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Can no longer open Google Links/Suggestions when searching for products etc on my Acer Aspire Laptop.
Up until 2 weeks ago (so middle of June 2023) I had no issues with Firefox. However, since then I cannot open any 'GoogleAds' suggestions/links when searching products et… (閱讀更多)
Up until 2 weeks ago (so middle of June 2023) I had no issues with Firefox. However, since then I cannot open any 'GoogleAds' suggestions/links when searching products etc on my Acer Aspire Laptop (2023)?
I have Windows 11, Google is my nominated browser and my antivirus program is the same as when it was working OK.etc?
Non GoodleAds links, seem to work fine
As I don't know the exact date accessing the links/suggestions stopped working, I have no idea as to whether any Windows update has caused the issue with Firefox?
I can find my way round a computer, but I am not computer technically minded.
Any help would be appreciated as I am disabled and bedridden, so the internet is my key to the world.