Kukhonjiswa imibuzo ethegiwe: Veza yonke imibuzo

Can I create a bookmark for Help->About Firefox?

I know it takes just two mouse clicks to open the About dialog, but I'd like to bookmark it so when I check my daily bookmarks by right-clicking a folder and clicking "Op… (funda kabanzi)

I know it takes just two mouse clicks to open the About dialog, but I'd like to bookmark it so when I check my daily bookmarks by right-clicking a folder and clicking "Open All Bookmarks", it would be displayed. This would be a convenient, albeit forceful, way to keep Firefox up-to-date. The About dialog isn't modal, so that shouldn't be an issue.

Asked by ForceRs 1 inyanga edlule

Last reply by TechHorse 1 inyanga edlule

Disabling GPU process fixes stuttering on external display on dual-GPU Optimus laptop

My configuration is the following: Windows 11, internal display connected to iGPU and external UHD display to nvidia-HDMI port, multiple firefox windows are opened (1 one… (funda kabanzi)

My configuration is the following: Windows 11, internal display connected to iGPU and external UHD display to nvidia-HDMI port, multiple firefox windows are opened (1 one the internal screen, 2 on the external).

Then in Windows->Settings->GPU I can select firefox to run on either iGPU (powersaving) or on Nvidia GPU (max perf), the problem is the following: Whenever I set firefox running on iGPU, there would be a massive stuttering/framedrop on an external display (connected to NVIDIA), while a perfectly smooth browsing on internal display, and vice versa.

My first attempt was to disable webrenderer compositor or switching it to a software rendering, which fixes the heavy stuttering, but the scrolling becomes overall less fluid/responsive.

However, setting "layers.gpu-process.enabled" to "false" seemingly solves this problem completely. Now I have a perfectly smooth scrolling on both displays, regardless of which GPU is used in Windows->Settings->GPU (nvidia's is arguably a little but more responsive).

Hope this helps someone, or maybe dev team could look deeper into this.

Thank you for the great browser!

Asked by Alexey Samosyuk 1 inyanga edlule

Last reply by Alexey Samosyuk 1 inyanga edlule

Want to download PDF documents into Google Drive

Using Firefox, I would like to download PDF documents that are online directly to a Google Drive folder. Is that possible with Firefox? Thanks in advance for a response! … (funda kabanzi)

Using Firefox, I would like to download PDF documents that are online directly to a Google Drive folder. Is that possible with Firefox? Thanks in advance for a response!

Asked by mitch32 1 inyanga edlule

Ho do I get access to all hompages with firefox, including unsafe pages as I do not want to change all the time the browser for getting access to some old hardware or some old pages.

How do I get access to a page that is unsafe if I want it. As I do service a lot of old machines and it is anoying that I have to use all the time a different browser bec… (funda kabanzi)

How do I get access to a page that is unsafe if I want it. As I do service a lot of old machines and it is anoying that I have to use all the time a different browser because of not getting thrue to the page if it is for example only http:// and has not Cert.

This anoying feature is very bad as it is destroying the usage reason of firefox.

Asked by AMBFilm Ton 1 inyanga edlule

Last reply by cor-el 1 inyanga edlule

capture entire web page

i am trying to find out how to capture an entire web page. Appparently Edge provides such an option with a camera icon. How can i do a similar function in Firefox. Are th… (funda kabanzi)

i am trying to find out how to capture an entire web page. Appparently Edge provides such an option with a camera icon. How can i do a similar function in Firefox. Are there add-ons perhaps?

Asked by John 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by cor-el 2 izinyanga ezidlule

More upgrades apache code

Need help some one trying to make look crazy .there using there knowledge for there own evil ways.so please help thanks. … (funda kabanzi)

Need help some one trying to make look crazy .there using there knowledge for there own evil ways.so please help thanks.

Asked by Douglas 1 inyanga edlule

Here's working C# source code to open and arrange 3 Firefox browsers on a 4K monitor wtih Windows

modify to suit your tastes or improve it? working now without any known issues. using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; name… (funda kabanzi)

modify to suit your tastes or improve it? working now without any known issues.

