প্রবেশযোগ্যতা, ব্রাউজিং, সিস্টেম ডিফল্টসমূহ, নেটওয়ার্ক, হালনাগাদসমূহ এবং এনক্রিপশন এর জন্য এডভান্স সেটিং

সংস্করণের তথ্য
  • সংস্করণ id: 58769
  • নির্মিত:
  • রচয়িতা: শামসুজ্জামান সাদী
  • মন্তব্য: small changes done
  • পর্যালোচনা অবস্থা: না
  • অনুবাদের জন্য তৈরি: না
সংস্করণের উৎস
সংস্করণের বিষয়বস্তু

এই আর্টিকেলটি ফায়ারফক্সের উচ্চপর্যায় প্যানেলের অপশনপছন্দসমূহ উইন্ডোতে প্রাপ্ত সেটিংসমূহ ব্যাখ্যা করে। এসকল সেটিংসমূহ এমনই যা সাধারণত তেমন ব্যবহার করা হয় না, যেমন ফায়ারফক্স কি ডিফল্ট ব্রাউজার কিনা তা চেক করা অথবা বিভিন্ন উচ্চপর্যায়ের সেটিংসমূহ যা খুবই সামান্য লোকের প্রয়োজন হয়।


সাধারণ ট্যাব

Options - Advanced - Win1 Fx7 Prefs - Advanced - Mac1 - Fx7 Prefs - Advanced - Lin1 - Fx7

Options - Advanced - Win1 Fx13 Options - Advanced - Mac1 Fx13 Options - Advanced - Lin1 Fx13

Options - Advanced - Win1 Fx15 Options Advanced General Mac 15 Options Advanced General Lin 15

fx20 options advanced general tab Adv General Win 20 Adv General Mac 20 Adv General Lin 20

Options - Advanced - Win1 23 Adv Gen Mac Fx23 Adv Gen Linux Fx23


  • বিভিন্ন পৃষ্ঠার মধ্যে চলাচলের জন্য সর্বদা কার্সার কী ব্যবহার করা হবে: যখন এই অপশনপছন্দ টি সক্রিয়, ফায়ারফক্স তখন আপনাকে একটি নড়ানো যায় এমন একটি কার্সর ওয়েব পেইজে দেখাবে, যা আপনাকে কিবোর্ড এর সাহায্যে লেখা নির্বাচন করতে সাহায্য করবে। আপনি উক্ত মোডে টুগল করতে পারেন F7 চেপে।
  • টাইপ আরম্ভ করলে তৎক্ষণাৎ অনুসন্ধান শুরু করা হবে: যখন এই অপশনপছন্দ টি সক্রিয়, ফায়ারফক্স তখন আপনি যা টাইপ করছেন তা বর্তমান পেইজে অনুসন্ধান করা শুরু করে দিবে। যখন আপনি টাইপকৃত টেক্সট অনুসন্ধান করবেন পেইজে, তখন অনুসন্ধান টুলবার স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে তা উইন্ডোর নিচের দিকে আপনি কি পেয়েছেন তার তথ্য দেখাবে।
  • ওয়েবসাইট কোনো পৃষ্ঠা রিলোড বা রিডিরেক্ট করার চেষ্টা করলে সতর্ক করা হবে: যখন এই অপশনপছন্দ টি সক্রিয়, ফায়ারফক্স আপনাকে অন্য পেইজে চলে যাওয়া থেকে প্রতিরোধ করবে, অথবা স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে পুণরায় লোড করবে।


