- Kusonjululiwe
- Okugcinwe kunqolobane
Migrate to facebook@yahoo.com
Migrate to facebook@yahoo.com
e.g. ya.ru the ctrl+shift+s or the toolbar button.
I am trying to block out the new little "stick marks" that post while I try to log on to a site that that I need to "google" and log on to. I tried to sign out of all th… (funda kabanzi)
I am trying to block out the new little "stick marks" that post while I try to log on to a site that that I need to "google" and log on to. I tried to sign out of all the "outside sites" that want to log on, but there are sites that I need to log on to and have done this in the past. I usually go to these sites because they are important to my transacting business, accessing my bank, places I pay my bills, etc. If I want to get to these and order or pay a bill, I have to unblock each one of them??? How do I do that? If a credit company wants to contact me, they cannot do this even if we have contacted each other previously? Really?
How do I undo this already-marked system and get out of it? As you can guess, I am old and not up with the times. Please simplify your answers so a not-technical person can understand it.
I have the updated version of Fire Fox. My tabs have been constantly crashing. Not sure what's causing that.
Hi everyone, I am currently using Firefox "112.0.1 (64-bit)" on Windows 10 "10.0.19045 Build 19045]" I have problems using almost all Google websites: most of the times … (funda kabanzi)
Hi everyone, I am currently using Firefox "112.0.1 (64-bit)" on Windows 10 "10.0.19045 Build 19045]"
I have problems using almost all Google websites: most of the times they do not load at first attempt, and when they do they do not works properly. As example: Youtube does not load (or the cached version says that there is no internet connection), then after a few attempts it loads but all thumbnails on the home are gray.
On another browser (Edge) all websites works normally.
Using private window has the same problem, I have no extension and no plugin other than OpenH264 Video Codec provided by Cisco Systems, Inc. and Widevine Content Decryption Module provided by Google Inc.. I tried emptying cache and also reinstalling Firefox.
The only fix I found on the web is to disable hardware acceleration from settings. If I disable it and restart the browser, then all websites works normally. Actually I can't see this as fix but as a workaround, since I am using a notebook and I'd like to use my GPU for video decoding and save energy.
Maybe I am missing something? Is there something I can do? Thanks.
I want to get rid of McAfee Antivirus on my computor
Hi, I disabled several options in About:Config, and a feature previously disappeared. When I pressed the scroll button in the diamond, it opened a tag and moved to it aut… (funda kabanzi)
Hi, I disabled several options in About:Config, and a feature previously disappeared. When I pressed the scroll button in the diamond, it opened a tag and moved to it automatically. Whatever you do with the current tag, I want it. Please help me. ( I mean, it no longer applies to bookmarks, I want it to apply to bookmarks )
The download is that I am always movies on the transfer to a good comedy and show us movies because of the news , e-mailed, browser Firefox Android.install and migrate e… (funda kabanzi)
The download is that I am always movies on the transfer to a good comedy and show us movies because of the news , e-mailed, browser Firefox Android.install and migrate etc
keep active
Bank international
sapurt dowanlod
No matter what I try, I can't allow any sites to present my screen or a window, I can't find an option in settings neither in the option to allow in the tab. The "allow" … (funda kabanzi)
No matter what I try, I can't allow any sites to present my screen or a window, I can't find an option in settings neither in the option to allow in the tab. The "allow" button is simply not available at all. How do I solve that? The problem happens in all sites that I've tried: focusmate, cofocus, discord, google meet, etc
Please enable the ability to use the "Dark Reader" add-on on this site or let us change it in the settings. Horrible experience in light mode. On the added image you can … (funda kabanzi)
Please enable the ability to use the "Dark Reader" add-on on this site or let us change it in the settings. Horrible experience in light mode. On the added image you can see that the "Dark Reader" add-on is enabled.
Play video
I use Iosevka font as my preferred custom font for websites, I really like this Firefox feature (actually one of the main reasons why I swapped from Chromium browsers), a… (funda kabanzi)
I use Iosevka font as my preferred custom font for websites, I really like this Firefox feature (actually one of the main reasons why I swapped from Chromium browsers), and as of updating my Firefox Nightly to "Nightly 119.0a1 (20230908094535)" version this feature no longer works on all websites, and only seems to work on the search bar when I open a new tab.
Image 1: Settings (unchanged since previous version when this feature worked) Image 2: Search bar in new tab is using Iosevka font correctly Image 3: An example of another website where the font is not being loaded where it did in the previous version.
Some how my face book page is black and also in a diifferent language how can i get english language back and orinal facebook page back to it orinianal form
Show me how to get my Facebook page back if it has been hacked