using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text;

namespace FirefoxWindowPositioner {

   class Program {
       [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
       private static extern bool MoveWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int X, int Y, int nWidth, int nHeight, bool bRepaint);
       [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
       private static extern bool EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc lpEnumFunc, IntPtr lParam);
       [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
       private static extern uint GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd, out uint lpdwProcessId);
       [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
       private static extern bool IsWindowVisible(IntPtr hWnd);
       [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
       private static extern IntPtr GetWindow(IntPtr hWnd, uint uCmd);
       [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
       private static extern int GetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, StringBuilder lpString, int nMaxCount);
       [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
       private static extern int GetClassName(IntPtr hWnd, StringBuilder lpClassName, int nMaxCount);
       private const uint GW_OWNER = 4;
       private const int MaxRetries = 100;
       private const int SleepTime = 200;
       private const string ClassNameToFind = "MozillaWindowClass";
       private delegate bool EnumWindowsProc(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr lParam);
       private static IntPtr foundWindowHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
       private static bool EnumWindowsCallback(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr lParam) {
           uint processId;
           GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, out processId);
           if (IsWindowVisible(hWnd) && GetWindow(hWnd, GW_OWNER) == IntPtr.Zero) {
               StringBuilder className = new StringBuilder(256);
               GetClassName(hWnd, className, className.Capacity);
               if (className.ToString() == ClassNameToFind) {
                   foundWindowHandle = hWnd;
                   Console.WriteLine($"Found window handle {hWnd} for process ID {processId}");
                   return false; // Stop enumerating windows once the desired window is found
           return true; // Continue enumerating windows
       static void Main(string[] args) {
           string path = @"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe";
           // Define positions and sizes
           int[,] positions = new int[,]
               {0, 0, 1284, 2120},
               {1280, 0, 1284, 2120},
               {2560, 0, 1284, 2120}
           int initialDelay = 750; // Initial delay in milliseconds, 1000 worked
           int retryDelay = 200; // Delay between retries in milliseconds
           // Start three Firefox processes sequentially and move them to specified positions
           for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
               Process firefoxProcess = Process.Start(path);
               Thread.Sleep(initialDelay); // Wait for the process to initialize
               foundWindowHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
               int retries = 0;
               while (foundWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero && retries < MaxRetries) {
                   EnumWindows(EnumWindowsCallback, IntPtr.Zero);
                   if (foundWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero) {
                       Thread.Sleep(retryDelay); // Wait before retrying
               if (foundWindowHandle != IntPtr.Zero) {
                   bool success = MoveWindow(foundWindowHandle, positions[i, 0], positions[i, 1], positions[i, 2], positions[i, 3], true);
                   if (success) {
                       Console.WriteLine($"Moved window {i + 1} to X: {positions[i, 0]}, Y: {positions[i, 1]}, Width: {positions[i, 2]}, Height: {positions[i, 3]}");
                   } else {
                       Console.WriteLine($"Failed to move window {i + 1}");
               } else {
                   Console.WriteLine($"Failed to get handle for Firefox process {i + 1}");


Asked by FireFoxCustomWannabe 1 inyanga edlule


I have Yahoo.com as my email provider (Firefox is my internet provider). When I get emails I don't want, I move them to the Junk Email option BUT, it only deletes that sp… (funda kabanzi)

I have Yahoo.com as my email provider (Firefox is my internet provider). When I get emails I don't want, I move them to the Junk Email option BUT, it only deletes that specific email and does NOT keep it from being sent again (and they ARE, repeatedly). I contacted Yahoo and and all they do is send me to a website that will answer the question but sign me up for a monthly $46 to $55 fee. Any way known that I can solve my problem?

Asked by Anthony Antonowicz 1 inyanga edlule

Firefox screenshot feature: How to prevent clicking from affecting page content when taking screenshots?

Hi there, I've noticed that since a certain update (1 - 2 months ago?), when using the Firefox screenshot feature (that is, using Shift + Command/Ctrl + S), clicking on … (funda kabanzi)

Hi there,

I've noticed that since a certain update (1 - 2 months ago?), when using the Firefox screenshot feature (that is, using Shift + Command/Ctrl + S), clicking on webpage still has effect on the webpage itself: After pressing Shift + Command/Ctrl + S, so that the browser enters screenshot mode, I have to click on a certain area in order to orient the screenshot camera, then click somewhere again, in order to click the "Copy" or "Download" button when the screenshot is ready. If I remember right, these two click actions wouldn't influence the webpage itself at all in older versions of Firefox, because in the screenshot mode the interaction between webpage and mouse clicks was "blocked". However, this is not the case anymore. That means, the webpage could no more look like how it looked like at the moment I wanted to take the screenshot, due to the unblocked mouse click. Even though for most static pages it's not a big deal, for many dynamic pages like online games this is absolutely annoying. Any workaround?

