How can I contact support for Hubs?

Hubs Hubs Last updated: 10 luni, 2 săptămâni ago 6% of users voted this helpful
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Hubs Docs

Manage your Hub's content effectively by referring to the Hubs Docs. This documentation covers essential topics related to setting up and configuring your Hubs environment. Access the documentation here.

Hubs YouTube

Explore our curated playlist of Hubs tutorials on our official YouTube channel. These tutorials provide step-by-step guidance on using various features and functionalities of Hubs. Access the playlist here.

Email support

Contact our support team directly via email for any inquiries or specific questions you may have. Reach us at and we will promptly assist you.

Discord forum and community support

Engage with our vibrant Hubs Community on our public Discord support forum. Ask questions, seek guidance, and connect with fellow Hubs users. For questions about your Hubs subscription, please create a post in the #Subscription-Help board. Join the community by following this invitation link.

Account, billing and payments

Fill out this support form and click Submit. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


We value your opinion! Share your thoughts, suggestions, and feedback about Hubs by visiting our feedback platform. Your input helps us improve the product and provide a better user experience. Rest assured that your personal information will never be shared. Visit the feedback platform by clicking here.

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