How do I request a refund for Hubs

Hubs Hubs Viimati uuendatud: 10/30/2023
Keegi pole seda teemat veel tõlkinud. Kui sa juba tead, kuidas SUMO tõlkimine käib, siis alusta kohe tõlkimist. Kui soovid SUMO teemade tõlkimist õppida, siis palun alusta siit.

A Hubs subscription currently comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. To request a refund follow the steps below:

  1. Please fill out this support form to request a refund (you may need to log in with your Mozilla account to be able to submit the support form).
  2. Under What do you need help with?, select Payments & Billing.
  3. Enter Refund Request in the Subject field.
  4. Click Submit.

Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

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