What is Pocket?

Pocket Pocket Last updated: 5 months ago 56% of users voted this helpful
Még senki nem segített lefordítani ezt a leírást. Ha már ismeri a SUMO-ban a fordítás menetét, elkezdheti a fordítást. Ha szeretné megtanulni, hogyan fordíthat leírásokat a SUMO-ban, kezdje itt.

Pocket is a free service from Mozilla that makes it easy to discover great content that’s personalized to your interests, and save this content so you can return to it later – on any device, at any time.

It’s your one-stop destination for reading engaging content, catching up on your favorite blogs and news sources, and watching videos that you discovered but weren’t in the right place to watch. Now, there's no longer a reason to worry about finishing up an article before getting to work, sending the kids to school, or making that next cup of coffee.

Here’s how to get the most out of Pocket:

  1. Install Pocket on your devices and add the Pocket button to your browser. Pocket keeps everything in sync for you automatically, so you’ll see the same thing on every device. To learn more, see Installing the Pocket extension in your browser.
  2. Learn how to save to Pocket. Save to Pocket from anywhere so you never lose track of what’s important to you. Learn how to save here.
  3. Discover new recommendations to read now or save for later. Your Home feed is filled with amazing discoveries catered to your interests. The more you use Pocket, the better these recommendations will be.

Here at Pocket, our passion is helping people discover engaging content, making it easy to save this content for later so they can have it all in one reliable place.

If you have any questions while you’re getting started, please feel free to visit Pocket Support or send us a tweet @pocketsupport. We love hearing from our users.

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