Switch to another language on Firefox Reality

Firefox Reality Firefox Reality Last updated: 08/24/2023 100% of users voted this helpful
Ten artykuł jest jeszcze nieprzetłumaczony. Jeśli wiesz, jak tłumaczyć artykuły dla SUMO, rozpocznij tłumaczenie. Jeśli chcesz się dowiedzieć, jak tłumaczyć artykuły dla SUMO, zobacz tutaj.
Note: Mozilla support for Firefox Reality has ended. To learn more, see End of support for Firefox Reality.

Firefox Reality will use the same language settings as your headset. If you need to change to another language after already installing Firefox Reality, the steps to do it currently varies for each device.


Oculus currently requires a factory reset, then a fresh install of Firefox Reality and all your other apps:

  1. Perform a factory reset either through the Oculus app or by holding down the power and volume (-) on your headset until the startup screen shows up.
  2. Choose the factory reset option.
  3. Choose the language you want to use when prompted.
  4. Reinstall Firefox Reality from the store. See Install Firefox Reality for more information.

Vive Focus

  1. Go to your settings panel by clicking the cogwheel button in the mini-tray.
  2. Choose Languages and select the language you want to switch to.

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