  • স্বয়ংক্রিয়স্ক্রলিং ব্যবহার করা হবে: স্বয়ংক্রিয়স্ক্রলিং একটি দরকারী ফিচার যা আপনাকে মাউসের মধ্য বাটন (যাকে সাধারণত স্ক্রল চাকা বলা হয়) ক্লিকের মাধ্যমে একটি পেইজের মধ্যে উপরে অথবা নিচে চলাচলে সাহায্য করে। কিছু লোক এতে বিরক্তবোধ করেন, তাই স্বয়ংক্রিয়স্ক্রোলিং নিস্ক্রিয় করা যায় এভাবে অপশনপছন্দ
  • স্মুথস্ক্রলিং ব্যবহার করা হবে: স্মুথস্ক্রলিং আপনার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় হতে পারে যদি আপনি অনেক দীর্ঘ পেইজ পড়ে থাকেন। সাধারণত, যখন আপনি প্রেস Page Down করেন, ভিউটি সরাসরি এক পেইজ নিচে লাফ দেয়। স্মুথস্ক্রলিং এ এটি নিচের দিকে স্মুথভাবে নামে, এর সাহায্যে আপনি দেখতে পারেন কতটুকু এটি স্ক্রল করেছে। এটি আপনার পূর্বে কোথায় পড়া শেষ হয়েছিল তা বের করাটা অনেক সহজ করে দেয়।
  • হার্ডওয়ার এক্সিলারেশন বিদ্যমান থাকলে তা ব্যবহার করা হবে: ফায়ারফক্স কিছু পেইজের ভিডিও ও এনিমেশন দেখানোর জন্য আপনার কম্পিউটারের গ্রাফিক্স প্রসেসর ব্যবহার করতে পারে। এটি ফায়ারফক্সকে দ্রুততর করে কারণ এধরনের জিনিস দেখানোর জন্য আপনার কম্পিউটারের গ্রাফিক্স প্রসেসর অনেক ভাল আপনার কম্পিউটারের প্রধান প্রসেসরের তুলনায়। This box is checked by default but the feature isn't available for all graphics processors. Firefox will enable it when possible. Read more about hardware acceleration.
    If you change this setting you must restart Firefox.
    To restart Firefox:
    1. মেনু New Fx Menuবাটনে ক্লিক করুন এবং তারপর ExitQuitClose 29 এ ক্লিক করুন।

      Firefox মেনুতে Fx57Menu ক্লিক করুন, তারপর Exit এ ক্লিক করুন। স্ক্রিনের উপর Firefox মেনুতে ক্লিক করুন, তারপর Quit Firefox এ ক্লিক করুন। Firefox মেনুতে Fx57Menu ক্লিক করুন, তারপর Quitক্লিক করুন।

    2. Start Firefox the way you normally do.
  • Check my spelling as I type: When this preference is enabled, Firefox will check your spelling and offer possible corrections as you type in web forms. Note that you may need to download a dictionary; to do so, right-clickpress Ctrl and click on any text field, enable spellchecking if necessary, and then use the provided Languages menu to download a dictionary.

সিস্টেম ডিফল্টসমূহ

  • Always check to see if Firefox is the default browser on startup: Select this setting if you want Firefox to check whether it is the default browser at startup. This will ensure Firefox is used whenever an application tries to display a web page. You can also click the Check Now button to do a check right now.
  • Always check to see if Firefox is the default browser on startup: Select this setting if you want Firefox to check whether it is the default browser at startup. This will ensure Firefox is used whenever an application tries to display a web page.
    • If Firefox is not currently your default browser, clicking the Make Firefox the default browser button will make it your default browser.
  • Submit crash reports: If Firefox crashes, the Mozilla Crash Reporter will appear, asking you if you want to report the crash to Mozilla. With this box check marked, the Tell Mozilla about this crash so they can fix it check box in the crash reporter will default to being check marked.
  • Submit performance data: Enabling this setting will send anonymous data (learn more) to Mozilla about the real world performance of Firefox. We'll use this information to make Firefox better.

ডাটা পছন্দসমূহ ট্যাব

fx20 options - advanced - data choices Adv Data Win 20 Adv Data Mac 20 Adv Data Lin 20


  • Enable Telemetry: Enabling this setting will send anonymous data (learn more) to Mozilla about the real world performance of Firefox. We'll use this information to make Firefox better.

ক্রাশ রিপোর্ট

  • Enable Crash Reporter: If Firefox crashes, the Mozilla Crash Reporter will appear, asking you if you want to report the crash to Mozilla. With this box check marked, the Tell Mozilla about this crash so they can fix it check box in the crash reporter will default to being check marked.

ডাটা পছন্দ ট্যাব

Data Choices Fx 21 WinXP Data Choices Fx 21 Win7 Data Choices Fx 21 Mac Data Choices Fx 21 Linux

Data Choices Fx 23 Win7 Adv Data Mac Fx23 Adv Data Linux Fx23


  • Enable Telemetry: Enabling this setting will send anonymous data (learn more) to Mozilla about the real world performance of Firefox. We'll use this information to make Firefox better.

