Configuration Options for Receiving Messages

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This page describes Thunderbird's configuration options for receiving messages.

Specify where attachments are saved

Menu location: Thunderbird > PreferencesTools > OptionsEdit > Preferences > Attachments

Configure what happens when I click on attachments

Menu location: Thunderbird > PreferencesTools > OptionsEdit > Preferences > Attachments

Specify the default character encodings for sending and receiving messages

Menu location: Thunderbird > PreferencesTools > OptionsEdit > Preferences > Display > Formatting - Advanced button

Configure alerts for new messages

Menu location: Thunderbird > PreferencesTools > OptionsEdit > Preferences > General

Configure what happens when a message asks for a return receipt (all messages)

Menu location: Thunderbird > PreferencesTools > OptionsEdit > Preferences > Advanced > General

Configure what Thunderbird should do with return receipts (all messages)

Menu location: Thunderbird > PreferencesTools > OptionsEdit > Preferences > Advanced > General

Configure what happens when a message asks for a return receipt (specific account)

Menu location: ToolsEdit > Account Settings > account name > Return Receipts

Configure what Thunderbird should do with return receipts (specific account)

Menu location: ToolsEdit > Account Settings > account name > Return Receipts

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