Scenes in Hubs

Овај чланак се више не одржава, па његов садржај може бити застарео.

You can change how your Hubs room looks by choosing from various scenes. There are many premade scenes available, most created by users with Spoke. You can choose a premade scene or build your own using Spoke.

Note: Only Featured Scenes have been tested for performance across devices.

Change the Scene

When you create or join a room a scene will already be selected. If you are a room moderator you can browse the available scenes and choose one to change how the room looks.

Note: You must be a room moderator and signed in to change a room's scene.
  1. Click on the HubsMoreIcon icon in the bottom right corner.
  2. Under Room select Room Info and Settings.
  3. Click on the Change Scene button.
  4. Select one of the premade scenes.

If you have a Hubs account you can save your favorite scenes to My Scenes for quick access. Click the copy icon to from the scene selection screen to save a scene.


Create Scene with Spoke

You can also create your own custom scene using Spoke our scene creation tool. In Spoke, you can either create a new project, remix an existing Hubs scene, or import a Spoke project someone sends you.

Learn more about how to Get Started with Spoke.

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