ফায়ারফক্স স্বাস্থ্য রিপোর্ট

  • Enable Firefox Health Report: The Firefox Health Report (learn more) provides you with information about your browser’s performance and stability over time. Mozilla uses this data to provide you with meaningful comparisons and tips. We also aggregate the data shared by everyone to make Firefox better for you.

ক্রাশ রিপোর্ট

  • Enable Crash Reporter: If Firefox crashes, the Mozilla Crash Reporter will appear, asking you if you want to report the crash to Mozilla. With this box check marked, the Tell Mozilla about this crash so they can fix it check box in the crash reporter will default to being check marked.

নেটওয়ার্ক ট্যাব

Options - Advanced - Win2 Prefs - Advanced - Mac2 Prefs - Advanced - Lin2

Fx11Options-Adv-Net_Win7 Prefs - Advanced - Mac2 Fx11 Prefs - Advanced - Lin2 Fx11

Adv Network WinXP 20 Adv Network Win 20 Adv Network Mac 20 Adv Network Lin 20

Adv Network Win7 23 Adv Net Mac Fx23 Adv Net Linux Fx23


Your organization or Internet service provider may offer or require you to use a proxy. A proxy acts as an intermediary between your computer and the Internet. It intercepts all requests to the Internet to see if it can fulfill the request using its cache. Proxies are used to improve performance, filter requests, and hide your computer from the Internet to improve security. Proxies are often part of corporate firewalls.

সংযোগ সেটিংসমূহের ডায়ালগ

  • No proxy: Choose this if you don't want to use a proxy.
  • Auto-detect proxy settings for this network: Choose this if you want Firefox to automatically detect the proxy settings for your network.
  • Use system proxy settings: Choose this if you want to use the proxy settings configured for your operating system.
    • This is the default setting.
  • Manual proxy configuration: Choose this if you have a list of one or more proxy servers. Ask your system administrator for the configuration information. Each proxy requires a hostname and a port number.
    • If the same proxy name and port number are used for all protocols, check Use this proxy server for all protocols.
    • No Proxy For: List of hostnames or IP addresses that will not be proxied.
  • Automatic proxy configuration URL: Choose this if you have a proxy configuration (.pac) file. Enter the URL and click okay to save changes and load the proxy configuration.
    • Reload: The reload button will load the currently available proxy configuration.

অফলাইন স্টোরেজ

Pages you view are normally stored in a special cache folder for quicker viewing the next time you visit the same page. You can specify the amount of disk space the cache can use here. You can also immediately clear the contents of the cache.

  • Clear Now: Immediately clears the current contents of the cache, freeing the disk space used by the cache.
  • Override automatic cache management: Checking this box allows you to specify the maximum size, in megabytes, of the cache on your computer.
  • Tell me when a website asks to store data for offline use: Allows websites to store data necessary to be used without an internet connection. If you have previously blocked a website from storing data for offline use and changed your mind, you can click the Exceptions… button. Select the site you want to stop blocking, and click Remove. To remove all websites in the list, click Remove All Sites.
  • The following websites have stored data for offline use: After a website has stored data for offline use, you can select it in the list, and click Remove… to delete the data.

ক্যাশকৃত ওয়েব বিষয়বস্তু

Pages you view are normally stored in a special cache folder for quicker viewing the next time you visit the same page. You can specify the amount of disk space the cache can use here. You can also immediately clear the contents of the cache.

  • Clear Now: Immediately clears the current contents of the cache, freeing the disk space used by the cache.
  • Override automatic cache management: Checking this box allows you to specify the maximum size, in megabytes, of the cache on your computer.

অফলাইন ওয়েব বিষয়বস্তু এবং ব্যবহারকারী ডাটা

  • Clear Now: Immediately clears data that is being saved by websites for use when you are offline.
  • Tell me when a website asks to store data for offline use: Allows websites to store data necessary to be used without an internet connection. If you have previously blocked a website from storing data for offline use and changed your mind, you can click the Exceptions… button. Select the site you want to stop blocking, and click Remove. To remove all websites in the list, click Remove All Sites.

