like a navigation bar button. I tried these:

  1. nav-bar toolbarbutton:hover,
  2. nav-bar toolbarbutton:hover:active,
  3. nav-bar toolbarbutton-icon:hover,
  4. nav-bar .toolbarbutton-icon:hover, #nav-bar.browser-toolbar hbox#nav-bar-customization-target.customization-target toolbarbutton:hover,
  5. nav-bar toolbarbutton[open="true"],
  6. nav-bar toolbarbutton[checked="true"],
  7. nav-bar toolbarbutton[buttonover="true"]

Stillet af fioiu omotrl for 1 uge siden

Besvaret af cor-el for 1 uge siden

  • Løst

Downloaded CSV file gets saved in XML format

I use a web application that lists items in a table, which provides a link to download the table as a CSV file. It used to work fine in previous versions of Firefox. Howe… (læs mere)

I use a web application that lists items in a table, which provides a link to download the table as a CSV file. It used to work fine in previous versions of Firefox. However, in the current version, while the file save dialog defaults to a filename that ends in .csv and CSV is selected in the "Save as type:" drop-down, the data in the file that Firefox actually saves is in XML rather than CSV format. I don't know in which version of Firefox this behavior changed, as it's been a couple years since I tried to use this feature. Or I suppose it actually could be a new bug. I do know that when I use the same feature in Microsoft Edge, it saves the CSV file in the correct format, so this behavior seems to be peculiar to Firefox, rather than anything wrong with the web application.

Stillet af KevinR1 for 1 uge siden

Besvaret af zeroknight for 1 uge siden

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youtube background screen all white

Hi friends. We have had some recent power outages when everything was back up running my youtube screen only shows the video but everything else is white. I will try to … (læs mere)

Hi friends. We have had some recent power outages when everything was back up running my youtube screen only shows the video but everything else is white. I will try to attach a screenshot.

I am running an iMac with system Sonoma 14.4.1 installed.

I have used Firefox for over 10 years with no problems.

York Maine [removed phone# from public]

Stillet af larryadow for 3 uger siden

Besvaret af zeroknight for 1 uge siden

  • Løst

Error message when I try to access gmail.

For the last several days I cannot access my gmail on my PC with firefox. I keep getting an error message that says: "We’re sorry, but your account is temporarily unava… (læs mere)

For the last several days I cannot access my gmail on my PC with firefox. I keep getting an error message that says:

"We’re sorry, but your account is temporarily unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience and suggest trying again in a few minutes. You can view the Google Workspace Status Dashboard for the current status of the service.

If the issue persists, please visit the Help Center »

Try Again Sign Out"

I keep trying, but to no avail. Gmail works with Chrome on my PC. How can I fix this?

Stillet af Cecilia Knoblauch for 1 uge siden

Besvaret af zeroknight for 1 uge siden

  • Låst

Unable to update Firefox browser

I have Windows 11 and the Firefox 124.0.2 browser. I cannot update to the latest version of Firefox. I receive an error message "Failed to update". I've uninstalled an… (læs mere)

I have Windows 11 and the Firefox 124.0.2 browser. I cannot update to the latest version of Firefox. I receive an error message "Failed to update". I've uninstalled and reinstalled the browser, ran the install utility selecting update, nothing seems to work. Please help

Duplicate question, please continue in your 2nd thread: /questions/1445013

Stillet af rpm3110 for 3 uger siden

  • Løst

Which version of Firefox should I use and why?

I have an iMac with Sonoma 14.3.1 with Firefox 115.9.1 esr . It is for personal use, not for a business. I just learned that there is another Firefox version (124.0.2) w… (læs mere)

I have an iMac with Sonoma 14.3.1 with Firefox 115.9.1 esr . It is for personal use, not for a business. I just learned that there is another Firefox version (124.0.2) which is not esr....

Which version should I use and why?

If I should use the "normal" version, how do I replace the esr version with the "normal" one ?


Stillet af Sue for 2 uger siden

Besvaret af cor-el for 2 uger siden