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Disable Firefox Lockwise

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Will the jerk who keeps force-enabling this Firefox Lockwise thing on MY computer PLEASE STOP DOING THAT!!!!! I was traveling and needed to find a critical password and all of sudden I had this completely unfamiliar and clunky interface that didn't work. I have been just fine with Firefox password management for years and then this Lockwise thing came along from some accidental auto-update to 77.0.1 which I also need to disable. A few revs back I found the about: config page = <blank> which fixed the Lockwise from showing up. At this rev 77.0.1 the Firefox hackers got it back onto my computer. Obviously the directions to disable the extension won't work because they've hidden it so it doesn't show up on the extensions page.

   "Click the menu button Fx57menu , click Fx57Addons-icon Add-ons and select Extensions.
   Scroll through the list of extensions.
   Click the ellipsis (3-dot) icon for the extension you wish to remove and select Remove."

Can anyone help me kill this Lockwise skin on top of the otherwise perfect password manager in Firefox, when they've hidden it from the extensions manager?

Will the jerk who keeps force-enabling this Firefox Lockwise thing on MY computer PLEASE STOP DOING THAT!!!!! I was traveling and needed to find a critical password and all of sudden I had this completely unfamiliar and clunky interface that didn't work. I have been just fine with Firefox password management for years and then this Lockwise thing came along from some accidental auto-update to 77.0.1 which I also need to disable. A few revs back I found the about: config page = <blank> which fixed the Lockwise from showing up. At this rev 77.0.1 the Firefox hackers got it back onto my computer. Obviously the directions to disable the extension won't work because they've hidden it so it doesn't show up on the extensions page. "Click the menu button Fx57menu , click Fx57Addons-icon Add-ons and select Extensions. Scroll through the list of extensions. Click the ellipsis (3-dot) icon for the extension you wish to remove and select Remove." Can anyone help me kill this Lockwise skin on top of the otherwise perfect password manager in Firefox, when they've hidden it from the extensions manager?

Izbrana rešitev

See this mozillaZine thread:

Preberite ta odgovor v kontekstu 👍 1

Vsi odgovori (12)

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Hi MarkHHunt, on desktop versions of Firefox (Windows/Mac/Linux), the Lockwise interface is built-in and is not an extension.

I'm not aware of any way to change the interface at this point.

The search box near the top of the Logins and Passwords page (AKA about:logins) allows filtering by any run of characters in either the site host name or your user name, so you should be able to find logins quickly if you know part of either of those. Is that not working on yours?

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I'm sorry but the awful Lockwise interface with 200+ logins crammed into the left margin, no ability to sort by login/email and horrendous waste of white space on the rest of the page is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE. Especially compared to the former default of a well-organized excel-type table, fully sortable, which makes most efficient use of the existing space and ability to view all passwords at once. Instead of the painfully slow and UNSAFE one-click-plus-enter-master password-over-and-over which defeats--is opposite of--a well thought out management system. It's not about the search box which the default system had as well. It's about hacking off an unwanted skin on my Firefox called Lockwise WHICH WAS JUST PUT ON MY SYSTEM WITHOUT MY PERMISSION A FEW DAYS AGO. I would welcome help to shut off the auto-updates and auto-nag-to-update also. At this rate I fear I will have to convert over to Chrome or Safari.

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Izbrana rešitev

See this mozillaZine thread:

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It will take me some time to unpack the directions at the link to see if I can get it working, I'm not a developer and not comfortable with that level of software tweaking, but I can certainly put in missing files where they belong. This is just the kind of time suck that makes me hate Firefox when everything was working right and then they break it. Adjusting the hidden preference worked for me the first time, I don't understand why they want to estrange users by repeatedly shoving this crap down our throats. Additionally, those directions appear to be for PC (I do not have admin rights on my PC). It's my Mac 10.12.6 that I was hoping to get working again.

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The code for the old login manager has been removed in Firefox 77, so it is no longer possible to use the chrome URI to load that page. There is always a (short) transition period where it is possible to fallback to older code in case of issues with the new code, but at some point this old code will be removed when the new code is working properly and all outstanding issues are resolved.

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Dangit....PLEASE PUT THE OLD PASSWORD MANAGER BACK THE WAY IT WAS. Please! Lockwise is stupid - you can't select groups of passwords, it keeps putting up details of a password when I have no items selected, it looks like it was designed by a 4th grader - uses WAY too much space. I don't want an entire window filled up when a small list box will work better.

PLEASE Mozilla - PLEASE STOP CHANGING MAJOR ITEMS that were WORKING FINE before. Lockwise is NOT better for all users.

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Hi misterdiodes, support forum volunteers aren't the programmers and can't help with that. You have many choices to submit change feature suggestions, depending on your desired style of interaction:

Discussion Sites/Advocacy

Limited Length Comments

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@jscher2000 those are a lot of useful links for general Firefox references but here is what I don't understand now that there is a Wikipedia entry about this thing. I can't find anywhere through those links or internet history sites large masses of people commenting that the password manager really didn't work and a completely new interface needed to be created and forced on people. What I DO find from any google search of "Firefox Lockwise" is hordes of people asking how do you get rid of it. Lots and lots of links discussing how bad it is and various ways to get rid of (the older versions). It is as though Mozilla built this nice house with a porch and so I moved into it, but then Mozilla came up again and took a giant dump on the porch for "doorbell access management" and now I can't check the doorbell without getting poop on me and I can't even hose off the porch because they removed the spigots! And I can't find anywhere discussing how they planned to dump this on anybody, or why, or who the specific "they" is who made this decision. I found some mention of a need for the portability of the passwords--the syncing service--which does not look related. So it's weird, surely now that the damage is done, individuals can go in and make thousands of new, individual complaints per your links above. But where is the ongoing discourse related to the thing in the first place that should have been dogpiled from the beginning?

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Hi MarkHHunt, regarding --

But where is the ongoing discourse related to the thing in the first place that should have been dogpiled from the beginning?

-- I don't know what you're looking for or expecting to find, but hopefully you'll be able to turn it up with some searching.

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cor-el said

The code for the old login manager has been removed in Firefox 77, so it is no longer possible to use the chrome URI to load that page. There is always a (short) transition period where it is possible to fallback to older code in case of issues with the new code, but at some point this old code will be removed when the new code is working properly and all outstanding issues are resolved.

It took me 3 hours of trial and error to figure out how to download the files in a raw format and put them in the correct locations. But it is working. There is also a config.js file that goes in the Firefox/Contents/Resources with the path to the boot.jsm file.

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Then WTH cant mozilla fix this crap???

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Marty McGrath said

Then WTH cant mozilla fix this crap???

Hi Marty, let's continue in your new thread: