Canceling your Pocket Premium subscription

Pocket Pocket Last updated: 1 månad ago 16% of users voted this helpful
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The procedure for canceling your Pocket Premium Subscription depends on where you purchased it.

If you made your purchase on the Pocket website

Visit the Manage Subscription page and click Cancel Pocket Premium. Your subscription will cancel at the end of the paid period.

If you made your purchase in Pocket on iOS

Click here to learn how to cancel your subscription purchased in the iOS App Store.

If you made your purchase in Pocket on Android

  1. Visit Pocket's Google Play Store page.
  2. You will see your subscription listed on the app details page. Tap Cancel.
  3. You will see a confirmation message. Tap Yes. Your subscription will cancel at the end of the paid period.

More detailed instructions can be found from Google Play Support.

Related Questions

What happens to my data if I cancel my subscription?

If you cancel your subscription, your Pocket account will be converted to a fully functional Free account. At the end of the subscription period you will no longer have access to any of the Premium features, including Permanent Library.

Can I get a refund for my Pocket Premium purchase?

  • If you purchased Pocket Premium through Apple's App Store, Google Play or another app market, it will unfortunately not be possible to receive a refund.
  • If you purchased Pocket Premium from the Pocket website, it may be possible to receive a prorated refund for the unused portion of your remaining subscription period (as explained in our terms of service). Click here to contact Pocket Support to inquire about a refund. Please include your Pocket account email address and subscription number when making your request.

How can I delete my Pocket account and data?

Click here to learn how to delete your Pocket account and data.

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