Asked by Lutalli 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Browser Console

I want to programatically access the open tabs #document object by the Browser Console. I am in chrome://browser/content/browser.xhtml I fallow the docs in browser consol… (funda kabanzi)

I want to programatically access the open tabs #document object by the Browser Console. I am in chrome://browser/content/browser.xhtml I fallow the docs in browser console: https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/devtools-user/browser_console/index.html

Following the code: var newTabBrowser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(gBrowser.selectedTab); newTabBrowser.addEventListener("load", function() {

newTabBrowser.contentDocument.body.innerHTML = "

this page has been eaten


}, true); newTabBrowser.contentDocument.location.href = "https://mozilla.org/";

.contentDocument is null except if current tab is a page such as page about:config

Is there a way to allow chrome:// tab to access read only of the tabs #documents property using the console?

I understand that accessing it with javascript from the browser console would be a security issue. I want to bypass it to read, analize and compare dynamic data from the open tabs.

Asked by Javier Munoz 1 inyanga edlule

Automatically download and save URL to File (like open Website in Firefox and save it there) - Java must work -

Hi I need to download Websites automatically via Batch exaktly like the Browser would save them via Strg+S. I used curl to do that and it worked fine for many years but… (funda kabanzi)


I need to download Websites automatically via Batch exaktly like the Browser would save them via Strg+S.

I used curl to do that and it worked fine for many years but now the Source-Website has changed and so curl is no longer able to get the content. The problem is that the URL / Website that the Browser downloads does not contain the information. This is loaded later by a java script.

So when I open the URL in the Browser and look at the Source-Code I can see something like

 <script src="/example.js"></script>

When I press Strg+S to save the website the whole site is saved, because the java script was executed by the Browser. Curl does not process java so it saves only the source code with the "<script src="/example.js"></script>"

Question is: How can I download the URL directly with the Java Script executed so that the informaion is included too ?

I hope anybody can answer that.

Thank you.

Asked by nicommander 1 inyanga edlule

Get rid of Easy Login browser hacker

bold text My firefox browser has somehow gotten the Easy Login browser hacker, and it is causing me numerous problems including; A. It's icon is blocking part of my fire… (funda kabanzi)

bold text My firefox browser has somehow gotten the Easy Login browser hacker, and it is causing me numerous problems including; A. It's icon is blocking part of my firefox screen; B. When I seek to go to an address, it opens a different address...

Asked by giilll 2 izinyanga ezidlule

Very strong overexposure on all videos

Hello, I faced such a problem as a very strong contrast on all videos, for example on Youtube. I used firefox 2 years ago and there was no such problem. I tried to reduce… (funda kabanzi)

Hello, I faced such a problem as a very strong contrast on all videos, for example on Youtube. I used firefox 2 years ago and there was no such problem. I tried to reduce the brightness and contrast in the monitor settings, but alas it did not help. Please help me solve the problem

Asked by Женёк 1 inyanga edlule

Need to hide "Browser is under remote control (Reason: Marionette)"

I am in need to develop Visual Studio Desktop Application for Windows, and open 1 website in InPrivate or incognito mode, that is achieve for Edge and Chrome browser and … (funda kabanzi)

I am in need to develop Visual Studio Desktop Application for Windows, and open 1 website in InPrivate or incognito mode, that is achieve for Edge and Chrome browser and able to hide "Browser is under remote control", but can't able to figure out parameter or settings to do that for Firefox browser.

I am using Firefox 128.0 (64-bit) and Selenium WebDriver 4.22.0, Selenium.WebDriver.GeckoDriver 0.34.0.

I opened https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/issues/2186, and thought that, maybe there is any settings of Mozilla Firefox (about:profile), so ask here also.

Need your expert advice.


Kamal Kiri

Asked by Kamal Kiri 1 inyanga edlule

  • Kusonjululiwe

When in a private window, How do you open a bookmark or link in a normal window?

If you are currently using a normal window then there are ways to open a bookmark or link in a private window. But if you are currently using a private window then how wo… (funda kabanzi)

If you are currently using a normal window then there are ways to open a bookmark or link in a private window. But if you are currently using a private window then how would you open a bookmark or link in a normal window?

I have tried several things including pressing shift+enter or choosing "Open in new Window" from the context menu, but this just opens the bookmark or link in a new private window.

My current method is to copy the address of the bookmark or link then paste it into the address bar of a normal window.

But is there a more direct method of opening bookmarks or links in a normal window, if currently in a private window?


Asked by TechHorse 1 inyanga edlule

Answered by cor-el 1 inyanga edlule