Site Permissions panel

Firefox Firefox Senast uppdaterad: 03/18/2023 26% av användarna tyckte att det här var hjälpsamt
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If you have granted any special permissions to a website, you will see a Permissions icon Fx89PermissionsIcon in the address bar. Click this icon to open the Permissions panel, where you can view and adjust permissions for the website.


You can click the X next to any permission entry to clear the status. This will restore the default setting for that type of permission.

Note: You will not see a Permissions icon in the address bar if you have not changed any of the default permission settings for that website.

You can change any other permissions from the Page Info window, which contains a comprehensive Permissions section. To open the Page Info window for a website:

  1. Click the padlock Fx89Padlock in the address bar.
  2. Click the right arrow in the Site Information panel.
  3. Click the More Information button in the next panel.

See the Firefox Page Info window article for additional information.

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