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firefox kept freezing up and slow load... I did a system restore then i uninstalled then reinstalled firefox browser... are my old bookmarks gone forever. firefox install… (tuilleadh eolais)
firefox kept freezing up and slow load... I did a system restore then i uninstalled then reinstalled firefox browser... are my old bookmarks gone forever. firefox installed a new bookmarks folder. are my old bookmarks gone forever? firefox installed a new bookmarks folder
Hello, how can I rearrange the icons in the overhang menu to the left? Since yesterday the icons are centered in the middle of the overhang menu. If you make the Firefox… (tuilleadh eolais)
Hello, how can I rearrange the icons in the overhang menu to the left? Since yesterday the icons are centered in the middle of the overhang menu. If you make the Firefox window smaller now, the icons on the right are no longer displayed. I am using version 110 on a Windows 7 system. Thanks a lot for the help.
While using Yahoo email I tried to access the 'Notepad' page and get a message saying to Download a new version of Firefox to see the 'Calendar' even though I was trying … (tuilleadh eolais)
While using Yahoo email I tried to access the 'Notepad' page and get a message saying to Download a new version of Firefox to see the 'Calendar' even though I was trying for the 'Notepad' not the 'Calendar'. If I try for the 'Calendar' I initially get the small right-sidebar version fine but if I ask for the full page version I get the error message again. This does not happen if I access Yahoo through Chrome-browser. I have repeatedly done the download to no avail. (I have version 99.0.1). I am attaching a screenshot of the error message. Thanks for any help. No rush.
My name is Ievgeniia Kukushkina and I hope I can get help here 🙏 I represent company called Piano Software which provides user experience and paywall software to manage … (tuilleadh eolais)
My name is Ievgeniia Kukushkina and I hope I can get help here 🙏
I represent company called Piano Software which provides user experience and paywall software to manage subscriptions and access to content for companies. Our customers news websites use our software to make a relevant experience for end-users. But end users, who use your software could not access to that content, because your software blocks ours. We received multiple tickets regarding Firefox blocking the execution of Piano scripts
It seems Firefox blocks all Piano Scripts in the strict privacy mode of the browser.
For a few days now users are reporting, that they can't access the Login via firefox. In the "strict" privacy mode all Piano scripts seem to get blocked. Even Paywalls and Banner are missing. When i choose a custom privacy setting and block everything but "tracking content", all piano functions are available again.
Did you change anything in your cookie handling, that may have be causing browsers to categorize piano cookies wrong and block them?
Steps to reproduce (see also video):
open in firefox
in standard brwoser privacy setting you should be able to see the Login button, Paywalls, Banner
open pricavy settings and turn on strict mode
Login Button etc. disappear
Turn privacy setting to custom and uncheck "tracking content" -> Login appears again.
there is a problem in the firefox browser, if you use "private window" the function "Extended tracking protection" is turned on automaticly and in this case you can't log in to the account and also article locks don't appear at all
I mean this:
here it doesn't appear in firefox this is normally displayed in chrome
Recently we've received some reports from people that they are unable to sign-in on our website in Firefox. It seems like the Piano script is being blocked for some reason. One of our developers has provided a recording of what he was seeing here (a Sign-In / Subscribe button should be appearing in the top right if it were working properly).
He is using Firefox version 126.0 on macOS, in private browsing mode, using Standard browser privacy settings. We've had others report the same issue on Windows in normal browsing mode. We previously haven't had issues with those settings before, so we're not sure if something may have changed.
Do you have any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this?
Hello, My website main image has displayed via Firefox browsers seamlessly for years. However, recently when visiting my website via Firefox browsers the main image no l… (tuilleadh eolais)
My website main image has displayed via Firefox browsers seamlessly for years. However, recently when visiting my website via Firefox browsers the main image no longer displays.
I have cleared cache, and followed all direction provided on the mozilla support site and the image does not display. It displays via other browsers and also on tablets and mobile but again not Firefox any longer.
My website is:
Could you please assist in sharing how this happened and how this issue may be resolved?
Thank you
hi guys, i want to change my default favicons but i cant find this path on my mac. .bookmark-item { list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/… (tuilleadh eolais)
hi guys, i want to change my default favicons but i cant find this path on my mac.
.bookmark-item {
list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/defaultFavicon.svg");
I have the same problem as this person: but I have a windows 10 and the solution does not show up in the Taskbar sett… (tuilleadh eolais)
I have the same problem as this person:
but I have a windows 10 and the solution does not show up in the Taskbar settings. Is there an updated version for this? Here is the OPs original question.
"When I open a new Firefox window, it stacks it on top of all the others in the task bar at the bottom. I would like them to be BESIDE each other. It used to do that. Now I have to hover over the ONLY Firefox item on the bottom task bar and read the list to find the one I want to go to. This is a waste of time and tedious.
How can I change this?"
I have 2 yahoo email accounts. 1 on Chrome & "block Spam" works but on FF it does not. The same fake emails keep coming back and I can't add a screenshot to this. … (tuilleadh eolais)
I have 2 yahoo email accounts. 1 on Chrome & "block Spam" works but on FF it does not. The same fake emails keep coming back and I can't add a screenshot to this.
How do I support the mozilla team?
