Showing questions tagged: اعرض كل الأسئلة

Mozilla Foxfire

Your ads are all over my computer even in programs that are not yours. This is very intrusive and annoying. No one is going to look at these and one has to get rid of th… (read more)

Your ads are all over my computer even in programs that are not yours. This is very intrusive and annoying. No one is going to look at these and one has to get rid of them to continue using other programs.

How do I stop these ads from coming on my computer?


Asked by Lee Wick 4 months ago

Last reply by James 4 months ago

  • حُلّت
  • Locked

Two versions of Mozilla Firefox are installed on my PC.

Today I realized that I have installed two (2) versions of Mozilla Firefox on my Laptop PC which I rarely use. Both editions are 64-bit type but one is version 109.0.1 (… (read more)

Today I realized that I have installed two (2) versions of Mozilla Firefox on my Laptop PC which I rarely use.

Both editions are 64-bit type but one is version 109.0.1 (11/04/2023) in

C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox and the other is version 128.0.3 (28/07/2024) in C:\Program Files (x86)/Mozilla Firefox.

I suppose it is illegal to have two versions of the same App., so the question is how can I delete the old version (109.0.1) without affecting or damaging the new version (128.0.3)?


Asked by rogergr311049 4 months ago

Answered by rogergr311049 4 months ago

Copy bookmark bar from one computer to the other?

Got a new computer. Exported and imported bookmarks. However, that did not copy over my bookmark bar. Is there a way to get it to copy or do I have to recreate it? … (read more)

Got a new computer. Exported and imported bookmarks. However, that did not copy over my bookmark bar. Is there a way to get it to copy or do I have to recreate it?

Asked by ithinktfiam 4 months ago

Last reply by cor-el 4 months ago

Site Accessibility Issues

Dear Mozilla Support Team, I am experiencing intermittent issues with my site not opening correctly. Could you please check and assist with resolving this problem? The s… (read more)

Dear Mozilla Support Team,

I am experiencing intermittent issues with my site not opening correctly. Could you please check and assist with resolving this problem? The site is Prayer Times Calgary.

Thank you for your assistance

Asked by Prayertimecanada 4 months ago

Last reply by cor-el 4 months ago

How to delete a suggested email contact from "share" tab.

I can't seem to figure this out on my own so i'm hoping someone here can help. I have some unwanted emails showing up as suggested when i right click on a browser tab a… (read more)

I can't seem to figure this out on my own so i'm hoping someone here can help.

I have some unwanted emails showing up as suggested when i right click on a browser tab and select "share" and i don't know how to find where they are saved on the browser to be able to delete them so they're no longer auto-suggested. Right clicking on the suggested email doesn't show any options and they are not saved in auto-fill either.

Havent tried deleting all cookies/history, but im not sure if that would help.. Anyone have any ideas?

Asked by AkiOda 4 months ago

Last reply by jonzn4SUSE 4 months ago

problem playing YouTube vids and audio from some sources

Have been using Firefox for many years with no issues , very happy. Recently i've just starting having trouble playing video on youtube and audio from some sources. wonde… (read more)

Have been using Firefox for many years with no issues , very happy. Recently i've just starting having trouble playing video on youtube and audio from some sources. wondering if there is a possible problem with the most recent update to vers. 128 as the timeframe seems to jive. when starting a youtube vid. i get a message saying if video doesn't play try restarting your computer. at first this seemed to work but has been getting progressively worse to where multiple restarts do not work. If i switch to a different browser , no problem , everything plays fine , however i do not want to switch permanently to a different browser. Prefer to continue with FireFox

Asked by Gary Tibbles 4 months ago

Last reply by jonzn4SUSE 4 months ago

  • المُؤرشفة

Error code: SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER when using vodafone mobile data provider phone hotspot.

This happens on other websites as well: Peer’s Certificate issuer is not recognized. HTTP Strict Transport Security: true HTTP Public Key Pi… (read more)

This happens on other websites as well:

Peer’s Certificate issuer is not recognized.

HTTP Strict Transport Security: true HTTP Public Key Pinning: false

Certificate chain:




MIID3DCCAsSgAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADB/MQswCQYDVQQGEwJFUzEP MA0GA1UECAwGTWFkcmlkMQ8wDQYDVQQHDAZNYWRyaWQxDjAMBgNVBAoMBUFsbG90 MQ4wDAYDVQQLDAVBbGxvdDEuMCwGA1UEAwwlYWxsb3QuY29tL2VtYWlsQWRkcmVz cz1pbmZvQGFsbG90LmNvbTAeFw0xNjEyMTYxMzA3NDlaFw0yNjEyMTYxMzA3NDla MH8xCzAJBgNVBAYTAkVTMQ8wDQYDVQQIDAZNYWRyaWQxDzANBgNVBAcMBk1hZHJp ZDEOMAwGA1UECgwFQWxsb3QxDjAMBgNVBAsMBUFsbG90MS4wLAYDVQQDDCVhbGxv dC5jb20vZW1haWxBZGRyZXNzPWluZm9AYWxsb3QuY29tMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0B AQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAtckdwPaklW7lAUz/jjFnePUeGNG0w9E1ajLq4UZO vol1ESRdiVXJhj43/4NtvFGiw0ujDwh8K5xErtaXx+W+Lk0yw2uXATBtdvr3pdDj cxNjUVYl6iis0lxgKff02fsLHdLvy9hJX08wsBF6NKW9YetM6WznDsWztucfg8a1 QaUxFzwHxKjTaV9+RO1zosUgU6RIZwBJrXnyJPeMdbDeS7+WXIAQT1WlficRckAw 4VX7l90AVXzng+Kf+SErsD0DtOiMS/nawa/0tW6whd6zmSaCtPJg37EBp3BQkpdn RvRCsG9h1aWkBUdFNb0mNbnHDP0dmWrDZEFKNmpeC6LmkQIDAQABo2MwYTAOBgNV HQ8BAf8EBAMCAQYwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUqLwqHQ0a0mcp ebqXCx9QL1ibqvcwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUqLwqHQ0a0mcpebqXCx9QL1ibqvcwDQYJ KoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAHJsGkbv+mGhMHfc5z1UZGsH0rkV0U+tl/6hwutyMHPO tvHCwK30keSqiIz8E0grwkMAiS4Ir1w52hfJB0JndxWv1rBTk5gA5ASruhsNKcgv hDgfuVBwSw7ILX9wkl5J2Eu/ew3TRB8lDO7XX4DF0p2L1DyZl+r0HSB9NgQH4kI7 HSxW0oo34bu+S/u3ycMZ1RjjzzVKtI5S6ydVz2qKVqhuSwuFJnndoKjrzMphwraN cKSTLyIj77FK1IUtiivprXk15/lrlnoK+zIlrCzR/Yl5pBYDjb1VhTLUBzm8uNV/ dlYQqPygZFfK8Al/p1grILXWUHmdOaUX+AoWlitKDJo=


Can you help?

Asked by Gregory Laycock Hammond 7 months ago

Last reply by Gregory Laycock Hammond 7 months ago

captive portal detection

captive portal detection has gone crazy - suddenly is popping up almost every time i go to a new site from my home pc on a secure att network ; it even pops up when … (read more)

captive portal detection has gone crazy - suddenly is popping up almost every time i go to a new site from my home pc on a secure att network ; it even pops up when i am already logged into a site & go to a new page; if this is a "feature" - tell me how to make it go away

Asked by emoze 4 months ago

Last reply by cor-el 4 months ago