Use Web Apps with Firefox for Android

Firefox for Android Firefox for Android Luotu: 42% of users voted this helpful
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Web apps work almost like native apps except you can open a web app in your browser. While native apps can pass your information on to each other, running a web app through Firefox lets you use the browser's privacy features and extensions to gain more control over how the app is using your data. (For more information about apps, see our blog post.)

We'll show you how to install and use web apps on Firefox for Android.

  1. Open Firefox on your Android phone or tablet.
  2. Visit webpage for the app you want to install (example:,, etc.)
  3. Tap the menu button android menu icon
    Menu button - Template:menupreview
  4. Tap Install. The Add to Home Screen panel will appear.
  5. Drag the icon to your preferred spot on your home screen or tap Add automatically.

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