How do I embed a tutorial into my Popcorn Maker project?

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Popcorn Maker allows you to embed a tutorial inside your project, which shows up when a viewer hits the remix button.

To embed a tutorial, simply add a tutorial-URL tag when you publish

Popcorn tutorial tag

The tutorial-URL tag is a project tag that contains the word tutorial- and the URL of the tutorial that you want to embed.

You can embed just about any webpage as tutorial, all you need is the URL from the address bar.

An example

@MaxCapacity wanted to show others how to make an animated music video like the one he created in Popcorn Maker at

To do so he:

1) Made this Thimble webpage containing his instructions

2) Added a tag to his original Popcorn Maker project that said tutorial- plus the URL to his tutorial page.

Now whenever somebody watches his make and decides to remix it, their remixed version comes with a set of tutorials that Max embedded in his original project.

Useful hints

You can embed multiple tutorials inside of a single project

Notice that Max decided he wanted to include two tutorials in his project. The first tutorial has instructions for using animated GIFs from the web, and the second one has instructions for making your own animated GIFs.

All he had to do was add two tags instead of one into his original Popcorn Maker project.

If you have multiple tutorials, you can control the order that they appear

The order of your tutorial-URL tags will determine the order of tutorials that appear in the dropdown menu. The most recent tutorial-URL tag you add will be first tutorial to show up when a viewer remixes your project.

Starter template

You can use this sample template which includes basic HTML and CSS for easy formatting.

Be Creative

Since you can embed more than one tutorial into a project, why not include some additional artifacts for your remixers?

You can embed an artist’s statement, example remixes that you enjoy, or some links to source material that can make the project extra interesting.

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Illustration of hands


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