Did Not Connect: Potential Security Issue

https://www.qianli.cn/ Peer’s Certificate has expired. HTTP Strict Transport Security: false HTTP Public Key Pinning: false Certificate chain: BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----… (читать ещё)


Peer’s Certificate has expired.

HTTP Strict Transport Security: false HTTP Public Key Pinning: false

Certificate chain:


MIIF+DCCBOCgAwIBAgIQDsrm2CMWLJceuGGH8DSfdjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBu MQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEVMBMGA1UEChMMRGlnaUNlcnQgSW5jMRkwFwYDVQQLExB3 d3cuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tMS0wKwYDVQQDEyRFbmNyeXB0aW9uIEV2ZXJ5d2hlcmUg RFYgVExTIENBIC0gRzEwHhcNMjMwNDA0MDAwMDAwWhcNMjQwNDAzMjM1OTU5WjAY MRYwFAYDVQQDEw13d3cucWlhbmxpLmNuMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8A MIIBCgKCAQEAsLAgIWDq0900wurriva7S5DubRJDSXMtXEWowLd3bBLXqb+Px1u5 doSiUYdnPWruXWC2ErF/+TDnuiUA24fggHZO5F7g3239Ds5M4/wo8w3qcGQscpDo aDBFkAYER52K89G3OG9AQj+vhcsoITo1URnYOfdcd2xDyngDTj+8cuHrQmnoVyTr 0pthnV1BvLKb+AGCAF3r009lop+8nJeXp5ueIGrKZDNqAcaAjk4tS4TgmGsPVs5Q 1ykokmE4mYks2O2SQssstl8moRMeaOVIvk/LxjRReE/+IQzFg5QQ33ogrNURbjf7 rI1SzM8nMJL6sJ6eTrrBSLgKvC0oH9/KfQIDAQABo4IC5jCCAuIwHwYDVR0jBBgw FoAUVXRPsnJP9WC6UNHX5lFcmgGHGtcwHQYDVR0OBBYEFHMmIunzCGLpawy8trsX TQiIrotbMCMGA1UdEQQcMBqCDXd3dy5xaWFubGkuY26CCXFpYW5saS5jbjAOBgNV HQ8BAf8EBAMCBaAwHQYDVR0lBBYwFAYIKwYBBQUHAwEGCCsGAQUFBwMCMD4GA1Ud IAQ3MDUwMwYGZ4EMAQIBMCkwJwYIKwYBBQUHAgEWG2h0dHA6Ly93d3cuZGlnaWNl cnQuY29tL0NQUzCBgAYIKwYBBQUHAQEEdDByMCQGCCsGAQUFBzABhhhodHRwOi8v b2NzcC5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20wSgYIKwYBBQUHMAKGPmh0dHA6Ly9jYWNlcnRzLmRp Z2ljZXJ0LmNvbS9FbmNyeXB0aW9uRXZlcnl3aGVyZURWVExTQ0EtRzEuY3J0MAkG A1UdEwQCMAAwggF8BgorBgEEAdZ5AgQCBIIBbASCAWgBZgB1AO7N0GTV2xrOxVy3 nbTNE6Iyh0Z8vOzew1FIWUZxH7WbAAABh0rqWlcAAAQDAEYwRAIgL5rjkdkVYGhN VlBkab0r0sr7nygDvQkv3beblSpNekQCIFcOxeezE72pAk7AGqWFdOpU9LwNqT8l EzBE4UXsxyYiAHUASLDja9qmRzQP5WoC+p0w6xxSActW3SyB2bu/qznYhHMAAAGH SupaDwAABAMARjBEAiBP0WiMdBY2MYWNyGvCfbT33gJ5O8lYE6alqGlrmFvshQIg KEfdNTe+K+UXNmy7OFCxmQOlpa8TOvLntLKRECq1iygAdgDatr9rP7W2Ip+bwrtc a+hwkXFsu1GEhTS9pD0wSNf7qwAAAYdK6lnYAAAEAwBHMEUCIQD73BPGA2+fLaZr AIxaDhfEIRzAxUW4BEZ3T7Uw9mt64QIgRF1wL8BUIwPllaWBbYQ8NWiqYDY+JDmh 3z3dFRZwkUowDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAJ1kBnuAeQ9Gy2mENF4M0GVyfYTx xg6XZaIKIe2wE3+o88qSjc5loBGoauEpenoh1MKDhtu4Qjfe0RlGiAUpZeyfHaTk ucxjrEYlkthpIjPtnJA19veqyhZYecOojWYenQ+7Ya/uKhja9rATAtXafMm+PbCJ w8gr5mcZBC6zuy3yaPGeojMe4+sZXg5Qo1T1sUr2w3EkdU6pn4/kuSfjJ6FxNtMX t/Hjd8P4vdjM4X+TtjswZBechj1hV5lLbNTiG0LlchlYVPoxcFCcr18XkaMikYPj sBdqOEZyC421yzOw+wb3RGCohoNGE0qlEqTHC+7kzHb3+HLdqes43rr9UuY=




