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AdBlock does not work for a while

  • 1 válasz
  • 0 embernek van ilyen problémája
  • 6 megtekintés
  • Utolsó üzenet ettől: Balázs Meskó

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I used AdBlock in my Firefox browser for several years with great satisfaction, but for a while (for a few months) it simply does not hide the ads. It is extremely frustrating especially when some brutal "killing" game ads appear in youtube cartoon videos, watched by my 5y-old daughter. What happened with AdBlock? How to solve it?

I appreciate any help. Thank you. Peter

I used AdBlock in my Firefox browser for several years with great satisfaction, but for a while (for a few months) it simply does not hide the ads. It is extremely frustrating especially when some brutal "killing" game ads appear in youtube cartoon videos, watched by my 5y-old daughter. What happened with AdBlock? How to solve it? I appreciate any help. Thank you. Peter

Összes válasz (1)

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Hi Peter!

I am not really familiar with AdBlock and its issues. It is open source, but they have no public issue tracker where you can report problems, only the website.

So I can't recommend any settings in AdBlock, but I would recommend using uBlock Origin instead, currently it is the generally most well-respected content blocker for Firefox.

Regards, Balázs