I use Quickbooks. I've been frustrated on mozilla with the last two characters being cut off. I can change the zoom, but that doesn't help. It didn't used to happen, b… (tuilleadh eolais)
I use Quickbooks. I've been frustrated on mozilla with the last two characters being cut off. I can change the zoom, but that doesn't help. It didn't used to happen, but I don't know which version this started with. When I use the same product under Chrome, it doesn't happen, so it's not the product. Any way you can help me?
Show me how to get my Facebook page back if it has been hacked
I don't know, Why i lost all my sync data from Firefox after reinstalling? How to recover my data?
Hi there, About 4 days ago, hotmail suddenly stopped loading on Firefox (though I can still access it on Safari). I've tried clearing my cache and add-ons, etc. I've go… (tuilleadh eolais)
Hi there,
About 4 days ago, hotmail suddenly stopped loading on Firefox (though I can still access it on Safari). I've tried clearing my cache and add-ons, etc. I've googled a ton and tried all the things I can find to try, but nothing is working. I am by no means a tech person and so I'm out of ideas and need some help. I know I can use Safari, but I really hate using it and prefer Firefox. Any ideas on what to do? I am using a MacBook Pro - Sonoma 14.4.1
Thank you so much! Jocelyn Pascall
This happens on other websites as well: Peer’s Certificate issuer is not recognized. HTTP Strict Transport Security: true HTTP Public Key Pi… (tuilleadh eolais)
This happens on other websites as well:
Peer’s Certificate issuer is not recognized.
HTTP Strict Transport Security: true HTTP Public Key Pinning: false
Certificate chain:
MIID3DCCAsSgAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADB/MQswCQYDVQQGEwJFUzEP MA0GA1UECAwGTWFkcmlkMQ8wDQYDVQQHDAZNYWRyaWQxDjAMBgNVBAoMBUFsbG90 MQ4wDAYDVQQLDAVBbGxvdDEuMCwGA1UEAwwlYWxsb3QuY29tL2VtYWlsQWRkcmVz cz1pbmZvQGFsbG90LmNvbTAeFw0xNjEyMTYxMzA3NDlaFw0yNjEyMTYxMzA3NDla MH8xCzAJBgNVBAYTAkVTMQ8wDQYDVQQIDAZNYWRyaWQxDzANBgNVBAcMBk1hZHJp ZDEOMAwGA1UECgwFQWxsb3QxDjAMBgNVBAsMBUFsbG90MS4wLAYDVQQDDCVhbGxv dC5jb20vZW1haWxBZGRyZXNzPWluZm9AYWxsb3QuY29tMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0B AQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAtckdwPaklW7lAUz/jjFnePUeGNG0w9E1ajLq4UZO vol1ESRdiVXJhj43/4NtvFGiw0ujDwh8K5xErtaXx+W+Lk0yw2uXATBtdvr3pdDj cxNjUVYl6iis0lxgKff02fsLHdLvy9hJX08wsBF6NKW9YetM6WznDsWztucfg8a1 QaUxFzwHxKjTaV9+RO1zosUgU6RIZwBJrXnyJPeMdbDeS7+WXIAQT1WlficRckAw 4VX7l90AVXzng+Kf+SErsD0DtOiMS/nawa/0tW6whd6zmSaCtPJg37EBp3BQkpdn RvRCsG9h1aWkBUdFNb0mNbnHDP0dmWrDZEFKNmpeC6LmkQIDAQABo2MwYTAOBgNV HQ8BAf8EBAMCAQYwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUqLwqHQ0a0mcp ebqXCx9QL1ibqvcwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUqLwqHQ0a0mcpebqXCx9QL1ibqvcwDQYJ KoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAHJsGkbv+mGhMHfc5z1UZGsH0rkV0U+tl/6hwutyMHPO tvHCwK30keSqiIz8E0grwkMAiS4Ir1w52hfJB0JndxWv1rBTk5gA5ASruhsNKcgv hDgfuVBwSw7ILX9wkl5J2Eu/ew3TRB8lDO7XX4DF0p2L1DyZl+r0HSB9NgQH4kI7 HSxW0oo34bu+S/u3ycMZ1RjjzzVKtI5S6ydVz2qKVqhuSwuFJnndoKjrzMphwraN cKSTLyIj77FK1IUtiivprXk15/lrlnoK+zIlrCzR/Yl5pBYDjb1VhTLUBzm8uNV/ dlYQqPygZFfK8Al/p1grILXWUHmdOaUX+AoWlitKDJo=
Can you help?
Hey there, I was using one of my macs today and it suddenly started updating. It was taking ages and seemingly stalled, so I closed the app. Now, all our bookmarks and h… (tuilleadh eolais)
Hey there, I was using one of my macs today and it suddenly started updating. It was taking ages and seemingly stalled, so I closed the app.
Now, all our bookmarks and history is gone. Also, the now updated version is not showing my new history etc.
Is there any way to retrieve our original bookmarks, history and passwords?
Regards Peter
Yesterday, I ran a format on my computer with Firefox in installed on it. When I tried to recover my settings, history and bookmarks later using sync after logging in to … (tuilleadh eolais)
Yesterday, I ran a format on my computer with Firefox in installed on it. When I tried to recover my settings, history and bookmarks later using sync after logging in to my account nothing happened. Can you please help me recover my data? Thanks in advance.
When I login to my main Firefox browser and then access a website within a short while the browser screen opens up again automatically. In other words, a second window w… (tuilleadh eolais)
When I login to my main Firefox browser and then access a website within a short while the browser screen opens up again automatically. In other words, a second window which is very irritating. How can I stop this from happening?