Задан Golden Farm 2 недели назад

Последний ответ от TyDraniu 2 недели назад

New Computer but Bookmarks Not Synching

Got a new PC and loading all the software (ugh). I made Firefox my default browser and opened my Yahoo email. I tried synching the bookmarks and picked Sync Now but the… (читать ещё)

Got a new PC and loading all the software (ugh). I made Firefox my default browser and opened my Yahoo email. I tried synching the bookmarks and picked Sync Now but the old bookmarks are not showing up. I still have a laptop with all the old bookmarks (from synching automatically). Can I export those to a thumb drive and bring into the new computer somehow? Do I risk losing my bookmarks on the laptop when I turn it on? Fred

Задан pack489 2 недели назад

Последний ответ от cor-el 2 недели назад

Power saving mode for laptops

this is more of a feature suggestion: can power saving mode for laptops be added to firefox where background usage will be decreased with more focus on less CPU and resou… (читать ещё)

this is more of a feature suggestion: can power saving mode for laptops be added to firefox where background usage will be decreased with more focus on less CPU and resource usage to give more battery life, even going to use only the iGPU of the CPU and not using the dGPU at all?

Задан abanoub.samy.s 2 недели назад

Последний ответ от TyDraniu 2 недели назад

Lost codes

Firefox Motzilla code question I’m signing into Printify using my Firefox account. Everything was good getting my Etsy shop as it was. But all of this came to a halt bec… (читать ещё)

Firefox Motzilla code question I’m signing into Printify using my Firefox account. Everything was good getting my Etsy shop as it was. But all of this came to a halt because I needed to pare my IPhone with my MacBook Pro. Couldn't get anywhere. Couldn't login to Prinitfy. It asked me for my code and this brought everything to a halt. I hunted everywhere. I don't have them. Needing codes is relatively new to me. I have been mostly working on designing and publishing products for Etsy. End of last year and this one, I've been hacked (4 months to repair) Right now I’m working on retrieving nearly everything including my identity. which happened last week. I believe over half of what I lost has been fixed. It is slowly coming to completion, but I need the codes or possibly new ones please, now to get into Printify. I have 73 products in my store.. To finish. the codes, where would they be? What do I do? I don"t know. I have much time to fulfill my mission, I've gone broke because of all the problems I've had, but I keep trying. Please help me. FYI, I work on a 2019 16" MacBook Pro: Sonoma 14.5.

My best to you all, Jane Magarigal

Задан Jane Magarigal 2 недели назад

Последний ответ от TyDraniu 2 недели назад

Force a scrollbar on a page that has none ( but still has info leow bottom of screen)

I need to fora a scrollbar on a page that "pops up" but lacks scrollbar handelsbanken ( owner of the page) is not helpful Firefox 115.13 64 bit /edit: moved threa… (читать ещё)

I need to fora a scrollbar on a page that "pops up" but lacks scrollbar

handelsbanken ( owner of the page) is not helpful

Firefox 115.13 64 bit

/edit: moved thread from Firefox for iOS (iPhone/iPad) to Firefox section as this appears to be about Firefox on macOS.

