Force enable zoom in Firefox for Android Beta

Acest articol nu mai este întreținut, astfel că poate avea conținut expirat.

This article applies only to an experimental version of Firefox for Android (Beta/Nightly formerly called Firefox Preview) that's no longer supported. Please download the supported version of Firefox for Android at the Google Play store

With Firefox Preview, you’ll always have the ability to zoom in when accessing various websites. You can use the + sign that displays at the bottom of every website within Firefox Preview to zoom in if necessary.

You can also enable the zoom setting by doing the following, which gives you the ability to zoom in while viewing any website within Firefox Preview even if the website has limited zoom accessibility:

  1. Tap the menu button. Settings icon - address bar - Fenix

  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Tap Accessibility from the Basics section.
  4. Tap the Zoom on all websites toggle on.

For additional information about other accessibility features within Firefox Preview, see View articles in reader mode in Firefox Preview.

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