- Kusonjululiwe
- Okugcinwe kunqolobane
Dark mode not working
Hi, I've just changed my phone & PC. on my phone (Realme 13pro+ on Android 14) Dark mode isn't working on most websites. I have glaucoma so it's very difficult for me… (funda kabanzi)
Hi, I've just changed my phone & PC. on my phone (Realme 13pro+ on Android 14) Dark mode isn't working on most websites. I have glaucoma so it's very difficult for me to endure white backgrounds. I've checked on my old phone & the same sites are dark as they should be. I've tried 'Dark' & 'Follow system dettings" but neither work. on my new laptop, Dark mode works, but is preceded by a horrible flash of full brightness before it goes dark, which is really bad for my eyes!
Any help appreciated. Rich in UK