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Downloads has a sticky "save as" folder location for just one website.
The Backstory: As a graphic designer, I save things from the web all the time--stock websites, client downloads, all that jazz. Because I have a ton of clients, I have th… (閱讀更多)
The Backstory: As a graphic designer, I save things from the web all the time--stock websites, client downloads, all that jazz. Because I have a ton of clients, I have the "Always Ask You Where to Save Files" option selected, and it usually does a pretty good job of remembering where I want to save stuff.
However, I've encountered a crazy bug in the last month: When I save images--jpegs specifically--from Adobe Stock, it will pop up the "where to save" window, and it will be a certain client's folder. (For clarity, we'll call this Tammy's folder.) I'll navigate to the new location I want to save assets for the current project I'm working on (let's say this is Mike's folder). Then I'll download another jpeg for Mike's folder from Adobe, but it will start me back in Tammy's folder again. This means I have to re-navigate to Mike's folder, every single time I want to save anywhere other than Tammy's folder.
Here's the weird thing: When I save .ai/vector files from Adobe stock, it remembers the last folder I saved an .ai/vector file to. Same for .pngs and other file types. On other stock websites, it will also remember, whether they are jps, zips, svgs--it works fine. It's JUST jpegs (not jpgs) from Adobe Stock.
I've tried clearing cookies, data, resetting the download location, rebooting my computer in between all the changes, and even going into the about:config to try to fix it that way. Short of uninstalling/reinstalling firefox, are there any other solutions I should try?