Can I subscribe to my list via RSS?

Pocket Pocket Last updated: 09/28/2023 6% of users voted this helpful
Ten artykuł jest jeszcze nieprzetłumaczony. Jeśli wiesz, jak tłumaczyć artykuły dla SUMO, rozpocznij tłumaczenie. Jeśli chcesz się dowiedzieć, jak tłumaczyć artykuły dla SUMO, zobacz tutaj.
The RSS feed feature has been discontinued and is no longer supported. If you use the RSS feed to display your saves on other sites, this feature may not work as expected.

Pocket generates RSS feeds of your saved items, and you can subscribe to these feeds using an RSS reader.

To find your Pocket RSS feed URLs, click here.

If you have a Pocket username (that's not an email address), you can also create the feed URLs yourself using the syntax below:

My List


All Items (My List + Archive)

Note: RSS feeds are protected by password by default, but not all RSS feed readers support this. To disable this protection and access your RSS feed from any feed reader, click the "Turn off RSS Feed password protection" link here:

Pocket: Privacy Controls

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