In which countries is MDN Plus available to subscribe?

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MDN Plus is available in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Sweden, Singapore, Switzerland, Spain, Turkey, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, the US and the UK.

I subscribed to MDN Plus - What happens if I move to a country where MDN Plus is not available?

If you move to a country where MDN Plus is not available after purchasing a subscription in a supported country, your subscription will remain active and you’ll continue to have access to MDN Plus as long as your billing information doesn’t change.

What languages is MDN Plus available in?

MDN Plus is currently available in the following languages:

  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • French
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Russian
  • Spanish

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