my firefox keeps crashing on my Mac
Unfortunately my firefox keeps crashing and not sure what to do
Unfortunately my firefox keeps crashing and not sure what to do
I want to turn off my VPN
I use Mozilla as my browser and my primary mail is through ATT. For the last week, I keep getting an error message that I may be having connectivity issues so I can't con… (funda kabanzi)
I use Mozilla as my browser and my primary mail is through ATT. For the last week, I keep getting an error message that I may be having connectivity issues so I can't connect to my mail and keep getting a logout. In the past, over time, I have to clear my cookies or I can't log in but clearing my cookies(everything) hasn't been working for about a week. It's not a network issue or with my account. I can access my ATT mail using a different browser- it's just not through Mozilla anymore. I can log into my ATT account through Mozilla, it just won't connect me to my mail.
This is the error message I get:
Something's gone wrong We may be having trouble with your connection. Connecting your device to Wi-Fi could help fix the issue or try again later. If you were using an app, close this page. Otherwise, start over.
how can solve this provlem
Internet speed
Speed internet