হালনাগাদ ট্যাব

Options - Advanced - Win3 Prefs - Advanced - Mac3 Prefs - Advanced - Lin3

Fx10Options-Adv-Upd_Win7 Prefs - Advanced - Mac3 Fx 10 Prefs - Advanced - Lin3 Fx 10

Fx11Options-Adv-Upd_Win7 Prefs - Advanced - Mac3 Fx 11 Prefs - Advanced - Lin3 Fx 11


Adv Update WinXP 20 Adv Update Win 20 Adv Update Mac 20 Adv Update Lin 20

Adv Update Win7 23 Adv Update Mac Fx23 Adv Update Linux Fx23

Firefox can check whether updates to installed add-ons or to Firefox itself are available.

  • Automatically check for updates to: Select the things you want Firefox to check. It can check for updates to the Firefox application, any installed add-ons (except for plugins — use the plugin check page to update them) and search engines.
  • When updates to Firefox are found,
    • Ask me what I want to do: Updates to Firefox are installed automatically by default. Select this optionpreference to manually control how and when updates are installed.
    • Automatically download and install the update: When this optionpreference is selected, Firefox updates will be automatically downloaded and will be installed the next time Firefox is restarted. The Warn me if this will disable any of my add-ons optionpreference determines whether you will be warned before the installation of an update which would require an incompatible add-on to be disabled because no newer, compatible version exists. The warning will allow you to postpone installation of the update, though at the expense of improvements included in it.

      If all extensions and themes are compatible or can be updated to be compatible, the Firefox update will be installed. Upon restart you will be asked to install any needed add-on updates so that you can continue to use them.
  • Show Update History: Firefox automatically records the updates you have installed. You can view information about these updates by clicking this button.
    Note: You must be running Firefox as an administratorroot or as the user who originally installed Firefox to install Firefox updates.

ফায়ারফক্স হালনাগাদসমূহ

  • Automatically install updates (recommended: improved security): Firefox automatically downloads and installs found updates.
    • Warn me if this will disable any of my add-ons: If you wish to be prompted if the downloads will disable any installed add-ons, select that setting.
  • Check for updates, but let me choose whether to install them: Firefox lets you choose if you want to download and install updates. If you do not choose to do so, you can download them at a later time.
  • Never check for updates (not recommended: security risk): Firefox will not check for updates.
    Warning: If you select this setting, you will not receive critical security updates that may keep you safe online unless you frequently do a manual check for updates.
  • To review the history of updates that have been downloaded and installed, click Show Update History.
Note: You must be running Firefox as an administrator or as the user who originally installed Firefox to install Firefox updates.
Note: You must be running Firefox as an admin or as the user who originally installed Firefox to install Firefox updates.
Note: You must be running Firefox as root or as the user who originally installed Firefox to install Firefox updates.

Automatically update

  • Add-ons: Check this to receive automatic updates to your Add-ons (except for plugins — use the plugin check page to update them).
  • Search Engines: Check this to receive automatic updates to your search engines.

ফায়ারফক্স হালনাগাদসমূহ

  • Automatically install updates (recommended: improved security): Firefox automatically downloads and installs found updates.
    • Warn me if this will disable any of my add-ons: If you wish to be prompted if the downloads will disable any installed add-ons, select that setting.
  • Check for updates, but let me choose whether to install them: Firefox lets you choose if you want to download and install updates. If you do not choose to do so, you can download them at a later time.
  • Never check for updates (not recommended: security risk): Firefox will not check for updates.
    Warning: If you select this setting, you will not receive critical security updates that may keep you safe online unless you frequently do a manual check for updates.
  • To review the history of updates that have been downloaded and installed, click Show Update History.
Note: You must be running Firefox as an administrator or as the user who originally installed Firefox to install Firefox updates.
Note: You must be running Firefox as an admin or as the user who originally installed Firefox to install Firefox updates.
Note: You must be running Firefox as root or as the user who originally installed Firefox to install Firefox updates.

স্বয়ংক্রিয় হালনাগাদসমূহ

  • Search Engines: Check this to receive automatic updates to your search engines.