Задан tsar.peter 3 дня назад

Последний ответ от cor-el 3 дня назад

My need to work with please help me with attached to my account and investment please

My need to work with please help me with attached to my account and investment check with my email access to my old telegram account please help me with attached to my ac… (читать ещё)

My need to work with please help me with attached to my account and investment check with my email access to my old telegram account please help me with attached to my account and investment please

Задан Machindra Sawant 4 дня назад

Последний ответ от markwarner22 4 дня назад

Sound from Browser not playing through speakers

Hello, When I try to play sound through my speaker, when I am on my browser I get no sound. However when I use my headphones and jack the sounds can be heard. I think … (читать ещё)


When I try to play sound through my speaker, when I am on my browser I get no sound. However when I use my headphones and jack the sounds can be heard.

I think it is my browser is because I use other programs and get sound out of my speakers.


Задан DRK KNGHT 4 дня назад

Последний ответ от jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 4 дня назад

Problems in Windows 11

I have many problems with Firefox for Windows 11. Unfortunately, it occupies a very high amount of cpu above 88% and memory above 700 MB with two or three open screens an… (читать ещё)

I have many problems with Firefox for Windows 11. Unfortunately, it occupies a very high amount of cpu above 88% and memory above 700 MB with two or three open screens and has a very high battery consumption, consuming more than 41% of 100% battery in less than an hour. Also, I used it a lot in Windows 10 and it was not like this at all, and its automatic update was perfect in Windows 10, but it does not work in Windows 11. Thank you for your attention and correcting software updates in the very near future

Задан Erfan Mohebali 3 дня назад

Последний ответ от jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 3 дня назад

Developer Tools "Find" next, previous, replace options?

Not sure why this https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1400794 was archived. Being archived I cannot "check mark" the question to show I too have this problem. I… (читать ещё)

Not sure why this https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1400794 was archived.

Being archived I cannot "check mark" the question to show I too have this problem.

It is a basic problem and a piece of gravel in the shoe of many, I suggest, Firefox users who are developers.

Clearly, there is a need for a UI to navigate inspected content results and the original question author was exactly correct.

This is drip by drip making me want to end my return to Firefox and give up and use Chrome.

Even just an indication such as unarchiving the riginal post and linking to a "Pending to fix" Github issue would be a nice step.

Thank you Mozilla for all you do, and here's hoping this will get looked at.

Задан acbrist 4 дня назад

Последний ответ от cor-el 3 дня назад

video codec may be failing on newer format?

I have noticed in the past few weeks or so, many video play backs are erroring out on google/news: Example: https://6abc.com/post/middle-schoolers-create-20-fake-tiktok-a… (читать ещё)

I have noticed in the past few weeks or so, many video play backs are erroring out on google/news: Example: https://6abc.com/post/middle-schoolers-create-20-fake-tiktok-accounts-impersonating/15039963/

Message is: Media could not be loaded, either because server or network failed or because format is not supported.

IMO not a network issue......

Thanks John Hutchins

Задан John P Hutchins 2 недели назад

Последний ответ от TyDraniu 2 недели назад

Themes are bugged

I have the latest FireFox Nightly, and i'm using a theme from firefox's themes store, and it has all tabs "marked" for some reason, which is really annoying and I can't r… (читать ещё)

I have the latest FireFox Nightly, and i'm using a theme from firefox's themes store, and it has all tabs "marked" for some reason, which is really annoying and I can't really identify on which tab i'm currently at

I'm pretty sure it wasn't like that before

Задан Tyson 2 недели назад

Последний ответ от TyDraniu 2 недели назад

Website Claims Affiliation

Verification of website says part of innovation project with Mozzilla A new A.I. site popped up called Solo which lists it as "a Mozilla Innovation Project" focused on de… (читать ещё)

Verification of website says part of innovation project with Mozzilla A new A.I. site popped up called Solo which lists it as "a Mozilla Innovation Project" focused on developing an AI website builder for solopreneurs for free. The site is SOLO.ai and I need to know if this is affiliated with the "Mozilla Innovation Project" that the site says is part of mozilla? The person that corresponded with me is a Raj Singh

Задан TS MP 2 недели назад

Последний ответ от James 2 недели назад