Who else is issuing Open Badges?

Open Badges Open Badges Last updated: 9 lat, 3 miesiące ago 71% of users voted this helpful
Ten artykuł jest jeszcze nieprzetłumaczony. Jeśli wiesz, jak tłumaczyć artykuły dla SUMO, rozpocznij tłumaczenie. Jeśli chcesz się dowiedzieć, jak tłumaczyć artykuły dla SUMO, zobacz tutaj.

Over 1,900 independent badge issuers - ranging from formal and informal educational institutions; multinational corporations; industry associations; non-profits; and groups interested in professional development - have aligned with the Open Badge standard.

We manage the Participating Issuers List based on issuers self-reporting their badge activity to us: http://www.openbadges.org/participating-issuers

There is also a community-edited wiki page listing open badge issuers: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Badges/Issuers

We have a great community-curated collection of badge issuing platforms which can be accessed here: http://bit.ly/platform-chart

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