- Ikhiyiwe
In the game of Farm Town or FT there are items, restaurants hotels etc that can be bought with Farm Cash. To obtain Farm Cash or FC you either earn the dollars slowly by… (funda kabanzi)
In the game of Farm Town or FT there are items, restaurants hotels etc that can be bought with Farm Cash. To obtain Farm Cash or FC you either earn the dollars slowly by achieving goals or by going to the FT Bank and buying FC dollars with actual U.S. dollars. Example: You can buy 250 FC dollars for $39.99 U.S. dollars. You can pay by PayPal or by certain credit cards. Here is my problem. I live in Canada but have a U.S. dollar savings account. I put U.S. dollars into the account and when I make a withdrawal it is in U.S. dollars. My bank, where I have the U.S. account also offers a U.S. dollar Visa. I thought I could pay for items that are priced in U.S. dollars with my U.S. dollar Visa. Example: When I buy FT Farm Cash it costs 39.99 U.S.dollars and I could pay in U.S. dollars with my U.S. dollar Visa. When I get my bill and am charged 39.99 U.S. I would pay that bill through my U.S. bank account. I thought this would be easy peasy. Not so. The whole idea of having a U.S. Visa is to avoid paying the exchange rate that is charged for changing CDN dollars into U.S. dollars at the game level or FT level as I have already paid the exchange once by changing my CDN dollars into U.S. dollars and depositing them into my U.S. account. Now I am trying to buy Farm Town dollars and the game will not accept my U.S. Visa at all. Does anyone out there have any ideas as to how I can amend my problem? I'm frozen in the game till I find a way around this issue. I thank each and every one of you for taking them time and effort to try to help me with this. Joanne Hawkins.
hi india
"Fear is not weakness; it is instinct. Those who do not fear me... do not truly understand the meaning of life and death. I am absolute perfection; nothing in this world … (funda kabanzi)
"Fear is not weakness; it is instinct. Those who do not fear me... do not truly understand the meaning of life and death. I am absolute perfection; nothing in this world can stop me, and no one dares to stand against me. The demons I have created are merely tools, and anyone who dares betray my will... will regret their very existence."
como le comento tengo un cazo internacional de una demanda a financieras y varios sitios de la red de y financieras ya concluyo el año pasado a mi favor me dieron una in… (funda kabanzi)
como le comento tengo un cazo internacional de una demanda a financieras y varios sitios de la red de y financieras ya concluyo el año pasado a mi favor me dieron una indemnización y rembolso y tengo una cuenta electrónica registrada en inversores ahorros cuentas de bank internacionales y contratos con bancos de USA EUROPA ETC tengo 380 ojas de ingresos taxas comprobantes de mi cazo etc solo que tengo poca experiencia en eso y no se cuales son los pasos a seguir aparte son sumas grandes de dinero por indemnización de USA Y CUENTAS internalcionales créditos etc y necesito un abogado o un representante para que me ayude con el papeleo o como proceder y que me asesore para con la papelería que me mandaron por correo ya que todo los tramites fueron por medio de la webtengo papeles de los bancos cuentas etc registros pero necesito retirar y unificar a una sola fuente de ingresos y tengo contrato de ahorro con citibank pero no se como retiro mis ingresos o para traspasar a cutibanamex
duplicate of /questions/1479499 thread https://ffoxadswork.com this site original or fake become i investment 240000 after I m confused this is real or fake … (funda kabanzi)
duplicate of /questions/1479499 thread
https://ffoxadswork.com this site original or fake become i investment 240000 after I m confused this is real or fake