Kukhonjiswa imibuzo ethegiwe: Veza yonke imibuzo

language issue

Hi There has been a change in the settings of Firefox on my android smartphone. Now it is in Arabic and I have no idea where I can modify this. Thanks for your help … (funda kabanzi)

Hi There has been a change in the settings of Firefox on my android smartphone. Now it is in Arabic and I have no idea where I can modify this. Thanks for your help

Asked by hdebreb 1 isonto elidlule

Last reply by jbc.zycrt 1 isonto elidlule


الي فريق عمل فايرفوكس العزيز ارسل شكوي بخصوص الترجمة علي ان البرنامج نسخة اندرويد لا يدعم الترجمة ل اللغة العربية ارجو حل هذا المشكلة في اسرع وقت ممكن

Asked by ابن مصر 1 inyanga edlule

Last reply by Mike Kaply 1 inyanga edlule