I forgot my Mozilla account password and I can't sign in to the Hubs dashboard

Hubs Hubs Last updated: 10/23/2023
Bu makaleyi çevirmeye henüz kimse yardımcı olmadı. SUMO'da nasıl çeviri yapıldığını zaten biliyorsanız hemen çevirmeye başlayabilirsiniz. SUMO'daki makaleleri nasıl çevireceğinizi öğrenmek isterseniz buradan başlayabilirsiniz.

If you’ve forgotten your Mozilla account password, reset it to a new password, then sign in to Hubs with your new password.

Note: You may lose some of your synced browsing information if you reset your password without recovery keys. We will be able to recover your payment information but not your browsing information, bookmarks, and logins.

Reset your Mozilla account

Any data you have on the server will be erased when you reset your password (unless you use recovery keys). Your other devices will stop synchronizing unless you update them with the new password.

  1. Visit the Hubs dashboard.
  2. Enter your Mozilla account email address and click Register or Sign in.
  3. Click Forgot password?
  4. Enter the email address associated with your Mozilla account. Firefox will send you a reset email.
  5. Follow the instructions received in your email to change your password.
  6. After signing in with your new password, remember to update your password on each of your synced devices.
  7. Once you’ve changed your password, sign in to Hubs with your new password.

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