Odpravljanje težav z razširitvami, temami in strojnim pospeševanjem

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Vzrok za nekatere probleme s Firefoxom so razširitve in teme. Ta članek vam bo pomagal ugotoviti, ali gre pri problemih, ki jih imate, za razširitve in za teme, in - če je temu tako - kako jih lahko rešite, tako da bo delo s Firefoxom spet teklo normalno.

Poženite Firefox v varnem načinu

Če Firefox zaženete v varnem načinu, so vse razširitve začasno deaktivirane, začasno pa se uporablja samo prednastavljeno temo. Tako lahko ugotovite, ali je vzrok vaših problemov med razširitvami ali temami, ki ste jih bili nastavili.

Kliknite gumb menija Fx89menuButton, kliknite Pomoč, izberite Način za odpravljanje težav … in v pogovornem oknu Znova zaženi Firefox v načinu za odpravljanje težav? kliknite Ponovno zaženi.

Opomba: Firefox lahko v načinu za odpravljanje težav zaženete tudi tako, da med zagonom Firefoxa držite tipko Shift.med zagonom Firefoxa držite tipko option.odprete Terminal in zaženete: firefox -safe-mode
Morda boste morali navesti namestitveno pot Firefoxa (npr. /usr/lib/firefox).

  1. Ko se odpre okno Firefox za varni način, pritisnite na gumb Nadaljuj v varnem načinu.

Ko Firefox začne v varnem načinu, preizkusite, ali do problema še vedno prihaja.

Če do problema prihaja tudi v varnem načinu

Če do problema prihaja tudi v varnem načinu, razširitve in teme ne morejo biti vzrok zanje. Lahko da gre pri problemih za vstavke ali pa za spremembe v nastavitvah za Firefox, ki se jih v varnem načinu ni odklopilo.

Problem se v varnem načinu ne pojavlja

Če v varnem načinu ne prihaja do problemov, je zelo verjetno vzrok v eni od razširitev ali tem. V nadaljevanju tega članka boste našli navodila za postopke, s katerimi lahko ugotovite, katera od nastavitev ali tem povzroča probleme.

Premenjajte v prednastavljeno temo

Če uporabljate temo, ki se od prednastavljene teme Firefox razlikuje:

  1. Kliknite na meni Orodja in izberite Dodatki. Prikaže se okno za dodatke.
  2. V oknu za dodatke kliknite na ikono Teme.
  3. Izberite prednastavljeno temo in nato kliknite na Uporabi temo, tako da Firefox preklopi na to temo.
  4. Kliknite na Poženi ponovno Firefox.

After you restart Firefox, test for your problem. If it no longer occurs, the theme you were using was causing it. If it still occurs, continue following the steps in this article.

Deaktivirajte vse razširitve

To determine whether a faulty extension is causing your problem, you can disable all of your installed extensions:

  1. Click the Tools menu and then select Add-ons. The Add-ons window appears.
  2. In the Add-ons window, click the Extensions icon. The list of installed extensions appears.
  3. Click the name of an extension the list to select it.
  4. Click Disable to disable the selected extension.
  5. Repeat for each of the other extensions in the list.
  6. Click Restart Firefox.

After you restart Firefox, all extensions will be disabled. Test for your problem.

  • If the problem still occurs with all extensions disabled, it is most likely that the localstore.rdf file in your Firefox profile is corrupt. You can [[Toolbar keeps resetting#Method 1:Using Safe Mode|Reset toolbars and controls]] to resolve the problem.

If the problem no longer occurs with all extensions disabled, one of your extensions was causing it. To find the extension that was causing your problem, continue as follows:

Testirate vse razširitve na napake

To determine which of your disabled extensions was causing your problem, you can re-enable each extension one at a time.

  1. Click the Tools menu and then select Add-ons. The Add-ons window appears.
  2. In the Add-ons window, click the Extensions icon. The list of installed extensions appears.
  3. Click the name of an extension the list to select it.
  4. Click Enable to enable the selected extension.
  5. Click Restart Firefox.

After you restart Firefox, test for your problem. If the problem comes back, the extension you just enabled was causing it.

Note: If you have a large number of extensions, it may be quicker to enable more than one extension at a time. The method with the fewest number of restarts required is: Enable half the extensions in this list, then restart Firefox and test for the problem. If the problem reoccurs, you know that the faulty extension is one of the ones you just enabled. If the problem does not occur, you know the faulty extension is one of the disabled ones. Repeat the process until the faulty extension is found.

After you find the extension that was causing your problem, disable or uninstall the faulty extension and re-enable the other extensions in the Add-ons window.

Kako obnoviti teme

If an installed theme was causing your problem, it may have an update available that will fix it:

  1. Click on the Tools menu and then choose Add-ons. The Add-ons window appears.
  2. In the Add-ons window, click the Themes icon.
  3. To check for updates for installed themes, click Find Updates.
  4. If updates are found, install them by clicking Install Updates.
  5. When the installation is complete, click Restart Firefox.

After Firefox restarts, your themes will be updated. If the theme that was causing your problem had an update, re-enable it and test for your problem again.

Kako obnoviti razširitve

If an extension was causing your problem, it may have an update available that will fix it:

  1. Click the Tools menu and then choose Add-ons. The Add-ons window appears.
  2. In the Add-ons window, click the Extensions icons.
  3. Click Find Updates.
  4. If updates are found, install them by clicking Install Updates.
  5. Ko je posodabljanja konec, kliknite naPoženi ponovno Firefox.

Ko Firefox povovno začne z delom, bodo vse razširitve obnovljene. Če za razširitev, s katero ste imeli probleme, obstaja nova verzija, jo ponovno aktivirajte in preverite, ali do problema še vedno prihaja.