ফায়ারফক্স হালনাগাদসমূহ

  • Automatically install updates (recommended: improved security): Firefox automatically downloads and installs found updates.
    • Warn me if this will disable any of my add-ons: If you wish to be prompted if the downloads will disable any installed add-ons, select that setting.
  • Check for updates, but let me choose whether to install them: Firefox lets you choose if you want to download and install updates. If you do not choose to do so, you can download them at a later time.
  • Never check for updates (not recommended: security risk): Firefox will not check for updates.
    Warning: If you select this setting, you will not receive critical security updates that may keep you safe online unless you frequently do a manual check for updates.
  • To review the history of updates that have been downloaded and installed, click Show Update History.
  • Use a background service to install updates: Firefox will use the Mozilla Maintenance Service when installing updates. This will remove the need to authorize Firefox to make changes to your computer through the User Account Control dialog in Windows 7 and Vista.
Note: You must be running Firefox as an administrator or as the user who originally installed Firefox to install Firefox updates.

স্বয়ংক্রিয় হালনাগাদ

  • Search Engines: Check this to receive automatic updates to your search engines.

ফায়ারফক্স হালনাগাদসমূহ

  • Automatically install updates (recommended: improved security): Firefox automatically downloads and installs found updates.
    • Warn me if this will disable any of my add-ons: If you wish to be prompted if the downloads will disable any installed add-ons, select that setting.
  • Check for updates, but let me choose whether to install them: Firefox lets you choose if you want to download and install updates. If you do not choose to do so, you can download them at a later time.
  • Never check for updates (not recommended: security risk): Firefox will not check for updates.
    Warning: If you select this setting, you will not receive critical security updates that may keep you safe online unless you frequently do a manual check for updates.
  • To review the history of updates that have been downloaded and installed, click Show Update History.
Note: You must be running Firefox as an admin or as the user who originally installed Firefox to install Firefox updates.
Note: You must be running Firefox as root or as the user who originally installed Firefox to install Firefox updates.

স্বয়ংক্রিয় হালনাগাদ

  • Search Engines: Check this to receive automatic updates to your search engines.

এনক্রিপশন ট্যাব

Options - Advanced - Win4 Prefs - Advanced - Mac4 Prefs - Advanced - Lin4

Adv Encryption WinXP 20 Adv Encryption Win 20 Adv Encryption Mac 20 Adv Encryption Lin 20


  • Use SSL 3.0: Specifies whether you want to send and receive secured information through SSL3 (Secure Sockets Layer, Level 3), a standard protocol for communicating securely with websites. Disabling it will prevent you from visiting some sites.
  • Use TLS 1.0: Specifies whether you want to send and receive secured information through TLS (Transport Layer Security), a security standard similar to SSL3 (Secure Sockets Layer). Disabling it will prevent you from visiting some sites.


সার্টিফিকেটসমূহের ট্যাব

Options - Advanced - Win4 23 Adv Cert Mac Fx23 Adv Cert Linux Fx23

Certificates help perform encryption and decryption of connections to websites.

  • When a server requests my personal certificate: Some servers ask you to identify yourself with a personal certificate. In order to do so, they ask Firefox to generate one for you. When you visit the site in the future, Firefox will ask you for which certificate to use. If you wish to have Firefox automatically choose a certificate for you, select the Select one automatically optionpreference.
    Note: A personal certificate can contain personally identifiable information, such as your name or address. It may therefore harm your privacy if you select the Select one automatically optionpreference. If you do, you will not be alerted when a website request your personal certificate, and you may lose the ability to control who can access your personal information.
  • View Certificates: Click this button to view stored certificates, import new certificates, and back up or delete old certificates in Firefox.
  • Revocation Lists: Firefox can use Certificate Revocation Lists (also known as CRLs) to ensure that your certificates are always valid. Click the Revocation Lists button to manage the CRLs installed on your computer.
  • Validation: Firefox may ask an OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) server to confirm that a certificate is still valid. By default, Firefox validates a certificate if the certificate provides an OCSP server. Alternately, you can choose an OCSP server against which to validate all certificates. Click the Validation button to manage these optionspreferences. You will most likely only need to change this if your Internet environment requires it.
  • Security Devices: Security devices can encrypt and decrypt connections and store certificates and passwords. If you need to use a security device other than the one in Firefox, click the Security Devices button.